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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Message to Pastor John In Alabama

So, so called Pastor John with your nutty evangelical message, I suggest that you do a bit of research before you go screaming about Witchcraft and Witches.  Also I suggest that you get some Psychological counseling due to your obsessions with Witchcraft.  Evil?  That Pastor John is you and the rest of your Alt Christians.  For folks that seem to abhor Satan, you and your fellow Alt Christians seem to be followers of him.

Do you know what Witches are?  Pagans?  Wiccans?  Perhaps you should do a bit of research you foolish, delusional, mentally ill  charlatan.  We aren't the ones spreading hate, that is you, and your followers.  Perhaps oh ignorant one, you should do some scholarship on Biblical Texts. 

So Pastor John, don't worry, we Witches/Pagans/Wiccans and I bet even a few Satanists, will "Pray" for you and your ilk. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The new book is now available!

Finally the book is done and is now available!  It is available in ebook format and the link for that is

The print copy of the book is now available also and the link for it is

 You may of course also request your local bookseller to order the book for your enjoyment.

I think you all will like the spells, and the recipes I included.  Spells include one for a peaceful home, one to get someone to repay you money they owe you, some love spells, a couple of money spells, a protection spell, one to deal with internet troll (this will stop their nonsense, I have used it and it works!), a variety of spells.

Of course my other books are still available.  I hope my books help you on your path.  You can always send me an email or drop over to twitter or facebook and let me know what you think.

I always enjoy hearing from my readers.  Please stop by and say hi.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Finishing up the new book.

I am in the last stage of finishing up the new book.  The Garden Crone Book of Spells.
Just a collection of various spells I have created over the years.  There are various types of spells.

A couple of wish spells, along with some love spells and money spells.  A spell to help someone who is contemplating suicide, dispel despair, changing the self, and even one to deal with an internet troll and a few others.

This time I did something different, I added a few recipes for Halloween.  Witches and recipes just seem to go hand in hand.  So if you are looking for some new ones to make for your Halloween celebration these may come in handy.

If I sound like I am rambling, I probably am.  You all know by now how I feel about formatting, and that is where I am at right now.  For 3 days I fought with Word over 1 little page.  Finally today I hopefully got it right.  So now I am working on the ebook version.  Yeah, more formatting.  So I am hoping by Monday the book will be available in both formats: hard copy and ebook.  That is assuming everything goes smoothly, and we all know how that usually goes.

So I just wanted to pop in and let you all know what was going on.  Remember, the Garden Crone is over on Twitter, give me a tweet and say hi, or over on Facebook I have a page also.  Drop by and socialize a bit with me.