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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Putting new wine in old bottles.

Many times I have heard people new to the various pagan and green paths lament the fact that they don't seem to be making any advancement in their lives.  After talking with them I generally realize why. And the why's seem to fall into several categories.

Thinking that all they have to do is a spell and everything will magically come to them.  A little story will illustrate what I mean.  Doris kept doing a spell to win the lottery every night.  She would also petition the elements and Deity to let her win the lottery.  This went on for years.  Finally one night when she was petitioning the Goddess she heard a voice boom out "Doris to win the damn lottery you have to buy a ticket first"!!  So along with doing spells you have to take action, go places, meet people, apply for jobs, you have to do something to help things along.

Get rid of that Christian and other Patriarchal mind set.  We don't realize just how much it has permeated our ideas and minds.  The pagan and green paths know that there is no HELL.  They realize that the Goddess is not a vindictive shrew who is keeping track and waiting for us to trip up and send us to eternal torment.  They realize that women don't have to be married, have a man, look like a Barbie doll, or have children to have a rich, rewarding life.  They realize that all of THOSE type of ideas were created by men when the patriarchy snatched power and began their reign of terror. You have to get rid of these type of negative ideas.  So let's be real here for a second.  Unless you reorganize your ideas, realize who you are, like yourself, you won't be happy.  You can form yourself into a Barbie with dieting, surgery, and hair dye and go catch your self that prosperous man, (who no doubt is completely in line with the prevailing societal opinions), and you still won't be happy in the long run.  Having a man is NOT the end all, live happily ever after.  That just brings a new set of problems to deal with.  There are plenty of men and women who are single who are quite happy.  There are plenty of people who don't have children who are happy.  The idea that to be fulfilled we have to be married, have to have children to be fulfilled is again a notion that was created by the patriarchy to help stabilize their new societal rules when they took over.  Go over your mind set ruthlessly and root out these outdated, negative beliefs.

Acting and not thinking things through.  Making a bad decision and then having to deal with the consequences of it.  This falls under what my husband calls "It looked good on paper".  Many times we REACT when something comes up instead of stopping for a second and thinking things through.  Now if you are driving down the road and a person jumps out in front of you, yes you have to react in a second.  But if you get a phone call and the person on the other end tells you that you have won a trip to the Bahamas and you have to pay a fee of $200 to get your tickets and travel plans delivered to you, and you whip out your credit card and give them your number and 3 days later you find out there is no trip and your credit card has been maxed out, then that is a case of reacting.  In other words if you keep making bad choices you are going to have deal with the mess.

Talking but not walking.  I see this often.  The person has decided that they are fed up with the prevailing religion and decide to switch.  Now instead of saying they are a Muslim, or Christian they say they are a Witch, Pagan, Wiccan or what have you.  The problem?  All they do is talk.  They don't practice, nor investigate or study their new spiritual practice.  They talk the talk, but never walk the walk.  You can call yourself whatever you wish, but unless you take the steps to learn, and participate in developing the new you, you won't get anywhere.  Reminds me of all these christian cults, they slap a label on themselves but keep the same prejudices and practices that they had in their "old life."

Yes your life will change if you walk one of the green paths, but you have to work on yourself, walk the walk, feed your soul and actively participate.  It takes a lot of soul searching but is well worth it.


Saturday, July 22, 2017

For your reading pleasure, The Garden Crone Magical Formulary now available!!

I am proud to announce that the book is done and available for purchase as a print book!!  It is available for purchase at the createspace store at this moment.

The Magical Formulary has recipes on making various Oils, Powders, Washes, Baths, Incense, Magical Inks used in various traditions including Hoodoo.  There are even a few recipes in there for our friends in the LGBT community.


1         Introduction          11
2         Waters, Washes, Colognes and Vinegars    13
3         Oils and Powders             63
4         Baths and Bath Salts       181
5         Magical Inks                       219
6         Magical Incense                233

7         Final Words                       259

That is the table of contents.

Here is the link for the book to purchase it.  Just click on it and it will take you right to the store, or copy and paste it to your browser.

I hope you all enjoy it!  I am now working on the formatting for the e book version of it.

I think you will find the book a welcome addition to your personal library.  Enjoy!!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Responsibility, or owning it.

Walking the different magical paths, we learn that taking responsibility for our lives and actions is something we must do if we are to learn and grow.  If we want to learn, we must seek knowledge and apply our self. This taking responsibility, or owning it applies to all areas of our life, from the magical to the mundane.  To do all of this it also takes some soul searching to realize those ideas that are ours, to those we just absorbed and adopted from someone else.

In today's world we seem to have flipped the coin and no one wants to claim responsibility but place the blame on everyone else.  We hear folks saying things like " everyone else does it", "or it's society's fault", or any other number of excuses.  No one wants to admit that they are wrong, or own what they said it did.

For example a few years ago I knew some folks who had a 12 year old daughter.  They let her date a boy who was several years older than she was and allowed her to stay all night at his house.  This went on for several years and when she was 15 she became pregnant.  And that's when the fight started.  Her family threw a hissy fit blaming the young man and his family, calling them names, and just raising a big old fuss.  Now instead of realizing that they had responsibility in this also, they wanted to just blame him and his family.  I thought to myself, Whoa, what did you think was going on when she was staying all night at his house, or for that matter when you allowed him to stay all night at yours?  Did you think they were playing Monopoly?  Why did you not take her and allow her to get birth control since it was obvious to anyone that could reason what was going on?  They were also making a fuss over the 4 year age difference now, something that hadn't bothered them a bit 3 years previously.  In no way did they want to accept responsibility for this mess.  As for the daughter she was all to happy to blame her former boyfriend and claim he pressured her and so on.

As for the boyfriend's family they who had not had a problem with any of this before now wanted to blame the girl and her family for the entire mess.  They had let the couple stay overnight at their home, and sleep together and not blinked an eye.  They certainly hadn't been worried about the age gap then, nor about the character of the girl nor her family but now they were.  The boyfriend claimed it wasn't his baby and he and his family demanded a paternity test.

Today the 2 families are still fighting, the young man has moved on to several different girls, as for his child with his former girlfriend,  his relationship is sporadic at best.  His family also tries and ignores the relationship with their grandchild.

The daughter since then has been involved in several other relationships, and lives with her current boyfriend and has a child with him.  She and her family still bad mouth the father of her first child and his family.  She blames them and him for the direction her life has taken.

None of them want to accept responsibility for their part in any of the mess and until someone grows up and does so, the situation will stay the same and only worsen.  His family needs to acknowledge that they allowed the relationship to flourish and allowed the girl to stay at their home, and allowed their son to stay at hers.  They also need to acknowledge they were wrong in trying to deny paternity of the child.  He needs to acknowledge that he didn't take any precautions to avoid pregnancy, and that he was wrong to claim the child wasn't his, even though he knew it very likely was.  She needs to acknowledge that she could have taken precautions to avoid becoming pregnant and that she was a partner in the sexual activity that occurred. Her family needs to acknowledge that they allowed the relationship to flourish, allowed her to stay overnight with him, and allowed him to stay at their home.  All of them are responsible, and there is no victim here, unless it's the child.

We need to realize when we are responsible for our actions, and to own it.  If we did it, own it.  There's a difference between making a choice and something happening we don't like, and something we have no control over.  A tornado we have no control over, deciding to have sex with someone without using protection we do, unless it's a rape.

Take responsibility, own it, learn from it and move on.  That's what life is all about.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Planetary Influences?

So the past few weeks have been strange.  The computer being weird, the nook acted possessed, and so on.  I know at times likes this the planets are having a field day so I try and lay low.

Mark finished with the edit of the book, so it was time to upload it and review the files.  But of course things ARE NEVER that easy.  For some odd reason the formatting went totally insane once it was uploaded.  Ok, after 4 days after trying to straighten that out, I decided to just copy and paste the whole dang book into another file.  YEAH, right.  On number 19, that's right, it took me a grand total of 19 attempts to finally get it right.  What the issue was, I have no clue.  It would look great until it was uploaded and then the fun would start.  On number 19 I got smart.  I would upload the file after each section and check it.  Perhaps whatever the glitch was it got fixed, or the gremlins got tired and quit messing with it.  I know I was tired of it for a fact!

Right after my heart attack I had received a questionnaire for jury duty.  I filled it out, and requested that I be excused due to the recentness of the heart attack and so on.  Then last week I received it again.  I also received a phone call from the Jury Selection committee telling me to ignore the questionnaire as for some reason THEIR computer went all crazy and resent them again to everyone. Guess the gremlins got in their computer too.  I told the lady who called it was no problem as my computer had went nuts for a bit also.

Today I was sitting on the porch when I had a weird encounter with a wren.  First I had the one windchime clanging, and a bird angrily chattering.  Don't know if the issue was the wren hit the windchime and was telling me off, or hit it to get my attention.  What I do know is, that wren sat on the edge of the flower pot and told me off royally for a good 5 minutes.  I am sure there was a lot of name calling and I bet human was not one of the names!  Finally the wren flew into the tree branch and told me off for a few more minutes, and finally flew off still chattering angrily.  I wondered if Mem the cat who likes to go to the basement and look through the screen door was out and bothering the birds.  So off I went to the basement.  Mem was taking a nap in the window in the sun.  Then I looked to see if Storm who was outside on his run line was doing anything.  He was taking a nap too.
So I have no clue what that wren's issue was.  But I shouted out the basement door, that I would watch what I say to the human who makes sure that they all get a handout of breadcrumbs and bird food once a day.  Those wren's are little drama makers!!

When the birds start telling you off, you know those planets are shooting out weird vibes!!  

Friday, July 14, 2017

Karma now or later.

When folks don't get along and leave each other in peace, there is no karmic debts that are incurred.  But, if you throw a pot stirrer or troublemaker, or drama seeker into the mix you end up with a different story.

We all, regardless of our beliefs here on the earth plane, come back and live again.  It doesn't matter if you are Christian, Wiccan, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist or whatever, we all reincarnate.  And we tend to run into the same folks that we knew before in our previous life.

Now back to my opening statement.  If you don't get along with someone and you deliberately lie, or do things to cause them harm, be it physical or otherwise, you end up with a karmic issue with that person.  Now depending upon the karma you have already, seems to determine if you end up having the universe (read Deity) balance things out by having something similar happen to you, or it may be chalked up to your Karmic balance sheet for you to take care of in another incarnation.

Because you will end up with an issue that will be balanced one way or the other.  The smart thing to do is NOT to do anything to cause harm to someone deliberately in the first place.  If you do, then you need to make amends to correct it, otherwise you will end up "paying" for it either in this lifetime, or in a future one.  You will have issues with that person to be resolved in a future incarnation.

For example you have a person that doesn't like their sister, let's call them Q, and their sister X.  Now Q is a drama queen and a pot stirrer.  She tells lies on X and causes her no end up troubles.  X knows that Q has issues and tries her best to at first resolve them, and when that doesn't work, she tries to stay out of Q's life.  Finally X retaliates by telling people what a pot stirrer Q is.  So in this life Q may get away with her nonsense without any repercussions.  BUT she now has racked up a huge karmic debt to X which in a future incarnation will have to be resolved.  X does not owe the debt, but is the debtor so to speak.  At some point Q will have to make restitution for her nonsense.

If in our example above, Q went to therapy and decided to change her nastiness, and she apologized to X, then depending upon how long she carried on her nastiness, would determine what remaining debt she owed.  In a future lifetime she may decide to be a defender and best friend to X, or she could end up having a situation happening to her similar to what she did.

Make no mistake, the universe (deity) prefers and demands balance and justice.  You may not pay now, but I promise you that for all the nasty and mean things you do to others, you will pay for.  If someone apologizes to you for something that they did, accept it.  You don't have to be best buddies with them, but you also don't want to be involved in a karmic issue with them either.  It is best to let go of anger and grudges so you don't have that on your score sheet for another life time.

Try to achieve balance in all things so in another life you don't have to deal with the same issues.