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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Making progress on your spiritual path.

I have had many, many folks ask me why they don't seem to be making any progress with their spiritual path.  They feel confused, anxious and wonder if they have made the right choice in deciding to leave the traditional path of Christianity, or other patriarchal paths, and now feel in limbo.

And upon discussing things with them and listening to their concerns I can see what the problem is very easily.  They still hang on to the same ideas and concepts and just switch the gender view of deity.  So instead of having a vindictive, controlling god, they now replace that with a vindictive, controlling Goddess.  Or they don't do any soul searching of self.  Or they expect instant results. And none of it works that way.

You have to start at the basics.  Know yourself.  Know what you believe and why you believe it.  Know your strengths and weaknesses, your talents, your skills and even your fears.  We are talking some deep soul searching.  Be willing to accept responsibility for your choices.  Learn from your mistakes. 

For example the Pagan paths acknowledge that when it comes to gender, that no gender is superior to others.  Males are not better than females, nor is one gender to be subservient to others.  I have had folks say that they aren't feminists, but believe in the Goddess.  So upon discussing things with them, I found out that they had a number of issues going on.  They somehow felt that being a feminist meant that they were suppose to believe that females hated men and seen men as not needed.  And deep down inside they believed that for a woman to be successful in life she absolutely had to have a man.  But that is simply not what a feminist is.  A feminist is a person who believes that both males and females are equal in importance, and should have the same opportunities regardless of gender.  A feminist believes that women can have a fulfilling life without having to be married, or have children.  A feminist believes that no one should be locked into a role in life simply based on gender.  They believe that if a man wants to be a nurse or kindergarten teacher, that there is nothing wrong with it, or if a woman wishes to be an airline pilot or play hockey she should be allowed to do so.

The Goddess can be a Warrior, the God can be a nurturer. They aren't petty, keeping a cosmic scoresheet.  There is no Hell waiting for you if you step out of line, what there is, is karma to balance things and help you understand either in this incarnation or in a future one.  There is no savior dying to take on your sins, you take responsibility for your own actions.  You do it, you own it, and learn from it and move on.  There is no rule to go out and convert others, simply because it is understood that each person is responsible for their own spiritual health and well being.  It is also understood that religion and spiritual practices is not a one size fits all.  It is all about choice, for self, and allowing others that right also.

The Goddess doesn't say birth control is wrong or abortion is wrong.  It is understood that, that is a choice each person must make for themselves.  What she does insist upon is you taking responsibility for your  reproductive choices, and being able to take care of your own offspring including discipline.  She doesn't think you should reproduce and replenish the earth.  She understands that some folks have no desire to have children.  She expects you to take responsibility for any child you have.  Teach them to be responsible, take care of them financially, love them and teach them to love others and be respectful of all life and of the planet.

The Goddess doesn't say you can only have sex if you are married, but again expects you to be responsible for your actions.  She understands that sex is a natural function of being human. 

In the Pagan paths since Deity is seen as both male and female, and oft a blend of the two, being LGBT is seen as a natural thing.  Eons ago the LGBT community were seen as a bridge between humans and deity.  So the Goddess doesn't care if you are Gay, or Transgendered. 

The Goddess wants you to understand that all things are connected.  That we are to take care of the planet, the animals, the trees, the waters and so on.  In other words the environment and all things.  Because the loss of one, effects all others, because we are all intertwined and have all been created by her.

Spiritual health is important also.  One needs to feed their soul with healthy things.  A walk in the woods, thoughtful books on spiritual matters.  Investigate other religions and paths.  Investigate the history of other religions.  Realize that often some folks are into spiritual and religious matters for no other reason then to make money. 

Your spiritual path should fill you with joy.  It should give you hope.  Realize that it is not enough to say "I am a Witch", or what have you.  To make progress you have to work on it.  But it brings true joy in the end. 

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Witches of Grim County revisited. A short story by the Garden Crone

Do you all remember the Witches of Grim County?  Today we revisit Rhiannon, her sister Cerri, and their cousins Stacey, Tracey and Kelley. 

I slammed the remote down on the coffee table and picked up my cup of tea and looked at my sister and cousins.  "Wow. That is all I can say. What is up with up these people?  Have they all lost their minds?  Hate and venom flowing like a river."

Cerri shook her head.  "I know right?  Are they even listening to themselves?"

Tracey nodded in agreement.  "And those are the religious ones supposedly!"

"Some religion there.  I thought they were suppose to be about love?  Did I miss something?' asked Stacey.

Kelley shrugged.  "I don't think so.  Like I didn't see any love there at all."

"Well Rhi, I think after watching all that, you may be right about what you said the other day"  commented Stacey.

"What did you say Rhi?" asked Cerri.  "A little bit of insight?"

I sighed and shrugged.   "The best I can figure out is this:  The one bunch like the guy wearing the red hat,  feel that to be a good Christian you have to be white, a Republican and believe in Jesus.  Now after they say they believe in Jesus, they are saved and going to heaven.  Nothing they say or do will change that.  They also believe that white men who are wealthy can do anything they want to anyone that they have more money then the other person.  Any white woman is subservient to any white man and all women are inherently evil.  A woman has to have a man and her job is to be pregnant constantly and do everything that her man tells her to do...."

Kelley broke in "What?  Be pregnant and subservient!!  The women think that is ok?"

"Yes they are fine with it.  And they think other women who think differently are evil."  As Cerri went to break in I said  "Just let me finish before I lose my train of thought.  Let me sum it up like this, The more money you have the more God and Jesus love you.  God and Jesus love White Men, tolerate women, and apparently don't like any other color or race except White.  Or at least that is what these types claim".

"That is some messed up beliefs!"  "And the women believe this!"  "Say what!"

"Let me get this straight, this religion that claims it's about love, only loves money and white men, is what you are saying?"  asked Cerri.

"It appears that way, just from listening to what they say.  Hey, I am just telling you what I pieced together from watching them on TV, including some of their religious leaders." I answered. "You have to remember there must be at least 2000 different types of Christians.  And some of them believe this way, and others don't believe it at all.  But the ones wearing those red hats and waving those flags with swastikas on them or those Confederate ones, appear to believe what I just said." 

"Well it sure doesn't sound like any kind of religion I want to belong too!" exclaimed Kelley.  "In fact it doesn't even sound like a religion to me at all.  And they claim Witches are terrible!  They better take a look at themselves!"

Tracey glared.  " Have babies and wait on them.  Oh Please!  No man is telling me I have to have babies and wait on his ass.  I think their wives need to smack them upside their head!"

"And if she did, he would beat her and their Pastor would tell them it is ok."  At that there were gasps of horror.  "Plus they are against birth control and abortion.  They claim it's murder."  More gasps of horror.  "And they can't refuse to do their wifely duties or its a sin they claim to refuse sex to their husbands.."

"Oh my goddess"  Kelley gasped. "Are they that primitive!  Okay to beat your wife!! And force them to have sex!  Are they crazy!!"

"No just an extreme patriarchal religion out of control trying to turn back the clock to a few thousands years ago.  But they are hurting lots of people with their attitudes and actions."

"Well they better not try and force their nonsense on me," remarked Stacey as she grinned evilly, "or someone may find a rolling pen alongside their head along with a nice curse to boot!"

"And they really think that it is ok to force someone to have babies?  Do they love children that much?"  pondered Ceri.

"Yes they really think it is ok to force someone to have a baby.  They seem to believe that a fetus is actually a teeny tiny miniature baby.  And they claim if a person doesn't want a baby, they should have it and give it up for adoption."  I grimaced as I set my teacup down.  "In their Bible, the story of Sarah and her handmaid who got pregnant by Sarah's husband is a big hit.  So they think if someone doesn't have a child, that someone else should be forced to have a baby for them.  And no, they don't love children that much.  Once the child is born, they don't think there should be laws to make sure they are fed and clothed and have shelter.  They have even put children of other ethnic groups in cages.."

A collective gasp was released. 

"And they have the audacity to call us heathens!!  Not worried about a feeding and clothing a child?  And putting children in cages!!  My Goddess!!  And women should have to have a child for someone else?  Maybe the Goddess doesn't think that person is responsible enough to have a child, or karma is kicking in because of previous lives where they have abused children.  These people are just ignorant!" Kelley spat out.

Tracey shook her head.  "Well I sure don't see any love in that religion, or sense either.  Thank the Goddess we are Witches.  Whatdaya say we go whip up a batch of muffins and cookies, and if we have time, maybe a teeny little hex or two?"

Saturday, January 5, 2019

So you are offended? Warning explicit language used.

So you aren't offended by "Grab em by the pussy" and claim it's just locker talk.  Kids in cages don't seem to faze you a bit.  Calling other races and religions "Kikes", "Slant eyes", "Towel Heads", "Sand Monkeys", "Nig*ers", "Yard Monkeys", "Yard Apes", "Apes" and a plethora of various other insults aimed at demeaning people of color, sexual and gender preferences, and religious affiliation.  But you are having a meltdown over a young woman dancing and someone calling the so called President Mother fucker!!!  PLEASE grow the Fuck up!!  See even The Garden Crone says "fuck'.

For the record, I have said he is the same, and I have even called him worse  I have called his daughter a cunt, because she is.  I have said son of a bitch, fucking prick and I could go on. (my birth father said I have a mouth like a longshoreman.  And I have read numerous studies that very intelligent people swear often!  Sometimes a good Mother fucker, just sums it all up.)

You have the Evangelicals having a meltdown, but yet they are fine with him talking about grabbing women by their private parts, fine with him walking into dressing rooms where women are disrobing (if there are any that don't understand that word it means naked), fine with him having sex with porn stars (and no disrespect to Stormy Daniels, I like her.  She is quite honest about what she does and I don't have a problem with it) and paying them to keep quiet about it, has had numerous affairs while married to this his third wife, not to mention cheating on the other 2. They think it's fine that he is putting kids in cages, yet they scream about birth control and abortions-SAVE THE UNBORN BABIES!!, hmm, you would logically think they would worry about children in cages, I mean they claim they are prolife!

You have Mitt Romney running his mouth about how that type of language brings down politics.  Really Mitt?  Where the fuck have you been for the last 3 years?  Why don't you go talk to Rep Steve King from Iowa about how his remarks bring down politics?  And your smarmy niece the GOP chairwoman?  In fact before you go preaching and lecturing clean up your own party first.  Talk to Kellyanne Conway with her lies that she calls Alternative Facts, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders that lies constantly and pushes her propaganda. Tell them about their bs, and while you are at it, check out all the people in your party who ran their mouth about Dr. Ford over Brett Kavanaugh.

So hats off to Rep Tlaib!!  Thank you for telling it like it is!!  Funny, all these Trump supporters and Republicans claim they like folks who tell it like it is, but I gather that is only when they are the ones doing the telling..

So for those having a fit, get over it.  Pull up your big people panties and take inventory of yourself and what you say.  This is the 21st century after all!!