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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Happenings around the home front.

Well several things besides book writing have been going on.  So let's share some news!

First off, the baby doves left the nest 2 weeks ago.  I know!!  They grow fast!!  So  Mrs Dove did a fantastic job, they learned to fly from the stepladder to the swing, and then to a branch in my Oak tree next to the porch.  2 days of practice, and off they went to the Oak tree.  I would stand under the Oak tree and talk to them and let them know I was proud of them, and I threw out some seeds for them.  So they raised that brood successfully.  Now as soon as they moved full time to the Oak, I grabbed the step ladder, removed the nest, washed the ladder and moved it off the porch!!

So the other night I go to turn on the air conditioner in the bedroom, and it is sounding funny, so I shut it off.  I told my husband he needed to check it out.  He started laughing, and informed me that, that morning, Mrs Dove came on the porch, looked for the step ladder, and of course it was gone.  She investigated, and apparently found nothing to her liking.  She THEN flew to the windows, saw the air conditioner and decided it really looked inviting!!  YEAH, they started to build a nest!!  Well apparently they worked all day on their new abode!  So after hubby tells me that, I go look, I raise the blind and sure enough, there is a dove sitting on the air conditioner!!  Very few sticks or anything, but she is trying!  So earlier tonight I looked out, and sure enough she finally got a nest built!  And she has an egg in it!!  So now I have to wait to use the air in the bedroom, but first hubby will have to clean it out.  Shaking my head over this!! Pepper is laughing, and saying those doves really feel safe with me!  But still!!!!  I will try and get a picture of it tomorrow and show you all.   Hubby is laughing and telling me this is what I get for moving the ladder!!

Last week Storm, my German Shepherd turned 2!!  He is now considered an adult.  My baby grew up!!  He is such a sweetie!!  He is happy that the weather has been nice the last 2 days, he likes to eat his supper out on the porch and have a picnic!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Cluster B problem people.

So today we are going to talk about dealing with difficult people.  Sociopaths, Psychopaths, and Narcissists, cluster B personality disorders.  I know you are wondering why in the world we are gonna discuss this, and how that fits in to to everything.  Now, remember I do have a degree in Psych, and truthfully I have dealt with these types of people since I was born.  Now, here is the thing, these types are common, much more common than you think.  Conservative estimates say that 4% of the population fit in this category, or 1 out of 25 people.  Now, once you have been exposed to these types, you can spot them, and I tell you that it is much, much higher than that 4%.

Now Psychiatrists and other experts that deal with these types will tell you that even they have hard time spotting them, and they themselves fight over the exact definitions of who is which and so on.
So I am going to give you my opinion of which one is which, because frankly in my opinion, they are all the same, but have different ways of presenting themselves.  Psychopath, think one who uses violence or someone like serial killer Ted Bundy.  Sociopaths are the sneaky, sly ones, this is the one who appears suave and cosmopolitan, these are the ones who will con you out of everything you own, like Charles Ponzi, from whom we get the term Ponzi schemes.  Narcissists think Drama Queen or King.

Now if you have never run into one of these types, feel lucky.  If you haven't, I guarantee you will sooner or later.  Now the best way to deal with these types is as little as possible, but like I said they are everywhere, including on the internet.  I use to play on a game site that no longer exists, and there were quite a few on there.  Even on the internet they were controlling, would lie to cause issues, and tried to be "THE BOSS".

These types have NO CONSCIOUS, and NO EMPATHY what so ever.  NEVER.  They are incapable of love, and see others as beneath them, and use others.  Research has shown that their brains are wired different than the rest of us.  It also shows clearly, that there is no cure, no therapy, and nothing that can be done to change these people.  They lie constantly.  They use character assassination to rid themselves of anyone that is on their bad side, or a threat to them.   They will attack others and then claim they are the victims.  Trust me when I tell you that there is no easy way to deal with these folks, and no nice won't work either.

Now if you are dealing with one of these types, I know what you are dealing with and going through.
You are probably rolling your eyes, and thinking that I have no clue.  But I do, trust me.  These people will destroy you as much as they can, and not lose any sleep over it.  I believe you when you tell me that they are lying on you, and you have done nothing.  I also know that they are wonderful at convincing the legal/judicial system and other people that they are innocent, and the victim, and they continue on their merry way creating havoc, death and destruction.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Version of events.

Talking with a friend of mine, we got into a discussion about some folks that she knows.  Every time that we talk about these folks I am always reminded how snobbery and stupidity is still alive in the world today.  These folks that my friend know are a perfect example of how some feel that they are "elite", and "special" and entitled to look down on the rest of us.  Now these folks have a daughter that I will call Bunny Fufu.  Now Bunny Fufu started out life going to an exclusive pre-school, then grade school and on up to graduating from an exclusive little college, and then went on a short little tour of spots available only to the select before she married and settled down into married life.  She has been fed a diet of being pampered and protected all of her life.

So all of this has created a woman that really has no concept of what the REAL world is like.  Which leads to the story that my friend shared with me.  Apparently Bunny F has been married for a few years, and has been living in her perfect little world, repleting the world with little clones like herself.  Apparently the trend started among her little elite world, that she and all the other little Bunny Fufu's, should get little part-time jobs or get involved in charities  and  get their hands dirty with helping those who are less fortunate.

So off went Bunny out into the wild world and landed herself a job due to her connections with the right type of people and her list of impressive schools.  All was going well as Bunny had contact with only those who were polite, quiet, well-mannered and fit her mold of well bred people who just needed a bit of advice.  One day she went into work, and waiting on the doorstep was a a scary looking woman that had body piercings, tattoo's and colorful hair, dressed in ragged attire( apparently jeans and T-shirts are ragged attire).   Bunny freaked out, fought tears, and managed to answer the woman and inform her that they had no help to give her.  The woman looked at her in a threatening manner( or so Bunny claims), muttered a few uncomplimentary things under her breath and left.  Bunny managed to get in the door, where she promptly called the police and informed them that she had been threatened, and feared for her life!  Well, a big scene went on, apparently the  "disreputable" woman was a therapist that works with recovering addicts and had come to chat and see if there was any help available for some of her clients.

Needless to say Bunny and her family are pushing one way and declaring that poor Bunny is a victim and she can't be expected to deal with "those types" of people.  Lots of other folks think that Bunny and her family need to wake up, and come down out of their balcony seats.  Of course it has all been kept pretty hush-hush, no stories or news reports, just word of mouth.

So I really wonder, how little Bunny and those like her would survive if thrown out into the real world.  How anyone can think that they are doing their offspring any favors "protecting" them from reality is beyond me. As for being so elite and special, well, you can imagine what I think of that to.  As for helping others, how can you do that with the attitude that is going on?  

Regardless I am glad it is my friend that knows these folks and not me, no doubt I would end up giving them an accurate report of what they are, and I don't think the words, special or elite would be in there.  Apparently we all have our versions of reality and they don't always mesh with someone else's, or to put it another way, always remember that the version of events that you hear may be colored by the type of person you are listening to and may not be the actuality!  Or as I am often reminded when dealing with some people, I must have been in a different dimension than the one they were in!