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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Harris and Walz: Hope and light will always win.

 For almost 10 years the USA has had to endure the antics of Donald J. Trump and his enablers and bases dark, dystopian visions.  We've had to endure a political party that has enabled and justified a malignant, narcissistic sociopath, and his actions.  We've had a religious group, the right wing Evangelicals, forcing their nasty, questionable morals and religion on the rest of us, telling us that we are wicked and terrible people that in no way live up to their righteousness, as they tell us that a malignant sociopath is their new savior and can do no wrong.  We've had horrible things happen and horrible people try to dismantle our nation and remake it into a utopia for those modern day puritans and their cohorts.  Instead of going into the future, they've tried to take us back to the Dark Ages.

In other words we've been in a toxic relationship that we've tried diligently to get out of.  We thought we got rid of Trump and his MAGA world when we elected President Joe Biden, but just like in many abusive relationships, they kept up their nonsense hoping we would give in and take them back.  There have been smear campaigns, lies and propaganda and flying monkeys all over the place.  For all intents and purposes much of the legal system has been on our abusers side and they've gotten away with lots of their actions.

And then, as often happens in the real world, something comes out of left field and completely changes the dynamics of the entire situation.  And that is what happened with President Biden deciding to not go after a second term and VP Harris becoming the Democratic Party Candidate.  President Biden was meant to get us through the difficult time after the end of the Trump regime, and he has done a fantastic job.  He made the bridge for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to take our nation into a new era.  

I keep hearing the right wing and their enablers in the media claiming that this is a "Honeymoon period", well sorry guys and gals of the right wing, this is not a honeymoon period.  This is all the actual patriots and righteous folks gearing for action with those who share our desire to see our nation flourish and help our nation achieve it's aspirations of hope, light, equality, prosperity and all the good and positive things that are part of our national destiny.  So buckle up MAGA and Trump and Vance, pull up your big people panties and get ready for those of us who live in reality and are tired of this toxic MAGA nonsense.  Remember, "We aren't going back!"

If you aren't registered to vote, do so now at  And if you are registered make sure to check your registration as many states are pulling nonsense and removing folks from the voters list.

Now let's get out there and vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, cause we aren't going back!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Operation Safe Homecoming. A Yule adventure.

 It was a week before Yule and Crone and her friends were chatting on their Crystal Balls and making Holiday plans when suddenly, popping into the middle of their conversation was Mrs. Claus looking worried.  "Crone, we've got a bit of a situation, somehow Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty have seemed to have disappeared!"

All of the friends' pets had been listening in on the conversation and they begin to be anxious and worried.  "Oh no!" meowed Baby.   

"Oh dear.  Is there anything we can do to help? “ asked Crone

"Just please be on standby in the next couple of days in case we need you to help.  We had a Nisser show up here a few days ago and he seems to be missing also.  I don't know what we're going to do!  As you know Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty always ride with Santa and take care of all the good dogs and cats.  I wanted to reach out to you and your friends and tell you the situation in case we need your help.  I've got to go now, presents to wrap and sewing to do.  We will keep you updated."  And with that Mrs Claus was gone.

The friends were all talking at once.  Their pets were anxiously pacing and making remarks.

"You gotta find Santa Puppy!”, "How can we help?", "I need a new catnip mouse!", "Do something momma!",   "What does Santa Puppy look like?", "What does Santa Kitty look like?”, "What's a Nisser?"

"Ok pets, don't worry, things will be ok." soothed Crone.

"Santa Kitty is a tabby Norwegian forest cat." Jennifer informed everyone.

"Santa Puppy is a black and white Husky with blue eyes."  said Luisa.

"A Nisser is a Nordic creature, similar to an elf or brownie that likes to live at farms and help protect the animals basically.  I can see why one would show up at Santa's place.  All those reindeer and other animals to watch over." replied Elouise.

"Well Crone, we better do some location spells and see if we can locate them." said Debra.

"I agree with Debra.  Start doing some research on spells and start slinging them. " Ron remarked.  "My fur babies are melting down!"

"Could this Nisser have taken them?  Maybe we should do some research on that." Elizabeth L questioned.

"Good idea Elizabeth L.  It could have even went to find them if something happened.  Assuming something happened that lured them off." remarked Elizabeth P.

"I think we need to split into groups.  One for research on spells, one for general research and one to make plans on how we can help." said Lyn.

And the friends began to make plans on who was going to be in what group.


Meanwhile back at the North Pole Mrs. Clause and Santa were having a time of it.  Mrs. Clause had informed the elves that if they didn't find Santa Puppy and Kitty soon, that 2 of the elves were going to have to put on costumes and pretend to be Santa Kitty and Puppy.  And that set the elves off into a hiss fit.  The elves were particularly high strung this time of year with the deadline for Yule rushing toward them.  And when Mrs. Clause started measuring them for costumes, there was a major meltdown.  “I’ve got enough to do without wearing a Santa Kitty costume!” screeched Jolly.    “I’m not wearing a Santa Puppy outfit!” yelled Merry.  The elves started chanting “Strike! Strike!”

“Oh dear!  sighed Mrs. Clause.  No one has to wear a costume.  I’ll get Crone and her friends up here.  Perhaps one of their pets can fill in.”

The elves stopped chanting and Merry stepped forward speaking for the rest of the elves.  “You better get right on that, because we ARE NOT wearing costumes!”  And all the elves begin to mutter among themselves.  “If they want Christmas to go as planned I’d find replacements right quick!”, “Dress up as Santa Puppy or Santa Kitty, indeed!”, “Should have thought of that begin with!”


“..So Crone, you can see Santa has a major situation on his hands.  In 3 days it will be the eve of Yule, and no sign of Santa Kitty or Santa Puppy!  Perhaps you and your friends can come up and investigate or have some of your pets fill in for Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty.”

“We’ll be there soon Mrs. Claus.  We’ve been researching and have come up with some plans.  And if we don’t find them in time, some of the pets can fill in.  Now stop worrying.” Crone said.  “We’ll call you when we are on the way.”

Crone called her friends on the Crystal Ball.  Once everyone had joined in the conversation Crone informed them of her conversation with Mrs. Claus.  “Ok, so I guess we will go up and investigate.  Storm can always fill in for Santa Puppy, does anyone’s cat look close to Santa Kitty?

“Well Crone, Baby and Angel don’t.” answered Tena.  “I know they helped Ron last year when he had to fill in, they can always help in the sleigh.”

“Help, yeah, they can do that, uh huh.” Ron sighed.  

“Sorry Crone, Pookie and Lucy don’t fit the description.” Elouise informed Crone.

“Boo and Pepper don’t fit the description of Santa Kitty either.”  said Cindy.

“I can bring Bernie my hen, sorry.” remarked Elizabeth L.

“My cats aren’t interested in going Crone but Jewel my new Unicorn and Pegysue will go.” stated Elizabeth P.

“Glad Storm will do it, because Mocha is a Chihuahua and Penny is a terrier.” stated Luisa.

“Sad to say Signe, Hagbard and Gurly don’t look the part either, but will be going.” Susan informed Crone.

“Crone, what about one of your cat colony?  Didn’t you say some of them were tabbies?” asked Jennifer.

“You know what Jennifer, Socks is a Tabby, and huge.  Great idea, I’ll see if he will do it.”  answered Crone.  “Ok I’ll have Mem get the broom bus ready, be here before nightfall and we’ll head for the North Pole!”


Crone and her friends and their pets had just lifted off for the North Pole.  Jurni was riding on her dragon Kam.  Going on the trip were Janice and Debra, Ron and Tena and their kitties Angel and Baby, Elizabeth L with Bernie the Hen, Elizabeth P with Pegysue and her new unicorn Jewel, Elouise with Pookie and Lucy her cats, Luisa with her dogs Mocha and Penny, Jennifer and Lyn, Susan with her cats Signe, Hagbard and Gurly and Cindy with her 2 cats Boo and Pepper.  And Crone of course with Mem, Storm, and 3 of her cats from her former feral cat colony, Jonathan and Sam and of course, Socks.  “Lyn will you call Mrs. Clause and tell her we are on the way?” asked Crone.

“Crone, Socks is a big boy! So glad he agreed to come.” remarked Debra.

“Socks IS a big boy.  When I explained what was going on he agreed to come, and Jonathan and Sam came because they are loyal kitties.”

“Gotta keep Crone safe.” meowed Jonathan.  “That’s why Sam and I came.”

“So Crone, we’ll let the doggies and kitties and Bernie chat to the local animals.  Pegysue and Jewel can talk to the local wildlife and we’ll see if any of them know anything.” stated Jennifer.

“Oh Angel and Baby are good at ferreting out information!” remarked Ron.

“Want to find Santa Kitty.  I need a new jingle ball.” said Angel.

“Looks like we’ll be there in about 2 minutes Crone.  I can see the Reindeer from here.” stated Jurni.

Soon the broom bus was landing and Santa and Mrs. Claus were meeting them.

“Thank the Goddess Crone you and your friends came.  We need help.”  Sighed Santa.

“Well we are here to help, and we’ve got fill ins if need be.  Storm has agreed to be Santa Puppy, and this is Socks, who will help as Santa Kitty if we need him.” Crone informed Santa and Mrs. Clause.

“And the rest of the pets and us will look for information Santa.” stated Susan.

“Excellent.  But first how about coming in and having a snack to warm you up?” suggested Mrs. Claus


Everyone had finished their hot chocolate or pet friendly snack and headed out to investigate.  Bernie the hen was the first to report back.  She flew onto Elizabeth L.’s shoulder and proceeded to cluck in her ear what she had found out. 

“Bernie says the rest of the hens agree that there was a Nisser here, but claim he only stopped in to talk to Santa Kitty.” reported Elizabeth L.

Then Mocha and Penny came back and hurried over to Luisa and started yapping their news to her.  Luisa turned to the group and told them what Penny and Mocha had found out.  “Apparently Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty are good friends and generally hang out together.  The local doggies claim that if Santa Kitty went somewhere that Santa Puppy would probably go with him.”

The cat brigade soon showed up.  Mem, Sam, Jonathan, Baby, Angel, Pookie, Lucy, Boo, Pepper, Signe, Hagbard, and Gurly had returned from the reindeer stables and other farm animal hangouts and had lots to report.  They each hurried over to their human and reported what they had found out.

“Mem, Sam and Jonathan say that there was talk about somebody named Grýla.” said Crone.

“Who is Grýla?” pretty much everyone asked at the same time.

Grýla is a troll wife that lives up in the mountains with her lazy husband and bunch of sons and her animals.  Nowadays around Yule time she punishes naughty children.” replied Debra.

Next up was Tena with Angel and Baby’s report. “The girls overheard talk about a bunch of boys that pull tricks around Yule.”

“I wonder if that is the same bunch that Lucy and Boo heard about?  Wonder if they are called the 13 Yule lads?” asked Cindy.

And there were questions on who the Yule lads were.

“The 13 Yule lads are the 13 naughty sons of Grýla who around Yule take turns pulling naughty tricks throughout the villages and towns.” replied Jennifer.

It was now Elouise’s turn up reporting on what Pookie and Lucy had heard.  “Talk was there was talk about the Yule Cat, whoever that is?  Could that be another name for Santa Kitty.?”

“No.” answered Lyn.  “The Yule Cat, is the pet of Grýla, who goes around and attacks those who don’t have on new clothes for Yule.”

“Well, I guess this is going to be another part of the puzzle, and perhaps the answer,” said Susan, “Hagbard, Signe and Gurly report that the Nisser wanted Santa Kitty to bring the Yule Cat some presents, and he and Santa Puppy went off with the Nisser.”

Everyone started talking at once.  “There it is!”, “Now we know.”, “Now what do we do?”

Just then Jurni and Kam, and Elizabeth P, and Pegysue landed just as Jewel the Unicorn came galloping in.

“We saw tracks of what we think are Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty.” said Jurni.

“And apparently of the Nisser.” commented Elizabeth P.  Jewel went up to Elizabeth and nickered into her ear.  After a few minutes Elizabeth turned to the group and told them what Jewel had told her.  “Jewel talked to quite a few local creatures and an Artic Fox told him he saw Santa Puppy, and Santa Kitty traveling with the Nisser.  And the fox told him he heard them talking about traveling to Grýla’s cave to see the Yule cat.”

“Well, it looks like we gotta go bring them home.” commented Crone.  “Operation Safe Homecoming is now in effect.  Let’s organize!”


“Alright, we’re down to 2 days before Yule.  Storm will be staying here in case we don’t make it back in time, and Penny and Mocha will be staying to help him.  Socks will also be staying as will Baby and Angel to help him.  I’ve slung some spells as Ron calls it.  So what plan have we got?” asked Crone.

“Elizabeth P and I will do aerial reconnaissance.” stated Jurni.

“And Jewel will scout ahead.” added Elizabeth P.

“We’ll have you and Mem, Jonathan and Sam out in front, with Jennifer, Debra, Ron and Tena following you,” said Janice.

“Behind them will be Cindy with Boo and Pepper and Elouise with Pookie and Lucy, followed by me.” Lyn continued.

“Then Janice and Elizabeth L with Bernie, and Luisa, and last me with Signe, Hagbard and Gurly.” added Susan.

“And we go on the hunt to find Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty.” stated Debra.

“And I hope Elouise has some hot chocolate!” and Janice laughed.

“Let’s move out troops!  Enough talking!!” Mem ordered.

And the friends were off on Operation Safe Homecoming.


Back at Santa’s Storm and Mocha, Penny, and Socks were patiently standing still as Mrs. Claus checked the fit of their outfits.  Baby was driving everyone crazy handing out advice on how she thought Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty should act.  “Now remember Storm, you are Santa Puppy.  You have to look dignified.  And Socks, you need to puff your chest out and not your tail…”  And on and on she went.  Finally Angel her sister walked over to a bench grabbed a Santa Hat and stuck it on Angel’s head.  “Gee sister, with your big head, I thought for sure it would fit!” and finally Baby shut up as she was busy trying to get out of the hat!


The friends had walked for miles and miles.  Every so often they would take a rest break and Jurni and Elizabeth would land also as Poor Kam and Pegysue needed a break.  Jewel the Unicorn had talked to an Artic Hare who told him that there was a fresh lake about 6 miles ahead.  Everyone was happy to hear that as everyone was tired and jumpy.  Mem who should have been a drill sergeant in the army was pushing everyone as fast as he could.  Jonathan and Sam were taking their job of protecting Crone serious and were ready for a nap as was Boo, Pepper, Lucy, Pookie, Signe, Hagbard and Gurly.  Bernie the hen had been smart and taken turns riding on everyone’s shoulders.  

“You need to hurry up if you want to get to the North Pole Lake and have a snack.” Mem told everyone.

“He is one bossy cat!” whined Jonathan. 

“I need a rest, I didn’t realize I was this out of shape!” complained Signe.

“I hope we find Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty soon!” commented Boo.

Everyone was getting ready to go on when Tena pointed and asked “Is that a rainbow?”

Everyone looked.  “Yep that’s a rainbow” answered Ron.

The rainbow moved closer to them and suddenly standing in front of them was Jennifer’s dog Chloe who had crossed the rainbow bridge some months before, and then Ron cried out “Is that Snowball?” for standing next to Chloe was Ron an Tena’s cat Snowball who had also crossed the rainbow bridge, and then a black cat appeared and Crone exclaimed “It’s Salem!”.  Salem had also crossed the rainbow bridge a few months before.  Jonathan and Sam were excited and danced around meowing happily to see Salem.  

Chloe looked at Jennifer and spoke, “I am healthy and well, and I miss you.  Know that I love you and watch over you.”

Snowball looked at Ron and Tena and expressed her love for them.  “ and I miss you and my sisters, but I am healthy now.  I will always watch out for all of you.”

Salem looked at Crone, Jonathan and Sam and verbalized his love for them.  “ I miss you all.  Give my love to the rest of the colony.  I will always watch over you all.”

And then with one voice they said “You must hurry to the lake, the Nisser has fallen in and Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty are trying to pull him out.  He was bringing them back when he fell through the ice.  If you go that way, a fox will show you a short cut.”  And they turned and started walking back up the rainbow which disappeared as quick as it had appeared.

“Let’s hurry!” and Crone cast a spell to speed everyone up and make them feel refreshed.  Jurni and Elizabeth P took to the air as Jewel hurried ahead to find the fox. Soon they were making rapid progress with the shortcut that fox had showed them.  They arrived at the lake to find Elizabeth P and Jurni already there and on the bank.

“I don’t think the ice will hold either of us or Kam or Pegysue.” stated Elizabeth P.

“Now what do we do?” asked Lyn.

“Hang on a little bit longer, we will save you.” yelled Cindy.

“I’ve got a plan.” said Mem.  “Pegysue you need to shrink down, Bernie we need you too.  The two of you will lift the Nisser up, Boo and Pepper will grab his clothes and start pulling him back.  Then the two of you, Pegy and Bernie will check and make sure the ice is safe for Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty to cross back to the bank on that side where Jurni and Kam can pick them up and fly them over here.  The rest of us cats will help Boo and Pepper pull the Nisser back here and you humans will be ready to grab anyone that needs grabbed.  When they get him close to the bank, humans grab him and the cats.”

Very slowly Boo, Pepper,and and then Jonathan crept over the ice.  As they got closer, Bernie and Pegysue hovered over the Nisser.  As they grabbed him, Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty let go.  When Bernie and Pegysue had him a good bit above the water, Boo and Pepper grabbed him and started dragging him back where Jonathan grabbed on.  Slowly they pulled him.  Bernie and Pegysue gave the all clear to Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty that it was safe for them to cross back the way they had come.  Jurni and Kam sprang into action and met them on the bank where they were lifted onto Kam’s back and given a ride back to the other side of the lake where Crone and her friends were.   All of the kitties had joined in pulling the Nisser to the bank where hewas safely lifted onto the bank by the humans as were the cats.

Everyone was shivering from all the adrenalin flowing, or being in the water as was the case of the Nisser.  

“Quick, everyone find some twigs or branches and bring them quick.  Kam you catch the wood on fire.” ordered Mem.

Very soon there was a nice little fire burning and Crone had done a spell to dry the Nisser and warm everyone up.  So there they set having a little snack and some hot tea.  Everyone was trying to calm down from all the excitement and chatting and all the pets including Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty were taking a well-deserved short nap. 

Suddenly they heard sleigh bells coming close to them.  And there coming through the thicket was a huge sleigh and a small sleigh.  And pulling the sleighs were snow white reindeer!  Driving the large sleigh was a beautiful woman and driving the smaller sleigh was the Holly King!

“Greetings mortals, I am Khione, the Nymph of Snow, Ice and Hail.  I’ve come to take you back to Santa’s.” the beautiful woman informed them.  We’ll be there in a twinkle of a star.”

Everyone returned her greetings and then the Holly King spoke, “Greetings children, you’ve done a wonderful job!  And I shall return the Nisser to his home and have a bit of a talk with him, and with Grýla, The Thirteen Yule lads and the Yule Cat.  Jurni my friend, you and Kam close your eyes, count to three and when you open your eyes, you’ll be back at Santa’s.  Elizabeth P, the choice is yours, will you and Pegysue ride with Khione or be transported?”

“I, um, ah, believe we’ll ride with Khione your majesty.  Thank you.” stuttered Elizabeth as Pegysue shrunk down to her miniature size.

“Excellent, excellent.  Jewel, close your eyes, beautiful one and when you open them, you’ll be back at Santa’s.”

And suddenly Jurni and Kam and Jewel had vanished.  Everyone had finished getting into the sleigh and Khione waved her hand and the fire Kam had started went out.  With a “Goodbye, and have a Merry Yule” the Holly King and the Nisser were off.  In a few seconds more, Crone, all of the pets, her friends and Santa Puppy and Santa Kitty found themselves gliding as fast as could be over the snow.  In a few blinks of the eyes they found themselves back at Santa’s.  As they turned to thank Khione, she waved her hand goodbye at them and said “No thanks are necessary.  Merry Yule everyone!”  and off she and her sleigh went at a rapid clip and soon disappeared from sight.

Santa and Mrs. Claus and Storm, Socks, Mocha, Penny, Baby and Angel came rushing out to greet them all.  Everyone begin to talk at once.  “Oh you found them!”,   “We’ve got so much to tell you!”  “Thank goodness you’re back!”  And Mrs. Claus hurried them inside.  “You can tell us all about it as we eat a nice meal and relax.”


 George the broom bus was getting ready for the trip back home.  Jurni and Kam were ready and Kam had the biggest Christmas stocking laying across his back, and a smaller one for Jurni.  Elizabeth P and Pegysue had decided to ride the broom bus instead of flying on their own, and Jewel would gallop the magic on the trip home.  Everyone including the pets were on the broom bus.  All the pets and the humans had Christmas stockings.  Santa walked over and said “We’ll never forget the help you’ve given us.  A little reward will be a bit of magic dust to get everyone to Crone’s house in 2 shakes of a lamb’s tail.  Thank you!!” and he sprinkled dust on Kam and Jurni, Jewel and the broom bus and everyone in it.  With a kaleidoscope of color the magic swirled around them and before they were done saying their goodbye’s they found themselves in front of Crone’s house.  The lights were on and warm and welcoming, and the door opened and out walked one of Santa’s elves, who said, “Inside you will find plenty of food and drink for all.”  And then the elf turned around 3 times and was gone.

Crone and all her friends and all the pets were finishing up a much deserved feast.  Crone lifted her mug of hot chocolate and said, “A toast to a job well done by all the pets” and everyone cheered.  “And Merry Yule and Happy Holidays to all!” everyone said.

Merry Yule to all!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Samhain adventures in Grim County.

 “Angela and Monica are up to something. They’ve been acting very strange every time I see them.” remarked Kelly.

“How can you tell? I mean, they’re always strange if you ask me.” replied Cerri.
“And whatever they’re up to Monique is on it too. They’re skulking around, whispering and staring at everyone.” said Kelly.
“You know, now that you mention it, they are acting weird. Angela said to me the other day that they were going to surprise all of us because they are the charmed ones.” mentioned Stacy.
“Whatever that means.” and Rhiannon rolled her eyes.
“Samhain is coming up; maybe we should keep an eye on them. Are we going to invite Crone and her gang to the celebration? If so, you better get in touch with them soon.” and Tracy reached for another muffin.
“Yes, and maybe we’ll have them come early because they seem to be able to solve problems pretty quickly, and my witchy instincts are screaming that Angela and her sisters are about to become a problem. I’ll send Crone an invite later today.” stated Rhiannon.
A few days later Crone’s crystal ball lit up with an incoming request from Cerri. Crone had been talking to her gang earlier about the Witches of Grim County and wondering why they hadn’t heard from them.
“Hey Crone so good to see you” gushed Cerri. “We were going to call you a few days ago but some crazy stuff has been going on and Rhiannon asked me to call you and see if you and your friends would like to come to the Samhain Party and if you would please come early because that Angela and her sisters are causing issues.”
“We were just talking about you all earlier” replied Crone. “Sure we’d love to come. I don’t know who all will be able to come right off hand but we’ll be there. Up to her old tricks huh? You need some help?”
“Yes, you and your friends seem to find answers rapidly, and right now we need to know what those girls are up too. They caused Hecate Cook to grow a beard and our brother Fox to lose 3 inches in height, and believe me my mother is ready to rip those girls apart. And just a bunch of other stuff. They call themselves the charmed ones, whatever that means.”
“Can we bring our pets? If so we will be able to come sooner, and help you solve your issues quicker” asked Crone.
“Feel free to bring them, and we hope to see you soon. Samhain is 2 days from now and we could use your help in solving this,” replied Cerri. “See you soon.”
“We’ll be there tomorrow, see you soon.”
Soon Crone had all of her friends on crystal call.
“The Witches of Grim County want us to come to the Samhain Celebration, we can bring our pets, and they want us to come a day early because Angela and her sisters are up to something and causing big time problems. They need our help. We’ll take the broom bus and who all wants to go?” stated Crone.
“Sign me up! And Angel and Baby, and Ron too.” said Tena.
“Me too!” Janice and Elouise both replied at the same time.
“Going, please” stated Sarah.
“Add me and my pet chicken Bernie please” replied Elizabeth L
“Wouldn’t miss it, going.” said Elizabeth P.
Added to that were Jennifer, Deb, Debra, Jurni, Elaine, Cindy, Susan, Lyn, Luisa and Tracy.
“Ok, so that’s 18 of us, plus pets. “ stated Crone.
Everybody yelled at one time “Broom Bus”
Crone laughed. “I was just going to say we’ll take George The Broom Bus. Except of course for Elaine who is taking Monty and flying on Shield and Jurni who will be on Kam. You all can fly here and we’ll leave here and head to Grim County. Bring an overnight bag. I will send George, Mem and Storm to pick all of you up while I am attending to things. Be ready before sunrise, and hopefully we can leave at Sunrise.”
Everyone agreed that was a good plan.
Later that evening Crone called Rhiannon to let her know when they would be there.
“Hi Rhiannon, we should arrive a few hours after sunrise. There will be 18 of us, and 2 dragons, 1 Pegasus, 1 chicken, 2 canines, and about 6 felines.” said Crone.
“Wonderful. We have room for all of you. We’ll put you up here in the hotel rooms above the Bar, we have been renovating them so we can have a Bed and Breakfast, and thankfully we have enough done for all of you if you don’t mind doubling up. Hopefully you all can figure out what Angela and her sisters are up too. We usually don’t worry about them magic wise as they never really paid attention in all of the Craft Classes, plus even though they have magic; theirs is along the lines of Sex Appeal, Lust, and Attractiveness. If they have any other they’ve never show it, and they really have never developed the magic they have. But suddenly they are running around apparently trying to cast spells, which thankfully don’t work correctly.” Rhiannon replied.
“Cerri told us something about Charm?” asked Crone”
Rhiannon sighed. “They keep saying something about being Charmed or some such nonsense.”
“We’ll figure it out. See you early tomorrow”
Sunrise was starting to peak over the horizon as Crone and friends got ready for liftoff.
“Is everyone strapped in and ready? Are the pets secured? Mem and Storm have informed me that we are going to go very, very fast this time. Jurni and Elaine that applies to you all too, apparently the spell will effect Kam and Shield also.“ Crone informed everyone.
Mem began the spell for George the Broom Bus as the countdown began.
“Takeoff in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6” and everyone chimed in “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” And ZOOM, ZIP, George took off like a rocket as Kam and Shield did also.
“Yeehaw!” yelled Ron as they went zipping by a commercial jet.
“Ron why are you yelling like a cowboy when you are dressed as Sherlock Holmes?” asked Lyn
Tena mumbled “Because he’s lost his mind. He even wanted me to wear a Dr. Watson outfit and I had to put my foot down, and gave him a big NO.”
“Because I am a cowboy Holmes. Because we are zooming right along and I felt like yelling.” replied Ron.
“OKKAAY” responded Lyn and Tena rolled her eyes.
Jurni and Elaine both were trying to say something but they were going so fast that the wind took most of the words away from the bus.
“This……blast. At this…….soon. “ yelled Jurni who was on the left side of the broom bus.
“Crone…….I…!” yelled Elaine who was on the right side of the broom bus.
“Crone, Cindy, Deb and Debra and I were talking and we think Angela and her sisters are calling themselves the Charmed ones.” said Jennifer
“Yes, you remember that TV show from the 90’s called Charmed, don’t you Crone?” asked Deb.
“If you remember there were 3 sisters who were supposed to be witches.” Debra said.
“Because those sisters called themselves or were known as the Charmed one.” stated Cindy.
“ETA is estimated to be 15 minutes Crone.” announced Luisa
“I think they’re on to something, it makes sense.” commented Tracy.
“I agree those girls seem the type to believe that fiction.” replied Sarah.
“So perhaps we should hunt them up and start making references to the show.” said Susan
“Good idea. We’ll act like we know all about the show.” stated Janice.
“Maybe throw in some Sabrina the Teenage Witch references too.” Commented Elouise.
“Well we have a plan that makes sense Crone. What do you think.” asked Elizabeth L
“It’s something to start with that seems to make sense” replied Crone.
“Oh good, now let’s make plans on what fun we are going to have, and what good food we are going to eat!” said Elizabeth P.
The friends had arrived and were now settling in after chatting with Rhiannon and her sisters. In a bit they had made plans to go to the bar and restaurant and have breakfast. Stacy and Tracy promised them a big breakfast and everyone was hungry.
Luisa laid her fork down. “I am completely stuffed. Thank you it was excellent.”
Pegysue, Shield and Kam had been lodged in the rear patio area and were finishing their breakfast, and the rest of the pets were eating theirs also. Monty and Storm had steak and the cats were finishing up their mixed buffet of tuna, fish and salmon.
“Are you done yet Ron?” asked Tena. “I can’t believe you are still stuffing your face!”
“Hey, I was hungry! I need to fuel my brain.” replied Ron.
“We’re glad you are here, and happy you enjoyed the food.” said Rhiannon. “Have you any ideas?”
“We think that they have been watching the old TV show Charmed and think they are like the sisters in it.” said Cindy.
“Which is why they keep calling themselves the Charmed ones.” remarked Deb.
“And no doubt they are reading fiction books and watching other TV shows also. “ commented Lyn.
“So can you tell us more about their actual knowledge or powers?” asked Debra.
“Ok, Angela seems to have the talent or power if you will of attractiveness. She works at the clothing shop where she does very well providing fashion tips. She never paid attention in our Craft classes and I don’t think she, nor have her sisters tried to develop any of their Witchy skills. Monica seems to be gifted with causing others to be attracted to her sexually. And she really didn’t pay attention in classes either. She and Dominique own a salon where they cut hair, do makeup, nails and so on. Dominique appears to have the talent of sex appeal and again really didn’t do well in classes.” replied Rhiannon.
“So would they be able to do spells easily do you think?” asked Jurni.
“Do a spell? Yes, easily, that would be a no.” answered Cerri.
“As you all know, magic flows easier the more developed it is. They could do a spell, but rather or not it would be successful is iffy.” said Kelly.
“Well, we might have an idea to find out information.” said Susan.
“Yes, a group of us that they should not see as threatening can go to the salon and get a manicure, or style or something and make conversation and see what we can pick up.” said Elaine.
“And another group of us can go to the shop and chat Angela up.” said Elouise
“Some of us can do some media research and others can go meander around and see what we can hear on the street.” said Jurni.
“Do they go to a bar or club or something we can check out?” asked Tracy.
“Yes they go to a bar slash club called the Perfect 10.” replied Tracy Grim.
“Ok we’ve got a plan, let’s finalize it and get on with it” said Crone.
“You all can meet back here for a late lunch and fill each other and us in on what you find out.” commented Stacy.
So Crone and her friends divided up into groups. Elaine, Elouise, Elizabeth P and Elizabeth L would go to the Salon. Cindy, Deb, Debra, and Jurni would go to the shop. Ron, Tena, Tracy, and Luisa would go try and talk to folks. Jennifer, Crone, and Susan would check social media and Lyn, Janice and Sarah would go to the bar. They would all meet back at Rhiannon’s bar for lunch and to share information.
Everyone had made it back and were bursting at the seams to tell what they had found out. They had just finished their lunches and were waiting on Ron to finish up.
“Ok, we found out that Temu, which is a Chinese shopping site has the “Charmed Book of Shadows for sale.” said Jennifer.
“And the TV shows Charmed, Sabrina, The Witches of Eastwick, and various other movies of the same genre are available to watch, download or buy from streaming services.” Susan informed the group.
“And their FB accounts all hint to them discovering a life changing secret.” said Crone. “By the way, did Mem, Blanche, MJ and Minkie come in handy?”
“Oh they did Crone. The first thing out of Angela’s mouth was that they looked like Kit on Charmed.” replied Cindy.
“Yes, she asked as if they were our familiars and kept trying to get them to come to her.” answered Debra.
“And she wondered if they could talk like Salem on Sabrina.” commented Deb.
“She even asked us what kind of Witches we were, or what our talents were. So we just gave her answers like sewing, knitting, baking and so on. We asked her what kind of Witch she was, and she said she and her sisters were very special witches. They’ve definitely been watching movies and TV to get the wrong information.” said Jurni.
“We went to the salon, and even though they are nasty little wannabe’s, that Monica can do a great pedi and mani.” and Elizabeth P showed off her freshly done nails. “Monica of course fished for information and wondered if I had any powers and I told her I had an affinity for winged creatures like butterflies. She told me that she and her sisters had found out a life changing secret and were going to make some big changes.
“When she said that I said OH, like the sisters in Charmed! She seemed pleased I made that comparison and said that they were ready to fight all the evil Warlocks.” Elouise said.
“Whatever other failings Dominique has, doing hair is not one of them. She did a fantastic job on my style.” Elizabeth L showed off her new do. “She asked if we came for the celebration and I said yes. I told her we were quite interested in the Craft since we had seen so many shows and movies about it. Then I asked her if she was a Witch, and she said yes she and her sisters were born into a magical family. So I asked her if it was true that Witches had special powers and she said that evil warlocks had stolen her and her sisters’ powers but they were working on getting them back.”
“So with that opening in the conversation I of course commented that it was just like Charmed. She said yes, that the show was written about her family! My is she delusional! commented Elaine.
“We talked to several people and just about everyone ended up saying that they knew someone who had something happen to them thanks to Angela et. al. “ said Tracy.
“Yes there were reports of people getting hair where they shouldn’t, losing their hair, growing warts, having their complexion turn funny colors and on and on.” reported Luisa.
“Don’t forget about the lady who said she caught them trying to steal her broom, and the man who got pointed ears.” said Tena.
“Nor the elderly lady who said they told her they were going to take her powers, but ended up turning her porch swing into a kiddie swing.” reported Ron.
“We went to the bar, and ran into some folks who don’t particular care for the sisters. Apparently they’ve quite the reputation for breaking up couples and then dating the fellow.” said Janice.
“So one girl named Bunny told us that they were bragging that they found a Book of Shadows and were going to embrace their destiny and become the most powerful witches in Grim County.” Sarah commented.
“Yeah, she seemed really happy to spill the beans on those three.” agreed Lyn.
“They really have gone over the edge and gotten out of hand” said Rhiannon. “Kelly do you think we should send for the Council of Elders so they can hear what they’ve found out?
“Just going to suggest that myself, Tracy and I will go get them.” said Stacy
“The girls will be back in a bit with the Council of Elders and you can tell them what you’ve found out.” said Cerri.
Just then Angela and her 2 sisters stormed through the doors.
“We’ve come to get what is ours you evil Warlocks!” screamed Angela.
“Take the familiars first.” And they tried to cast a spell which backfired causing all the cats and dogs and Bernie the Hen to start talking.
“You stupid bleached blonde bimbos! What in the name of the goddess have you tried to do now!” Bit, Rhiannon’s cat yelled.
“Who you calling Evil, you wannabes?” asked Mem “I can show you evil!” And out came Mem’s claws.
“You come near my Witches and I will scratch your eyes out you ugly hags!” screeched Angel.
“And I will help her!” yelled Baby.
“Who do you think you are?” asked Storm. “Because I am a very protective German Shepherd who won’t have a problem biting you in your asses!”
“Get em Storm, I’ll help too!” said Monty.
Well all of that was going on, Blanche, MJ, Minkie Ann and Bernie the hen were circling round the three from behind. Suddenly Bernie flew up on top of Angela’s head, pecked and scratched her and laid an egg, jumped over to Monica and then Dominique doing the same. As soon as she was done, MJ, Minkie and Blanche all jumped up on top of their heads, broke the eggs and in turn massaged the egg into their scalps, with their claw out.
The three were screaming and yelling and dancing around.
“Well that’s what I call having egg on your face!” said Lyn. And everyone started pointing at the three and laughing.
“Laugh all you want, we are going to steal all of your powers!” screeched Monica. At that everyone began to laugh and at that point Stacy and Tracy Grim rushed in with the Council of Elders.
“What in the name of Danu is going on” thundered Minerva Cook. Behind her were the other Elder Council members.
“Oh no” whined Angela. “Look at all the evil warlocks!” And she and her sisters began to cry.
Everyone gathered round to inform the Council what had been going on while the pets all circled around Angela and her sisters and detaining them.
“So all the nasty spells that have been going on have been the work of Angela, Monica and Dominque is what you are telling me? Because they watched a bunch of TV shows and movies, thought they were accurate depictions of Witches and what we do and then got ahold of a fake Book of Shadows and tried to steal everyone’s powers. Is that about the gist of the matter?” asked Athena Morris?
“Yes Elders.” replied Crone and all her friends and Rhiannon, her sisters and cousins.
“What do you have to say for yourselves?” and Minerva turned to Angela and her sisters.
“We just know we are special. We are the prettiest women in Grim County, we have the best figures and we dress the best. So we know we are the Charmed Ones. And we want our powers!! We’ve been defending ourselves from evil Warlocks. And those should be our familiars. “ answered Angela.
“Prettiest my hind paw! You all are the nastiest, ugliest, most horrible, narcissistic, self-centered, ignorant bunch of women in Grim County!” injected Bit.
Hera Wilson stood up and intoned “Wind blow, thunder crack, lightning flash and rains that slash, undo all the spells these three Charmed wannabe’s have done.”
“There, that should undo all of the spells they have done, and return everyone including the pets to the way they were before.” said Hera.
“Angela, if you and your sisters had paid attention in Craft classes you would know that male witches are called witches. The only persons called Warlocks, which means “twister of truth” are those practitioners of ceremonial magick who turned to dark magick and poison to harm others and then blamed the innocent for their handiwork.” Athena informed them.
Minerva began “You would have also learned that Wicca is a religion that was created in 1939 by Gerald Gardner who combined elements of traditional Witchcraft with Ceremonial Magick and various Eastern religions. That should have been your first clue that your Charmed nonsense was just that, make believe. You would have also learned that Ceremonial Magick was the use of ritual magic based on the Kabbalah and using demons and angels. We are not Wiccans nor Ceremonial Practitioners!”
“Finally, you would have learned that you cannot take or steal anyone else’s powers or knowledge. It doesn’t matter what you do to them, even if you kill them, you can’t take their powers or knowledge. You would have also been able to recognize that TV shows, cozy Witch books, new age books, movies and the like are all fiction. There isn’t a bit of truth in it. It’s all made up. You would have learned that you need to study and develop your talents and skills to be more knowledgeable and powerful. We will now decide your punishment.” Blade informed them.
Everyone waited to hear what Angela and her sisters’ punishment would be.
Finally the Council stood.
“We’ve have reached a decision, first we are going to destroy your so called books of magic and Books of Shadows.” With a wave of his hand a pile of books appeared on the table in front of Blade. With another wave of his hand everything was reduced to a pile of dust.
“Second we’ve decided to block your televisions, tablets and computers from being able to watch any more of your preferred Witch fiction.” and Athena snapped her fingers. “You’ll find you will no longer be able to watch any Sabrina, Charmed, Practical Magic and that ilk.”
“Third for harming people, trying to kill them and steal their powers and magical items and pets we will be binding all of your magical abilities. You won’t be able to do any spells or magic whatsoever.” Minerva informed them as she moved to stand next to Athena, Blade and Hera.
“And last since you have shown just how ignorant you are of the Craft, its history and all things pertaining to Grim County, you are required to take all the classes you should have paid attention to. All 6 years of them, and to be even considered to have your magical abilities unbound, you must pass them with grades of Excellent or Outstanding.” Hera said.
The Council members stood next to each other and together chanted. “By earth, air, fire and water, we bind all magical talents and take away your abilities to cast any type of spell or do any magic of any kind, this is your sentence, your punishment Angela, Monica and Dominique for harming others. If you or anyone else tries to break this binding of your magic and abilities, your talents, magic and abilities will be forever bound as will theirs. And as we will it, so mote it be.”
At this Angela, Monica and Dominique started crying and ran out of the bar.
“Sad situation, but had to be done. I hope they’ve learned from their mistakes and take advantage of the out we’ve given them to get back their magic.” And Hera dusted her hands together. “Come Council members, let us go record this in the records.” And they turned and left.
Everyone was enjoying the Samhain Celebration now that everything and everyone had been returned to normal. Crone and her friends were joining in the games, rituals and contests and feasting on all the good food.
“I really don’t know which I like better, the butternut squash soup, the pumpkin soup, or the Chili” remarked Elouise.
“I love the butternut acorn squash myself.” commented Sue.
“The corn chowder is my favorite.” said Elaine.
“It’s all about the deserts my dear, all the deserts.” and Elizabeth P took a big bite of her apple walnut cake.
“I think Elizabeth P that you and I both have over indulged in the sweet department today.” and Elizabeth L reached for another piece of pumpkin bread.
The friends were all gathered around together eating and chatting when Rhiannon and her sister and cousins walked up to them.
“Thank you for coming to celebrate with us and for solving what Angela and her sisters were up too.” said Rhiannon.
“Thank you for inviting us and we were happy to help.” replied Crone.
Then Hera Wilson clapped her hands and asked for silence. The entire building went silent.
“To Crone and her friends and all of their animal friends, thank you for your help.” said Hera. “Now we all raise our glasses in a salute of thanks and friendship to you.” Everyone in the entire building raised their glasses to Crone and her friends. Crone and her friends all started saying thank you and shaking hands with folks who were coming up to them. Even the pets were getting petted.
“We’ll be leaving soon, but we hope you invite us again to join in the celebrations. Happy Samhain to one and all.” Crone told Rhiannon.
And then everyone joined in and said “Happy Samhain and here is to a New Cycle around the sun.”
The end for now.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Being a Witch is NOT like a TV show or movie.

 Recently I started watching reruns of "Charmed" tv show and am amazed at the ignorance of the creators of the show.  I had often wondered why a particular party that I knew had all these erroneous ideas about the craft even though this person (who my husband called MS Dingleberry) swore that she was a witch and had been since childhood.

First off Wicca HAS NOT been around for hundreds or thousands of years.  The religion of Wicca was created in 1939 by Gerald Gardner.  He took elements of traditional witchcraft and combined it with elements of Ceremonial Magick and elements of Eastern religions to create Wicca.  So despite what the show said, Wicca has not been around for even 100 years yet.

Second, if someone has Witchy powers you can't take them off of them.  Sorry, not happening.  If you have Witchy powers nothing can take them from you, not even being killed for them or someone using an amulet or other magical item to siphon or steal them.  

It really aggravates me when people do this nonsense.  People end up getting the wrong ideas.  And wrong ideas lead to issues.  I personally know of 3 cases where a so called Witch (I say so called because they read 3 books written by wanna be practitioners who claim to be Witches, and watched Charmed, Sabrina, and a few movies) who decided to curse folks to kill them and steal their powers.  So basically they decided to do evil to steal power.  So let me say it again for the people in the back, YOU CAN"T TAKE someone's POWERS or KNOWLEDGE!  You wanna be more knowledgeable or be more powerful, than you need to study and practice.  

Just because some ignorant person, and generally said person is a Christian says this kinda stuff doesn't make it so.  All it shows is their ignorance and their wrong ideas.

We also need to vet the material we read.  Trust me, if they claim they are a Witch and mention anything that pertains to Christianity or stealing powers or knowledge, they are a wanna be.  So when you believe this nonsense you really know nothing.  And believe nothing that you see on TV shows or movies about Witches. 

Real Witches understand that curses and hexing are only used as a last resort and are made as mild as possible.  And they know they have to study and learn about a variety of issues.  Herbs, gemstones, crystals, incense and so on.  They know that practice makes one more powerful.  And they understand you can't "steal" knowledge or power.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Apollonius of Tyana

 A while back I was writing a blog post and could not remember his name.  Apparently my hard drive (my brain, that is) was temporaily locked up.  

He was born around 3 B. C. and seems to be the original that the Christians, Paul and Constantine used as their basis for the so called divine Jesus.  His name was Apollonius.  And we know for a fact that HE existed.  He was documented by various philosphers and writers of the ancient world.  

He traveled the ancient world, particularly that of Rome and Greece perfoming various healings, raising of the dead, and casting out unwanted spirited possessions.  He had a disciples, and even had a school.  He wrote books, and had books written about him, and though those works did not survive the Christians burning of books(some things never change, do they.  The Christians of the first through the third century A.D. were always burning libraries and destroying classical liteature and art.)But we know those works existed as the sophist Philostratus, mentioned them in his work Life of Apollonius.

Roman Emperor, Alexander Severus revered him.  Severus died in 235 A. D.  

So we have an earlier, historical, documented figure that did all the miracles that Paul and the later Christian founders attibuted to Jesus.  And unlike Jesus, let me again reiterate, is documented.

I know some of you are saying but Jesus is documented too.  And the answer is, no he is not.  Pointing to the Bible and claiming it documents Jesus is like using the Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm to prove that Hansel and Gretel existed.  And it has been proven many times over that Roman historian who supposedly mentioned Jesus were later forgeries by scribes of the Catholic Church.  Josephus is a source used by the Christians to prove this.  But many, many modern scholars have pointed out the difference in the writing of this and believe that it was forged by Eusebius.  And they point to the passage written by Tacitus, "called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin", to claim Jesus existed.  Again, that only proves that there were folks calling themselves Christians, not proving there was a historical person named Jesus that was a savior and the son of God.  

So Paul who never knew or studied under Jesus and actually fought with the original disciples on Christianity, is the person who created Christianity for the Gentiles.  IF you read your bible, it is pointed out by Jesus himself that his brand of Christianity was for a sect for Jews ONLY.  So there were probably a lot of jewish street rabbi's named Jesus.  The evolution of the name goes like this: Yehoshua- Yeshua-(later became Joshua)-into the Greek Iesous which became the Latinized Jesus.  Now despite the Christians claims, we really have no authenic sources pointing to one particular individual as a historical Jesus.

Just like the early Christians appropriated the Torah and turned it into the Old Testament, they used the actions of Apollonius as a basis for their figure of Jesus.  And they appropriated the pagan religions for elements to add to their religion.

So there you go folks, Apollonious of Tyana, an actual historical figure who was used as the basis for Jesus.

Monday, May 9, 2022

The Martyrs of the United States: Or liars for Jesus.

 If one listens to right wing media, or reads it, one would be given the impression that there are federal forces going around arresting white men, and white Christians.  One would also assume that there were federal forces arresting Christians for going to church, singing Christian songs, and for saying Merry Christmas.  You would also be given the impression that children were being taught Critical Race Theory, which according to the right wing is a theory that white people are evil and wicked and that white children should hate themselves.

Of course none of that is true, but as usual the Republican Party and their religious fanatic base lie and push propaganda as easily as the rest of us breathe.  The American Taliban are liars for Jesus.  The only difference between the American and Middle Eastern versions are the Americans branch is Christian and not Muslim like their Middle Eastern Coherts.  

In actuality the Republicans and their American Taliban base are the aggressors, who when called out for their wrong behavior immediately scream they are being victimized and discriminated against.

They lie about everything.  They revise history to support their views and then push the revisions on school children, particularly their home schooled ones and the ones in their Christian Schools.  Then they try and outlaw actual knowledge in the public schools.

Because the truth is, the Republican Party is filled with 60% sociopaths who use the religious fanatics and the conspiracy nuts to retain power; 30% religious fanatics who wish to force their version of religion on the rest of us; and 10% mentally ill conspiracy nuts who are totally out of touch with reality.  They pack the courts with their judges, to make sure that the law is interpreted in a Republican way.  Be it constiutional, federal, state or local, these right wing judges help implement the Republican agenda.  Republicans pass laws to suppress voting, and gerrymander districts to help retain their power, even though the Republican Party IS a minority. They will tell you it's all based on the original intent of the Founding Fathers who created the Constitution, but they convieniently forget that the document was created with the ability to be admended to help reflect the growing and changing of a nation.  They also forget that the Founding Fathers were Deists, and wanted a strict wall between government and religion.  They also forget that the Founding Fathers were followers of the Enlightenment.  But hey, you gotta lie for Jesus.

And to make it worse, these right wing fanatics don't even know the history of Christianity.  They forget that Christianity was originally a Jewish Sect that was hijacked by Paul/Saul (who did not know, nor study under the so called Jesus) who created his version of Christianity for gentiles, something that set him at odds with the original Jewish Christians.  Nothing, other than the name Jesus is part of the original Jewish Christianity.  Paul and those who followed after him, took information from various and assorted Pagan, Greek,and  Roman religions, Mithraism, and the Jewish religon to flesh out Pauline Christianity.  They stole many Jewish religious texts to create the Bible, the issue though, they took said religious texts out of their original order, and did not take the rest of the texts that were used to help interpert the meanings.  So they just made up their own interpertations.

The history of Pauline Christianity, or the Christianity we have today is filled with nothing but violence and suppression of others.  First you had the Catholic Church which was created by Constantine the Great, which in it's creation was filled with violence in the murder of other Christian Sects who didn't agree with them, the murder of Pagans and Jews.  Then the Eastern and Western Catholic Churches began to have problems and by the 6th century had separated into the various Orthodox branches and the Roman Catholics.  They fought with each other and the Jews and the Muslims and the various other non Abrahamic religions.  All the Abrahamic religions fought with each other and everyone else.  Then in 1517 when Martin Luther created the Protestant religion, that added to the fighting.  Soon you had all the various Protestant religions, the Roman and Orthodox Catholics, and the Muslims fighting each other, the Jews.  By this point the Pagan religions had been pretty much wiped out and driven underground, and the Jews were pariahs who were murdered for being Jewish.  Nations fought with other nations about religion, there were religious wars within nations and sometimes entire villages were wiped out.  All of this led to our Founding Fathers trying to create a government FREE from religious interference in the government and in the lives of others.  But if you are a Republican, you don;'t know that.  Because the liars for Jesus make sure your head is filled with lies and propaganda claiming that the United Stated founded for Christians and on Christianity and the Bible.

The rot of religion is once more trying to infiltrate into government and turn a democratic republic into a theocracy.  Make no mistake no one is safe.  Because once religion takes over a government, nations devolve and people are murdered.  Because even though you may be a Christian, you probably won't be the right kind.  In other words you are a heretic.  So let's kick these Republicans and their nutjob base to the curb.  They like being victims, so I say let's give them a reason to cry.

Remember the motto of the Republicans is "Rights for me, but not for thee."  In other words, their right to do anything, trumps your rights.  You gotta practice their religion, raise your kids their way, including educating them.  And you better live like they tell you to, cause only they know God and Jesus and their will.  

So unless you want to live in the Dark Ages in the 21st century, kick out the Republican Party, let them cry when they lose, they do the victim act so well.

Friday, April 15, 2022

The Goddess, Spring, the Bunny and the egg.


The Goddess, Spring, the Bunny and the egg.

Once upon a time long, long ago when the earth was young and our ancestors still believed in the Goddess and magic the Goddess came to earth and.....

It had been a long, cold winter and the earth would start to waken from her slumber when the cold, and darkness would push back and try and make her return to sleep.  The people were scared that the cold and dark would be victorious and they begin to petition the Goddess to hurry and arrive with Spring.  When the Goddess would arrive with Spring she would travel to and fro in her chariot which was pulled by a beautiful rabbit.  After one particular cold snap the people begin to worry.  They went to the Priestess and begged her to do something.  The Priestess sat and thought and she petitioned the Goddess to please hurry.

Soon they noticed that the cold and dark was receding and high up in the sky they could see an object appearing in the area where the Sun would rise.  Suddenly upon the Earth appeared an object that resembled a beautifully decorated object that resembled an egg.  It opened up, and out stepped the Goddess.  As her foot touched the earth, warmth and light begin to appear.  The people were so happy to see her.  They begin to sob and cry with relief that she had finally come. 

She began to speak and held in her hand an egg that was colored and decorated with designs and symbols.  My children, I hold in my hand the symbol of rebirth, rejuvenation and renewal. In keeping with the movement of the planets and the seasons, at times I bring Spring early, and sometimes I must come later.  But as a sign to you that I will soon bring Spring with it's renewal of life, and fertility, with it's warmth and light as a sign for you to remember and not despair I will send my faithful Rabbit, who draws my chariot with a remembrance to you that I will soon arrive.  He will carry this symbol decorated to remind you that I am coming and will arrive when the movement of the heavens show me is the proper time.  At this the Rabbit and his family begin to give to every person an egg from the Goddess.  Each was wondrously colored and decorated.  The people begin to dance and cheer.

And that is why we have the Bunny and colored eggs.  To remind us that the Goddess is coming soon and the colored eggs are her reminder to us of her promise of arrival is soon.