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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

I hate Doctors.

I don't know about the rest of you, but the various branches of the Medical profession are on my last nerve.  Standard procedure seems to be to not pay attention to what you are trying to tell them and they want to push tests and pills.

So let me give you a few examples here on exactly what I mean.  We shall start with the fact I have white coat syndrome.  When I was a toddler I had fallen down the steps and cut my forehead open and needed stitches.  First off, the birth mother took me, instead of my grandmother (the one who raised me and ended up adopting me), that was bad enough, but once we got to the hospital the doctors there wouldn't let her in the room with me, they strapped me down, and they did not numb the area.  There you go, trauma all the way around.  Believe me I was only 3 1/2 but I remember this episode vividly.  So needless to say unless I know the Doctor quite well, and we have an ongoing relationship, my blood pressure shoots up.  Doc Jack and Doc Christopher understood this when I was a child, and we had plenty of relationship there, so I would calm down after a few minutes and all would be well.  Second we should all remember I am an empath, which means with everything else going on, I am probably catching everyone's emotions and getting overwhelmed when all the hoopla is going on.

I can prove this because in the hospital the other day, my blood pressure was 112/96.  I was laughing and joking with the nurse, the doctor walked in and BOOM my blood pressure shot up to 169/106.  I immediately pointed this out to the doctor, and the nurse verified it.  That doctor was pretty cool and listened to what I had to say.  Dr. Duer at the clinic and I also have a pretty good relationship and he has known me for years and he listens.

Now with the heart attack I have all these damn doctors who will not listen.  I am telling them hey, I have white coat syndrome, I am allergic to all kinds of things.  My Blood pressure is reactionary, it will shoot up in a second if under a lot of stress. Now they want me to take this drug or that drug purely for preventive purposes.  Not happening.  Then they give me stuff that literally makes me sick, I tell them and they are like basically "So what, suck it up and take it".  Again not happening.  I don't did meds at all unless it's an antibiotic and even some of those react bad on me.  It is rare for me to ask for a pill.

So I also have TMJ.  I will grind my teeth in my sleep if under a lot of stress. So apparently I have been doing that and have a mess going on.  First off I have a tooth that had 5, yes 5 root canals done on it.  The root kept growing back.  I am not kidding.  Any ways it broke off while I was eating.  So it decided to grow that damn root back in the midst of that, plus 2 of the teeth on the bottom on the same side are now messed up from the tooth grinding.  So my right side of my mouth is in pain.  All the way to the ear and even the sinus area and I am having headaches.  Trying to find a damn oral surgeon is like looking for a needle in the haystack.  Found one, can't get in until April.  The damn dentist won't pull the bottom tooth which needs to come out thanks to my tooth grinding and I am in pain.

But hey deal with it.  Any other time they want to push a pill on you or want you to take a damn test.  Ask for a tooth to be pulled or a pain pill, and they act like you are crazy.  I will suffer this out, and I will make it through it.  But you just wait till they try and push a damn pill or a test on me again, in the words of my Mom, "the fur will fly".

Friday, March 10, 2017

A work in progress.

We are all a work in progress.  Hopefully we grow and expand in all areas of our lives, learning and applying what we have learned.  We deepen our understanding of ourselves and of others, changing for the better as we learn our strengths and weaknesses.  We learn to deal with our fears and overcome them and gain in our self esteem because of the battle.

Our friendships and relationships with others also change and grow.  Our understanding of the world around us deepens and gives us critical insight into ourselves and others.  We learn to value those things that truly matter instead of things like money and possessions.  For if we only value those types of things, we tie our self esteem into that, and what happens if we lose them?  Economies crash, or natural disasters, or we lose everything because of a horrible illness, and if that is what we have focused our lives on, then what do we do, as we sit among the ruins?

The things to focus on will help us gain critical thinking skills that we can apply to all areas of our life.  People and relationship skills can be utilized in all areas of our life.  Learning about other cultures, races and religions expose us to new ideas that will help us to grow.

Self understanding is a must.  Why do I do that?  Why do I think that?  Question everything, because if you are just adopting the attitudes of others, then really you are not understanding.  It all boils down to knowledge.  Knowledge of self, others, and the world around you.  Knowledge is something that no one can ever take away from you.

People who don't grow and change, really aren't happy people.  Deep down inside they are feel blue, or misunderstood, or even angry.  They really don't know WHY they are unhappy or angry, and so they blame other people, or groups.  Or they decide they aren't healthy and literally make themselves sick, with diseases that can't be diagnosed.  I have known people who have married someone who their family approved of, and worshiped in the family church, and worked in a job that the family thought they should do.  They lived their little lives according to the "rules" that they were exposed to, and were unhappy as hell.  A few would come down with strange diseases, others after 20 years or so of it would break loose and shock everyone by having a mid-life crisis.  Some turned to drugs and alcohol and others became jealous and envious of others.  A few of them were open minded enough to seek help, where lo and behold they found out the life they were living wasn't for them!

I had a distant relation who loved to organize and be in the midst of things.  She got married to a man who was "approved" by her family, and she settled down to raise a family.  After 5 years of being a Mom and wife, she began to be depressed.  Her family told her she had nothing to be depressed about, here she had a wonderful husband who was a fantastic provider and 2 healthy children.  She was miserable, her husband was confused and the family doctor put her on anti-depressants.  For 10 years she took them and finally found a good therapist who worked with her for a few years.  She helped her realize that she was depressed and unhappy because she was living her life the way her family had, an idea that was a good 50 years out of date.  She started taking some classes that interested her, and getting a job.  Poof depression and unhappiness gone, no more meds, and she was living a life she liked.

This is why I always harp on knowledge is power and on self knowledge.  If you know yourself, you know the why and the how; you know your talents, your strengths and weaknesses and you know what makes you happy.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Healing the Liver naturally.

So a friend of mine wondered what could be used to help treat the Liver.  As you all know, the Liver is one of the few organs in the human body that is capable of regeneration.  There are many things that can happen to the Liver including damage from drugs and Chemo.

There have been literally tons of studies done world wide on various herbs and supplements to help treat and heal Liver disease. So let's go over a few of the top herbs and supplements that have been verified world wide to help.

Milk Thistle is one of the very best!  Study after study has verified that Milk Thistle not only treats, but helps reverse damage to the Liver.  It works by suppressing dangerous toxins and helps stimulate the regeneration process.  It has been shown to work for all types of diseases and damage caused by drugs, alcohol, and chemo and radiation.

Picrorhiza Kurroa also called Kutki and Kutaki is another fantastic treatment.  It is also one of the very best herbs to help treat and reverse Liver damage.  Even small doses of 25 mg have shown to be very protective of liver damaging substances.

Dandelion Root is also good for treating liver problems.  It also helps flush out the toxins from the system.

Artichoke extract is another fantastic one to add to your list.  It too helps regenerate and also prevents damage when exposed to toxic liver substances.

Phosphatidylcholine or PC is a type of b vitamin of the choline family.  It helps regeneration of the liver.

Black Seed Oil is especially useful for the treatment of fatty Liver. 

B12 is a must for treatment of all Liver diseases.

Tumeric is also another great extract to use in your treatment plan.

Good luck with your healing!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Reducing cholesterol naturally.

Statin drugs have become the money makers for the Pharm companies.  Doctors push them on everyone.  The truth is, and much research has been done on the Statin drugs that these drugs are dangerous.  In actuality they cause more deaths from various side effects more often then not.  If taken they save 1 out of 100, 000 lives.  Yes, 1 person out of 100,000 is saved by taking a statin.

The problem is, the pharm companies send out their little reps and their research and doctors, being busy just take them for their word and start forcing them on everyone. Research around the world shows that these claims are not true.  Doctors are generally tied up doing other things and don't stay up on all the research going on.  So they believe what the pharm companies say.

The fact is our bodies need cholesterol.  Statin drugs cause a variety of issues including various types of dementia and congestive heart failure.  They drain our bodies of needed substances for life and health and cause horrible side effects.

Is there a way to reduce cholesterol naturally?  Indeed there is, but you won't hear your doctor or the pharm companies tell you that.  Many well known researchers from around the world have done studies and research on reducing cholesterol naturally and their research as been found to be accurate by other researchers.  So let's check some of it out.

Niacin, is a B vitamin that has been found to be very good at helping to reduce cholesterol. It lowers the bad cholesterol and at the same time boosts the good, and lowers triglycerides.  Do not use the time released or no flush niacin for this.  Best way to do this is find a nice B-complex vitamin to take along with your multi vitamin.  You can find Niacin by itself, but will no doubt have flushing from it. That won't kill you or hurt you, but it can be mighty uncomfortable.  Flushing is similar to a hot flash.
So I would go with the B complex.  You urinate out any unused B vitamins, they don't stay in your system.  If you can find one with folic acid and vitamin C in it, even better.

Take CoQ10.  It is an enzyme that the body needs for various functions.  It also helps with bad/good cholesterol levels.

Eat lots of garlic and onion. You can also add a garlic extract if you wish.

Citrus pectin is excellent, studies have shown that it works as well as Statin drugs.  There are several supplements out there worth trying.

Watch your diet, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and lean meats.  Stay away from trans fats. Use healthy oils such as Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Coconut Oil.  Your cholesterol levels will become under control and you will be healthier.