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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year.

In a few hours it will be the start of a New Year.  2018 will arrive brand sparkling new as we bid 2017 goodbye.  Frankly I will be happy to see 2017 leave.

To say it was a stressful year is to put it mildly.  For the United States it has been a year filled with tension and stress as we grapple with a small handful of people who are trying to impress their ideas on the majority.  We are in the middle of an investigation of Russia tampering with and installing a puppet President who wants nothing more then to be a dictator and have his family act as princes and princesses.  We have the Republican Party in Congress who are trying to help the wealthy gather even more money, while they try to destroy the working class, and take actions that will harm a variety of people be they elderly, women, children, the poor or of a different ethnicity or religious group.  This all has has resulted in people now knowing that the US has become completely divided.  We have seen that there is a minority of people who dislike other races, and other religions.  They wish to turn our nation into a theocracy of extreme Christianity, that is more of a religion based on hate and control, then upon worshiping a deity.

On a personal level I had a heart attack in Feb, and had to have 2 stents placed in the artery in my heart.  In September I had another life threatening issue arise with Ludwig's Angina.  I had 3 narrow escapes from being in an automobile accident, thank the Goddess they were narrowly avoided.  Any of the 3 would have resulted in me being hit in the back end by another vehicle that was speeding at a high rate of speed. 

I had a number of friends and family members pass to the Summerland, including a brother-in-law in July, then a few days later an Aunt-in-law, in Oct., my friend Mark who edited my books, a few days after he passed a friend and former sister-in-law, then to round things up royally and to show the universe had a sense of irony, in November I lost my Aunt Ann, my birth father's sister-in law.  A few hours later I found out that my birth mother Ruby passed away.  The irony?  They were to both be at the same funeral home. 

There were a lot of issues, problems, and irritants along the way also.  No, I won't miss 2017.  I am hoping that 2018 is much better.  I wish all of us a New Year filled with peace, happiness, joy, prosperity, and good health.  I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Happy Solstice; Have a Merry Yule!!

In a little under 12 hours it will be Winter Solstice!!!  Merry Yule everyone!!  I hope you have a wonderful holiday season filled with light, love and laughter.

I have decorated my Yule tree, made a wreath for the door, decorated a cinnamon broom, made Puppy treats, kitty treats, and people treats.   I made Mamie Eisenhower fudge, the first time I ever made it.  My Mom always made it for the Holidays and I would help.  Oh boy, now I know why she only made it once a year.  Unlike regular fudge where you cook everything on the stove, this fudge has the chocolate bits and the bakers chocolate and the marshmallow fudge in a mixing bowl.  You put the sugar and the condensed milk on the stove, stirring constantly, and then bring it to a boil for approx 6 and 1/2 minutes, of course stirring it constantly!!  Take it off the stove, pour over the stuff in the bowl and mix it till it melts and is smooth, then you pour it in your pans.  YIKES my hand got tired and I had to yell for the Husband to come help stir the stuff in the bowl!!  Oh was it good!! 

I made peanut butter fudge, and peanut butter potato candy also.  First time I myself made the potato candy.  Hint pick the smallest potato, not a big one.  Found that out!!  I also made Banana Bread.  So I shared my goodies with 3 of the neighbors, the nephew who lives next door, and the brother-in-law.  Everyone seemed happy.  Storm shared his noms with the doggies next door, and my cat brats shared theirs with the kitties next door.  Threw out birdy feed and bread for the birds and the critters.  Hubby who in almost 30 years of marriage has NEVER gotten in the holiday mood, actually surprised me and put lights up on the porch!  I had went shopping and when I came back he had decorated the porch, I almost fainted!!

When decorating the Yule tree hubby and I almost had words.  Well, he said when I was putting on the beaded sun/moon/star garland after I had put on the tinsel garland "Must you make it so gaudy"?  I bit my tongue and said, "Yep, I like gaudy'!  Now let me tell you, our taste is way different.  I want lights, decorations, and I want glitter and sparkly!  HIS idea is lights and maybe 4 decorations.  NOT happening!!  But since he was making an effort to be in a holiday mood, I restrained myself mightily and put very few decorations on.  Sometimes ya gotta keep em happy, sighs.  But I decorated a tiny Yule tree also and went crazy wild on it!!

Tonight I have been have a fun time singing Pagan Yule songs.  Youtube has some great ones!  My favorite one is on there -Jingle Bells Cast Your Spells!  Here is the link for it,       Also check out the one about Mother Berta is coming to town, and Let it snow, the pagan version!! 

I hope you all have a Merry Yule!!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Solstice Celebration: A short story by the Garden Crone

A short little story for you for the Holiday Season.

"Grandfather is ill, Ivy!  What shall we do? " cried Holly.  Poor little Holly sat down on the log and cried while tears dripped on to the ground and turned into glistening snow flakes.
Little Ivy began to sob as if her heart would break as she clung to Holly and their tears mingled.

Suddenly Ivy raised her head and said, "Oh Holly, perhaps Grandmother will cure him.  She knows everything."  They both stopped crying and felt hope spring into their minds. "There is suppose to be a celebration tonight, perhaps we can talk to Grandmother and see if Grandfather is feeling better, and I am sure he will be."

Holly and Ivy were both young Autumn fairies.  They were just a few months old, having been born on the Autumn Equinox, they were just learning of the ways of the seasons and the Wheel of the year.

They went on with their chores when they heard a rustling of the wind and a voice whispered through the trees "He is gone, Grandfather has passed to the Summerland."

Holly and Ivy with tears in their eyes headed for their warm cottage when they saw the Maiden run by them running towards the area of the forest where Grandfather and Grandmother dwelled.  Both little fairies were so upset they crawled into their bed and cried till they fell asleep.

They were suddenly awakened by a voice saying " Wake up sleepyheads!  It's time to go to the celebration!"  They opened their eyes to see the Dryad of the Oak tree.  "Oh lady, do you mean even though we all sorrow, we are still having a celebration?" asked Holly as she and Ivy crawled out of bed.

"Of course!  We are celebrating and the Mother has given birth to the new babe!" replied the Dryad.
"But we are sad because Grandfather passed to the Summerland. " sobbed Ivy

"Oh my dear little fairies, no one has explained to you yet!  You are so young you have not learned yet the mystery. "  said the Dryad as she sat down on the bed and patted the bed on either side of her and " Sit down and let me explain the mystery to you".  Ivy and Holly sat down on either side of the Dryad.

"Little ones, everyone and everything dies.  It is part of the cycle of death, life and rebirth.  But we are ALL reborn.  Grandfather passed on to the Summerland.  But the Mother has just given birth to the babe who IS Grandfather reborn.  The Babe will grow and age with the seasons to once more pass into the Summerland next Winter Solstice, and once again be reborn as a babe.  Just as the flowers poke their heads out of the ground, and grow into a plant that blooms with color and blossoms and then withers and dies as the dark and cold season appears, and then sleeps over the cold dark season and wake up to regrow, so does all life."

Holly and Ivy begin to talk excitedly "Oh Lady, let us go see the babe!  See Grandfather reborn!"
and they bounced up from where they were sitting and pulled the Dryad to her feet.  With a tinkling laugh the Dryad led the little fairies to the clearing.

The Maiden and the Crone were standing on either side of the Mother who held a newborn wrapped tightly.  Holly and Ivy edged closer to the Mother to peep at the babe.  The babe opened his eyes and looked at the little fairies just as several stars started twinkling brightly in the sky.

The Dryad leaned down and said to Holly and Ivy "Tonight the night is longest night in the seasonal wheel, but with the rebirth of the Babe, each day will be longer than the one before.  The dark and cold are passing, and the wheel is turning towards warmth and light.  This is the reason we celebrate the Winter Solstice."  At this the babe gurgled in delight as he looked up at the twinkling stars

Hope you enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Decorating your Yule tree or let's get crafty!

Oh yes every once in a while the Garden Crone get's crafty.  And let's face it, finding witchy type Yule ornaments is tough!!  Tinsel, garland and lights can be bought and that is not an issue.  The same with icicle type ornaments.  You certainly buy clip on Bird ornaments and use those, also Pine cone ornaments(or make your own, we will get to that soon), and also easily find those lovely apple ornaments and snowflakes.  But what about a pentagram?  Or witchy seashell ornaments? 

Now let me tell you right off, if I can make these anyone can, because I am not real crafty!  The kids can help make them too!!  While you all are making them you can tell stories about Yule.  Talk about how the Christmas tree is a pagan tradition!  So let's get started, oh and forgive my diagrams, I am not a very good diagram drawer!

First let's start off with doing Pine cones.  For this you will need glitter and glue, or clear glitter spray on paint, I know for a fact you can find that at Michaels.  You will need narrow ribbon or string or beading wire, a hot glue gun, and some buttons and of course the pine cones!

First off glitter your cones and let them dry.  Once dry take a button, small now, like on a button down shirt size, one with 2 holes in it.  Put your ribbon, string or wire through the 2 holes.  Twist if its wire, knot if it's ribbon or string, make a loop and tie a knot in it.  Glue the button onto the bottom of the pine cone.  There you go!!

Baked Dough Ornaments.

Now you can make a baked dough Pentagram!  Or whatever else you want.

2 cups flour      1/4 cup salt        1 tablespoon alum      1 cup water

Mix together, if sticky add more flour.  Tint dough desired color.  Roll out on floured surface and use star cookie cutter(for pentagram) or desired cookie cutter.

Use a straw to make a hole at top.  Place on cookie sheet.  Bake at 300 F for 30 minutes.  Remove and let cool.  Use paint or glitter glue to outline the pentagram.  Allow glue, paint, and glitter to dry.  Spray front and back with either clear spray paint or hair spray in a pinch.  Insert string or ribbon.

Pentagram stick ornaments.  See Diagram.

Supplies needed.

5 twigs of equal length. at least 5 inches for best results to hang on tree. 
Jute string
Hot glue gun.

Using diagram below, hot glue the twigs, and then wrap with the Jute string and tie. Dont forget to add a loop at top to hang. You can decorate them if you wish with pine, or ribbon or jingle bells. I am not the best diagram drawer, but I think you get the drift here.

You can also buy clear plastic bulb ornaments in various sizes.  If you want you can add tinsel to the inside, or even fake greenery or glitter etc.  Use glitter glue, glue and glitter, or paints to draw pentagrams, or other designs.

Sea shell ornaments.

Fan shaped sea shells, glitter glue, glitter and glue, or clear glitter paint.  Ribbon and assorted greenery etc.  Glue gun.  See pic of shell to use below..

First glitter the ridged colored outside and let it dry.  Then glitter the inside white part.  Now in exactly the position of the pic of the inside shell is, the square part at the top.  Glue a looped ribbon for hanging.  Then glue a little bow, or flower overtop the glued area.  Then in the curved portion of the shell glue fake greenery, berries etc.

See how easy that is.  And most of the items needed for the crafting can be found at a dollar store for a dollar!  You have witchy Yule ornaments, you and the kids ( your kids, your grandkids, or whatever kids you used) had fun.  Seashells are a symbol of the Goddess.  If you have the spiral shaped ones, you can decorate them also, they represent the God.

Here is to a wonderful Holiday Season.