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Sunday, May 28, 2017

The friendly wildlife.

The animal kingdom is still making itself known around here.  My Momma Dove made her nest in the Ivy that is growing next to the house.  She flew out and sat on one of the branches of Grandmother Sycamore and chatted with me the other day.

We have quite a variety of birds that visit the yard every day expecting their snack of breadcrumbs.  There must be at least 30 wrens of various sizes, blackbirds, sparrows, 6 different bluejays including the one that is always spatting with everyone.  When he shows up I end up telling him that my yard is a fight free zone.  There are robins and cardinals, catbirds and I even had a finch fly onto the back of my chair and try and grab my hair!

Storm has made friends with the blackbirds and the other day he was on his run line in the back yard lying next to his water bowl.  Perched right on the edge of his water bowl were the pair of blackbirds who have a nest next to the basement door.  He was apparently chatting with them as they were getting a drink.  I had to laugh to myself at the picture they made.  Vicious German Shepherd? I don't think so!

Yesterday hubby and I were sitting on the front porch watching the birds snack on their breadcrumbs when these same blackbirds flew down and started eating.  They had the last of their birdlings with them.  That young bird was almost the same size as they, and to top it off, the poor parent birds were still feeding it!  Literally, it would scream, and they would hop over and shove a bread crumb in it's mouth.  Talk about needing to leave the nest!!  Hubby and I laughed and told the parent birds it was past time for their last young one to leave the nest!!

Today I was on the porch when what appeared but a young deer!  Yep it walked up the street, came in my yard for a bit and then left.  Broad daylight to boot.  I have come to the conclusion that word is spreading that my yard is a safe spot for the wildlife.  Storm was quite interested in watching it and made no move to chase it or harm it.

Storm just turned 3 and I must say I am well pleased with how gentle and socialized he is with other animals.  He is such an intelligent boy.  He still likes to help me cook and expects that he is going to get a taste of certain things we make such as homemade Mac -n- cheese.  He has been known to grab spice jars and want me to add them to what we are cooking.  I am not joking, we have had several discussions about no we don't need cinnamon in the macaroni salad.  He and Mem the cat are pals most of the time.  Mem thinks he is a German Shepherd Tonky cat.  If the dog does it, he thinks he can, and the two of them make me laugh.

Watching the wildlife can be relaxing and entertaining, not to mention watching the interactions between the pets!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Something is in the air.

My dove from last year is still around.  She has visited several times, in fact she has tapped on the bedroom window to get my attention and say hello.  I was very pleased to see her in fact and even her mate has taken the time to come sit on the phone line next to the house and sit for a few and chat with me.  That really surprised me as he was not particularly fond of humans.

All of that was surprising and pleased me to no end.  But then yesterday I had ducks...a pair of wild ducks I might add.  They were not the same breed of wild duck either, which leads me to believe that they certainly aren't prejudiced.  Anyways, up the street they came and made themselves right at home in the front yard.  Hubby and I were sitting on the porch, and so was Storm, the GS.  We were very surprised to say the least.  Storm wasn't very happy about it, because I made him go in the house for a bit.  I talked and they came right up to the porch.  They meandered around the yard,  and finally settled down to catch some sun.  They looked like they had made up their minds to settle in.  But they changed their mind when Storm came back out and apparently told them to go home.  He didn't try and hurt them or anything, just let them know, that as far as he was concerned their visit was over.

Today, I went to the store and on my way back first I saw a bald eagle.  Yeah, I know.  I was like, what  the?  But sure enough, it was a bald eagle.  White head, brownish body, no mistaking that bird. I was very surprised to say the least.  Then about 2 miles from home I saw about 6 hawks holding a committee meeting on a fence next to the road.  I got a good look at them also.

So apparently this was my week to see birds of various types and kinds.  I will admit it gave me a shock to see the bald eagle, and I got an excellent look at him too.  But to top that off with the falcons having their gathering it certainly made me wonder.

Hope you all are enjoying the spring.