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Monday, February 27, 2017


I have sit back and watched the extreme right wing conservatives constantly show their ignorance about a variety of topics.  Many sit back and applaud these dispensers of so called wisdom, because they are also ignorant of the facts.  Which all leads to my favorite saying that knowledge is power.

No matter the spin they try to put on it, the United States was not founded on Christianity.  It was founded on Deism.  Our founding fathers were very much aware of the dangers of Religion.  They had in some cases lived through religious wars, or were blessed with a well rounded education.  Many of them even made statements about the evils of religion allowed to run amok, and all were determined to keep state and church separated.

I have heard people say things about "In God we Trust", that is on our currency.  But the truth of the matter is, it wasn't until 1864 that it was added to coins, and not until 1957 was it added to paper currency.  1864 was during the American Civil War, and sad to say it was a time of extreme white, right wing conservatives and their desire to prove how Christian the nation was.  Now the good thing is, it just says God, which can be taken by anyone to be their version of deity.  Again the late 1950's was a time period of extreme right wingers again.  

In today's world, once again, these extreme right wingers are once more feeling threatened as more and more people realize just how restrictive and damaging these beliefs are.  So they scream, they cry, they claim Jesus is crying and God is upset, and that there is a war on Christians.  Actually there is no war on Christians.  The only war that is going on that involves Christians, is these extreme right wingers trying to force their beliefs on everyone else.  They claim to be a religion that loves God and Jesus, but the way I see it, that's about the only thing they love.  They hate Muslims, atheist, other types of Christians, LGBT, Black, Latinos, Mexicans, women, and the list could go on.

Their battle cry is do it my way!  They say things that are false, but yet believe what they are saying.  They claim full term abortions occur, which is wrong.  Yet they will scream it loud and long.  They also seem to believe that a fetus, no matter if just hours into growth, looks like a baby.  Wrong again. But you can't tell them that.  Jesus they think was white.  Any one in their right mind knows Jesus was a Jew, and looked like a Middle Eastern man.

They will argue against facts, throw hissy fits, name call, and act like they are the victim.  They are actually proud of themselves for all this, and seem to believe that when they show their ignorance, and hate that people secretly are admiring them.  When actually people are sitting back horrified, and thinking that this person is a nasty, ignorant, hateful fool.

Personally, I don't mind your mainstream Christians, they aren't the ones causing the issues, it's the extreme right wingers, which really are a part of a cult.  Ignoring them and allowing them to believe these things, always, always results at some point, which is between 50-80 years, in them causing pain and suffering to everyone else, by them trying to force everyone into dancing to their tune.  I say these churches need to be outlawed.  It's the only way to protect everyone else from these people.
They fear the Muslims, when it's not the Muslim religion that is the problem, but the extremist sects.  In fact the only difference between a Muslim terrorist and one of these white, right wing extremist is this, one is a so called Muslim, and one is a so called Christian.  The world needs to unite and outlaw literally these extreme groups, regardless of what brand of religion they claim to represent.

Always remember though, knowledge is power.  Knowledge is truth.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Courage of one's convictions.

With all the nastiness and hate going on, I am still amazed at the absolute stupidity of people.  I am hearing things like "all these protesters are paid", "our christian values", and a lot of other malarkey.
I have been in spats on FB, of course FB is easy for these nasty idiots, they are safe behind their computer screen or their smart phone and they spout off hate, bigotry and so on without any fear.  In real life, I have not had one single incident.  The point being, face to face physically with someone is not going to change me telling someone that they are a complete and utter fool, who reads fake news, and listens to lies on tv and the radio, but apparently the nasty ones don't have the courage unless they are all in a group of like minded fools, or hiding behind a computer screen.

So for all those haters who feel safe because they are not face to face with me, here is what I will tell you here, and will tell you face to face.

There are no paid protesters, that is a lie.  This is what you and the damn Republicans and the New Regime wish to believe.  Not everyone hates other races, or religions, or genders.  If you do perhaps you should go get therapy and find out why you are such an ignorant, fearful, nasty person.

Not everyone is a Christian, or for that matter a fundamentalist/evangelical right wing extreme christian.  If you claim that your religion says it's ok to hate and persecute others, cause them harm, and gives you the green light to be a nasty, mean, hateful person, perhaps you should change your religion. In fact not all of your Christian brethren have the same beliefs as you.

Don't even go there with me on, I should leave the country.  Fact, my Native American Ancestors were here first, perhaps you should leave MY country.  As for being a patriot, oh please.  My father was in the Army and the Navy, his one brother was in the Army, and one in the Navy.  His Uncles and Aunts were in the Army and the Navy, and his Uncle was an Admiral in the Navy.  On his side of the family I have tons of cousins that were in the Army and Navy, and an Uncle that was in the Air Force.  As for my mother's side of the family, same thing, plus her ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War, helped with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and signed both of them, not to mention the Articles of Confederation.  So go blow that out your ear.

This nation was founded on Deism, not Christianity.  Spin it all you want, but if you are not smart enough to check it out for yourself, then kiss off when I tell you that you are wrong and don't know what you are talking about.

No Muslims don't scare me.  Stupid and ignorant people scare me.  I worry more about the KKK, NeoNazi's and White Christians extremist, than I do Muslims.  Ban them I say.

I am tired of hearing about your pain.  Any pain you have, you have caused for yourselves.  Taking pain pills, abusing alcohol and being addicted to things such as heroin are things you have done to yourself.  Because others won't let you force your stupidity, and your horrendous beliefs on others is part of your pity party, get over it.

The biggest disservice we have done you all, is to allow you to continue on your paths of hate and stupidity.  Instead of shaking our heads and believing that you had the right to belief these dangerous and stupid things, we should have been pointing out to you how wrong you were. So buckle up it's gonna get rough.

So when you all start your nonsense, this is one person who will, be it online, or in person, have no problem with telling you right from wrong.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

To all our LGBT friends out there.

So with everything going on, I have a message to all of the LGBT community out there.  Guess what, you rock!!  That's right there is NOTHING wrong with you.  In fact you are finding out what Witches/Pagans/Native Americans have known for millennium YOU ARE SPECIAL!  Yes, I said special!

Back through the ages before the Patriarchal religions came into their "Kill everyone else that isn't us"power, people knew and accepted the LGBT folks as special!  You all were considered the living embodiment of deity, you were seen as a gift from the Goddess/God to the people, and were considered a bridge between deity and human kind.

Today those of us in the "know", know that this still holds true.  Forget about the hatred of the Patriarchal religions, they are so wrapped up in their little make believe worlds with all their rules, worries and hatred that they are truly missing out on the specialness of you.  If one is a believer in a make believe religion that scares people into being manipulated, they are just pathetic and hopeless.

I encourage you to be yourself.  Know that you are special.  Rejoice in the fact that the Goddess/God picked you to represent the true universal creative energy which is both female and male.  How awesome is that!!

The next time someone tries to bully you and tell you that you are a misfit, or disgusting, just shrug and tell them that, that is their opinion, and opinions are like certain rectal openings, everyone has one.  Those type of people are ignorant, scared sheep who live in a bubble of make believe.  The problem isn't you, it's them.

You just keep being you, I promise you there are many who know just how wonderful you are!!  

Knowledge is power.

To say that knowledge is power, is a truism.  Regardless of the situation, it is applicable.  To have exposure to information about any particular subject gives a person the ability to make an informed judgment.

For example education.  The very basics of education are reading, writing and arithmetic.  Writing gives a person the ability to share drawn symbols that represent or can be grouped to represent a spoken word.  Reading is the ability to decipher said symbols that other people have communicated by a non spoken means.  Both reading and writing give a person the ability to communicate and/or receive the non spoken ideas, thoughts,needs, opinions etc of others.

As for arithmetic, it gives the person the ability to understand the relationship of shapes, quantities, and numbers by again, the use of symbols.  A person learns that 1 represents the spoken word one, and so on.  This is helpful in all areas of life.  How many children, sheep, or siblings do I have? How many dollars do I possess and do I have as many dollars as you want for that item? How many hours do you want me to work, and how many dollars of yours per each hour are you willing to exchange for my work?

These are things that give one power.  One gains the knowledge and now has power to make an informed decision based on particular facts, or information.

Another basic is grammar, which at it's basic gives one the ability to communicate effectively.  I give horse water.  Does that mean the person gave water to the horse, or wishes to obtain some water to give to a horse, or even wishes to exchange water for the possession of a horse.

We all know that there are facts and that facts are true: On earth, all human beings need oxygen to breathe and retain life, water is needed to stay alive.  These are facts, and they are true.  If you think that you don't need oxygen to breathe, and you put your head in a plastic bag and tape it shut, you will die.  Of course once dead you won't be able to understand that you died due to a lack of oxygen, but if enough people do the same as you and die, others who observed this, can come to the conclusion that putting your head in a plastic bag and taping it shut causes death.

Now as time goes on, people are able to observe numerous occurrences and reach an informed decision and communicate it to other people.  This really is the basis of education.

No religion of any type or kind has a place in education.  The Bible may be a source of inspiration to many, but it is not infallible.  The Bible with regards to the Old Testament is over 4,000 years old.  In those thousands of years, we have learned that the Earth is not flat, but is in fact a spheroid.  We have learned that the Earth is not the center of the universe with everything spinning around it, but we now know that in our neck of the universe, everything revolves around our Sun.  So the writings of the Bible, which in fact may be the Jewish version of tales that were told by the far older Sumerian civilizations, to put in bluntly, are not true.  They are fine for entertainment purposes, but when it comes to scientific fact they are wrong.  So why would anyone want to teach wrong information?

As for the Bible and the New Testament, again, nothing is based on fact.  Numerous people believe that the Gospels are based on first hand reporting but the truth is, they are not.  They were written at the earliest 45 years after the supposed event of the crucifixion of said Joshua, aka Jesus.  That would be like listening to a piece of gossip that your neighbors' Great Great Aunt-in-law, told her daughter, who told the neighbors' mother-in-law, who told the neighbor, who in turn told you.  Then add to that copying mistakes of scrolls, remember things were handwritten, there were no printing presses, plus translating from Aramic to Greek then to English.  As for the Pauline letters, Saul/Paul never met Joshua/Jesus, but supposedly had a "vision" of the spirit of him informing him of information.
That would be like me having a vision of Thomas Jefferson and saying that Tom meant this or that, even thought his published writings would be the opposite of what I was saying.  So again, let's boil it down to this, the writings of the New Testament are opinions and tales handed down through a generation, sort of the equivalent of today's urban tales.

Schools should educate not indoctrinate.  We need to teach children knowledge that is useful, gives them power, and is based on facts.  If we tell them that fire can be useful, such as in used for cooking food, or providing warmth, and that it also has destructive powers.  Something they can observe themselves.  If you touch a flame, it will burn you.  These are the types of things that children need to be taught, things that help them improve their lives here in the physical world.

As for religion, they can go to church and Sunday school to learn about that.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Old Greensboro Cemetery, Mission almost complete.

Back in October of last year, I told you how after nagging and throwing hissy fits for over 20 years, the powers that be in our little village had given me the green light on raising money to buy a plaque for the old cemetery that is in disgraceful condition.  I also told you how I had managed to raise money through generous donors to buy said plaque.  So today, yes on a Sunday, the plaque and flower urns were delivered!!

If you will recall, this cemetery has 4 known Revolutionary War Veterans buried there.  There may be more, but records have been lost.  I am sure that there are more then 26 people buried there also.  But again, with lost records etc, I was only able to verify 26, and that was with the help of my cousin Matthew Cumberledge and my cousin Lloyd Roup.  Thank you cousins!!

I met the crew at the cemetery, picked out where I wanted the plaque put and they proceeded to do so. They also delivered the 2 flower urns that were so generously donated to this project.  I have to get the bench, and then this part will be complete.  At the last council meeting, I was given the ok to contact someone about installing some rail and board fence around the cemetery.

I want to thank the following for their generous donations which made this happen:

Nathanael Green Community Development Corporation
Greensboro VFW #6303
Jerry Dorsey
Rep. Pam Snyder
Community Bank.
Todd Perry

Also big thanks to Lisa Rumble-Miller and her husband Kurt Miller for donating the flower urns.

Posting Pictures of the Plaque and of the old cemetery.

Picture of the Cemetery.

The Plaque.  Click on picture to see close up of names.

I can relax now, I had promised those buried there that I would get this plaque, and apologized to everyone resting there, because lots of names are unknown.

As soon as I get the bench, and place the urns, I will post more pictures.  Anyone that may wish to donate to the Cemetery fund, may make a check payable to Greensboro Cemetery Fund, and mail it to the Borough Council.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Personal spiritual Pagan paths.

Last night a friend of mine asked me a question that she was wondering about.  Basically she wondered if she was on the wrong path, as she seemed to differ on a few things from various groups that she had dealings with.  So let's see if we can sort some things out.

In ALL the Pagan paths, be it Wicca/Witch and so on there are a core set of values.  These are a love for truth and knowledge, with the understanding that knowledge gives one power; An understanding that all things, be it the earth, it's animals, plants, waters and so on, the universe and all beings are all intertwined and deserving of respect, or to put it another way, all are kith and kin; That all humans, regardless of gender, race, income, religion and so forth are equal, males are not better than female, nor whites more important then other races, nor the rich more valuable than the poor; that justice is an inherent right of all; And that everyone is entitled to make choices that are best for each.  Meaning unlike extreme conservative Christians who wish to force their views on others and make them laws, all Pagan Paths realize that what is right for one, may not be correct for the other.  Instead of saying NO birth control, no sex outside of marriage, no LGBT's, no abortions and so on, we say, Don't like birth control? Then don't use it.  Don't like abortions? Then don't get one.  See the difference?  We say each person has a choice.

 Those are the core values to the all the various and assorted Pagan paths.  Now here is the thing, again, once a group of Pagans, of any type or kind get together and form a group, they now have become a Religious organization.  Meaning, they start coming up with rules.  If all members agree with said rules, fantastic.  But sooner or later, new people come in and they might not share the same enthusiasm for some of the rules.  What can happen is that person may start to feel that they are an outsider, and perhaps not cut out for a Pagan path of some sort.  When in reality, they just don't fit with that group.  Many are more comfortable being a solitary, including myself.  Always remember spirituality is NOT a one size fits all.  Spirituality is individual, when those who have a similar belief system join together as a group or coven, it is now an organized religion.  Religions have rules and guidelines.

So keep that in mind.  If you are more of a joiner type of person, then don't become discouraged, just find another group, or make one of your own.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Crazy beliefs....

People often think I am a crazy and everyone is entitled to have an opinion.  But here are some crazy beliefs that I don't believe in.

The earth is only a little over 6,000 years old, and God created it along with everything else: be it the sun, moon or other planet, all which revolve around the earth which is the center of all activity.  The earth is not a globe, but is flat.  For reasons best known to Noah, and to God, the dinosaurs, unicorns and similar creatures were not included on Noah's Ark.

Now I want you to think about what I just wrote.  I am not making it up, but it is actually what right wing Evangelical Christians believe.  It is bad enough that they would believe this stuff, but they want it taught in schools.

Think about it.  Instead of scientific facts, they want "Biblical truth", taught to the masses.  Science says that the age of the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, the earth is a spheroid, and in our part of the universe, not only the earth but all the other planets revolve around the sun.  As for the dinosaurs, there are a variety of reasons why they died out, but Science does not believe it had anything to do with Noah, or the ark.  As for unicorns, since no evidence of them has been found to substantiate their existence, Science lists them as a mythical being.

Talk about dark ages!  The bad part is that PEOPLE in our Government belief this stuff, ya know, the Biblical truth stuff, not the Science stuff.

I hope the aliens arrive soon and save us!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Walking not just talking.

So on Monday I had a heart attack.  Had to have 2 stents put in my heart.  The entire situation made a few things perfectly clear to me.

I am not afraid to die.  That was made clear.  Whatever was going down, I had every intention of doing it my way.  There was no crying on my part, if I was going out into the adventure of what occurs after death, I was going on my terms, and in my own way.  Some folks, particularly the doctors may have thought I was delusional.  There was nothing delusional to it.  This is my life, mine, no one else's.  As for death, everyone has to die at some point.  Begging, screaming, and crying would not have solved a thing.  If it was my time, so be it, I was ready to face that new adventure.

Now there are doctors I have the greatest respect for, but doctors who are treating me like some twit because I am a woman and asking questions, forget it.  I allow everyone to make their own decisions about their health, and health care choices, and I was going to make damn sure I was going to make my own.

I had no intention of dying in that hospital, if I was going to die, it damn well was going to be at home, on my own turf.  Treating me like an idiot did nothing but piss me off to put it mildly.  There is nothing worse then some man who thinks he has the right to tell you what you are going to do.  Nothing makes me angrier.

I think it's time that the medical profession realizes that women have brains.  Having a discussion over options to me makes sense.  After all I am the one who has to live with the results.  I did not like the attitude of any of the doctors.  I intend to find one who will be respectful of my opinion and work with me in making choices based on my desires and opinions.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Message to the world.

Dear World please understand that we have been taken oven in a bloodless coup by the Russians, the KKK, the NeoNazi's, and the right wing nutjob Christians.

I ask that you keep in mind that most of us don't agree with, nor support all of the asinine decisions that are going on.  We hope that you don't judge all of us as being like the Regime in charge.

It appears that in our government, many Russian/KKK or NeoNazi's have infiltrated in.  We know that many of our friends in other nations are dealing with the Russians trying to take over also.

The Russian Infiltrators wish to destroy our nation, the KKK and the NeoNazi's Infiltrators want to get rid of every race except the whites.  Most of us disagree.  As for the right wing Christian nutjobs, they want Jesus to come and get them, and kill everyone else.

The majority of us are fighting tooth and nail to stop these horrible plans, but as I said the Republican Party has been compromised and infiltrated by Russia, the KKK, and the NeoNazi's.

To our friends in Ukraine, Poland and other Eastern European areas, we send you our best wishes and hope that our compromised government keeps it promise to help you.

Most of us wish to remain friends with all of you and we are not responsible for the stupidity that has been going on.

Please continue to remember us with friendly thoughts.

To any nation that has been insulted by this compromised government, please rest assured that the majority of us are just as horrified as you.

As for those religions and nationalities being insulted and banned, we are very sorry.  Most of us wish to clasp hands in friendship.

Please understand that the majority of us remain dedicated to peace and friendship with the world.

Light a candle for us, and keep your flames of freedom burning bright.