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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Garden Crone: Conversation with an Evangelical.

The Garden Crone: Conversation with an Evangelical.: "Why just think of all the wickedness and evil that would be going on if we didn't have religion and God and Jesus to show us the w...

Conversation with an Evangelical.

"Why just think of all the wickedness and evil that would be going on if we didn't have religion and God and Jesus to show us the way to live." said The Evangelical Trump supporter to me.  "People would be killing people, and raping women, it would just be horrible."

 "We have to read our Bibles, and follow God's rules.  Jesus already paid the price and all we have to do is believe in him and we are saved.  If everyone would do that we wouldn't have any of these wicked going on's happening."

So I pointed out there was a lot of evil and terrible things going on and there sure seemed to be plenty of religions and it didn't seem to be working.

"That is because they are following fake religions.  Not everyone is a Christian that claims they are.  We have plenty of wicked people that try and lead us Christians astray.  But our President is trying to save us from this wickedness and God has anointed him and he will overcome the evil ones and save our nation from the communists and socialists.  You need to admit how wicked you have been to Jesus, and tell him that you are sorry you have been kicking against him.  You need to tell him that you believe he is the son of God and ask him to forgive you and he will.  You will be saved and once you see how wicked you have been you will understand how great our President is."

I replied that I didn't think that those who believed in helping others and following what Jesus had said about loving and forgiving others and taking care of the poor and needy was wicked.  I also pointed out that Jesus practiced what would be considered Socialism.

She gasped in outrage.  "Jesus never practiced godless socialism and said to kill babies.  All these evil women running around tempting men and acting unwomanly, having sex and then killing the innocent little babies.  Jesus never said to do that!  He told us to love our neighbors, he told us to avoid evil, and follow the Bible.  That is why he anointed President Trump, to save us from the godless hordes coming in to rape and ravage our nation.  Why this is a Christian nation, founded on the Bible and Jesus. We need to put Bible reading back in schools, and throw out all these atheists and these godless religions that aren't Christians.  When Jesus comes back he is going to put to death all these sinners and in a blink of an eye God is going to create us a new heaven and earth.  But those fake Christians will be burning in a lake of fire for preaching their false religions and perverting the word of Jesus."

So when I pointed out that the immigrants were Catholics and I could not understand why Jesus would approve of putting Children in cages and that the founding fathers were Deists who specifically did not want government and religion to be the same she had an answer to that also.

"These children and their parents are criminals who push drugs.  And the only person who put children in cages was Obummer.  Washington was a Christian, and Thomas Jefferson even published the Bible.  They put that in the constitution so that we could always practice our religion without the atheists killing us.  And Catholics are heretics.  They aren't real Christians they never have been.  You really need to study history and read your Bible instead of being ignorant.  If you don't quit being evil and wicked you are going to go to Hell."

And that my friends is how these Evangelical Trump Christians are.  They completely disregard the truth and pursuit of knowledge, have no understanding of History or current events, and cause harm and chaos to others, including the environment and the planet.  Don't bother feeling sorry for them, or trying to understand them.  There is no reasoning with them.  But continue to pursuit your own path and seek knowledge.  They take pride in their ignorance and cruelty all under the guise of religion. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Garden Crone: Growth and building on a firm foundation.

The Garden Crone: Growth and building on a firm foundation.: "I am not a feminist"  she declared to me.  "I don't understand why I can't find love.  I meet men all the time.  We ...

Growth and building on a firm foundation.

"I am not a feminist"  she declared to me.  "I don't understand why I can't find love.  I meet men all the time.  We go to a movie, or out for dinner, and if they want to have sex then we do.  I diet, I take care of myself, I have had surgery to lose weight and get rid of the flab, have had a tummy tuck and a face lift.  I work and pay my bills.  My last relationship didn't pan out.  When we first met he wanted sex.  He wanted me to move in with him.  I did, I paid the bills and bought him gifts and I didn't nag him when he quit his job because he said it was stressful and his boss was taking advantage of him, or when he would drink too much.  He soon lost interest in sex and when we split up it had been over a year since we had had sex. I just don't understand why I can't find a man and have love."

So I asked her what she thought a feminist was.  "It's a woman who thinks women are better then men, who think men aren't necessary to be happy, and are generally lesbians.  They don't take care of their appearance either.  They are overbearing, aggressive, have nasty personalities and believe in killing babies.  They are generally socialists or communists."

So I asked her why she had wanted to explore the path of the Witch.  "Because I want to find my love and be happy.  I want a man who will be with me, and love me, who will have sex with me."

I explained to her that being a Witch was more then doing spells.  It was a path that embraced knowledge of self, and of the world around you.  That it was understanding how women and men could embrace their inner talents, it was understanding how everyone is connected and connected to the natural world.  That outer appearance was not important but inner qualities.  That men and women were entitled to equal rights.  That sexuality was a personal choice that each person had to make, had a right to make.  I explained that loving oneself came first.  That before a person could find a loving relationship that they had to know their self, they had to like their self, work on their self.  That a relationship had to be based on trust, respect and truth.  That one had to throw away all the preconceived ideas that they had and search for themselves to make an opinion.  One had to ponder how they had absorbed patriarchal ideas and how that was causing issues in their lives.  That if one did all this, that when the time was right one would find a fulfilling relationship. That the idea of just having a man did not automatically make one fulfilled and mean that everyone was going to live happily ever after.

But as often happens, people don't want to put the work into changing.  They expect instant results.  They don't really want to change, because the known may suck, but changing it is scary.  So for a few months she "tried".  But she didn't toss out her old ideas and be open to new ones.  When presented with facts that were contrary to what she had held for years, she dismissed them.  Instead of working on herself and changing, she just worked on changing where she met men.  She worked on love spells which didn't lead much to anywhere.  For her the entire world revolved around finding a man, any man and assuming that it was going to lead to happily ever after.  I doubt if she will ever be happy.  She is living in a fairy tale world and assuming that one day she will find her prince and suddenly everything will be perfect. 

One has to have a firm foundation based on strength to build.  One has to have knowledge and facts to make decisions.  And one has to understand that things take time to grow and happen.  Results don't happen in a minute.