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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Garden Crone: A spell for finding your birth family or info abou...

The Garden Crone: A spell for finding your birth family or info abou...: One would think that people would understand that everyone has the right to know their family roots and history.  Be it adoption, the foster...

A spell for finding your birth family or info about them.

One would think that people would understand that everyone has the right to know their family roots and history.  Be it adoption, the foster care system, death, war, or what have you, thousands of folks are unable to find out info on their families.  Adoption has occurred many times in my family.  Either by other family members, or sadly enough among strangers. 

My son has a half sister, Kacey.  He never got to meet her until a few years ago.  She is the only sibling by blood that he has.  From the time he was 12 and found out he had a sister he wanted to meet her.  I had promised him the entire time that we would find her.  Finally things came together, and I found her through a combo of good detective skills, some luck, and some spellwork!  Now I don't want anyone to have to wait 20 some years like he did, so I put together a spell to help move things along.  This spell was in my Witching Handbook, but I am going to share it here with all of you.

It will also work for finding info on your family roots.  So here you go folks, copied straight from my book.

Finding your roots

Everyone has a right to know from whom they sprung from.  Looking for parents and siblings for those who have been separated due to various reasons including adoption, can be an emotional draining experience.  This spell should help you find the answers that you seek.

Supplies needed:

1 indigo candle
1 white candle
Cedar incense

This spell is done during the new moon.    Light the candles and the incense and say:

Back down through my ancestral line,
I call upon you all at this time
To find my roots, is what I seek
From whom I come I need to find
So help me now ancestors of mine.
The answers lie within my genes.
To reveal those from whom those genes came
Is the answer that I need.
So let me find those with who I share
These wondrous DNA links.

You should start to find answers to these questions.  Often answers will pop out of the blue, in strange ways such as chance meetings with someone, or finding a document or paper with the answers. 

Good luck on your hunt!!  

Friday, March 8, 2019

The Garden Crone: How long does it take for a spell to work you ask....

The Garden Crone: How long does it take for a spell to work you ask....: Many people have the mistaken impression that one lights a candle, says a few words and poof, the results for the spell are instantaneous.  ...

How long does it take for a spell to work you ask..

Many people have the mistaken impression that one lights a candle, says a few words and poof, the results for the spell are instantaneous.  But that's not how it works.  Nor do we snap our fingers, or wave the wand around for instant results.  Oh if it were only that easy and quick.

For a simple spell (and believe me there are not really any simple spells) results can kick in within 2 weeks.  The fastest I ever had one occur was the one I told you about in my Tough Magic for Rough Times book.  It kicked in within hours!  But I had been doing spellwork on that situation for a couple of months which probably is why it kicked in so fast.

But depending upon what the situation is and how many people are involved, lengthens the time it will take to see results.  And also throw in there if you have been doing other spells on the situation.  Consider it layering if you will.  If you have a complex situation involving a number of people it will take longer.  But you should start to see some sort of movement within a month.  Just keep redoing the spell and adding energy to it and it will soon kick in to overdrive.

Once a spell starts kicking in it may go from nothing happening to BOOM!  When you see that, just keep up with your work on soon the situation will be taken care of.

Remember we are working with the void and its energies, and it is a complex field of getting things to fall into line, but once it does, the domino effect kicks in and things start falling into place.

Stay positive, keep in mind that it will work, it just takes time.  Keep feeding positive energy into the spell by redoing, or doing another spell that will work in tandem with the first.  Sort of attacking the problem from different angles.  Or do both.  Even just lighting a candle and focusing on the outcome you want will help speed things along.  If the original spell you are redoing is simple in nature, for example just a candle, try adding a condition oil, or herbs to the spell.  Or add things like writing it down on paper and burning the paper.  What you are doing is renewing your connection to the original spell when you redo it, plus feeding it energy, and when you add other items to the spell, you are forging more connections and adding more energy.

Good luck with your web weaving!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Garden Crone: Doing candle spells.

The Garden Crone: Doing candle spells.: Candles have been used by a variety of religions to petition their version of deity.  Sometimes they were used to show devotion and respect ...

Doing candle spells.

Candles have been used by a variety of religions to petition their version of deity.  Sometimes they were used to show devotion and respect to a particular deity.  In the Witchy traditions they are used the same way, and also to do simple little spells.  Simple meaning, all you need is a candle and a lighter or matches, and of course a candle holder for any type of candle other than a tea candle.  But don't let the simplicity of it fool you, these little spells can pack a powerful punch.

So the most simplistic of the candle spells involve just a candle, matches or lighter, a candle holder if candle is not a tea candle and the spell.  One picks up the candle and fills the candle with their intention. This connects the person and the candle, builds a bond between them if you will.  One then lights the candle, says the spell and lets it burn out.   As for the color of the candle, one can always use white for any type of spell.  Or one can match the color to the spell.  Pink or red for love, green, gold, brown, silver for prosperity or money, black to deflect something away, yellow to attract and so on. 

Now one can if they are inclined to anoint the candle with an oil matching the type of spell one is doing. (This is also called Dressing the candle)  The simplest way to anoint is with olive oil. (Or an oil that matches your intent, such as love drawing oil for love, and so forth ) Yep, that stuff you cook with.  Hold the candle in your hand and dab some oil on your index finger and depending upon the type of spell, either from the wick to the bottom rub the oil on the candle-to bring something to you, or from the bottom to the top to move something away from you.  Do this around the candle a couple of times. Or you put a small amount in the palm of your hand and swipe down or up with the oil. Then do the spell.

Now if one wants to, they can carve things into the candle.  Sigils, runes, symbols and so on.  One could draw a dollar symbol on a candle, and then carve the amount wanted,  anoint with oil if you wish, if not that is fine too, and then do your spell.

And last if one anoints the candle with oil, one can roll it in herbs that match the intent of the spell.  If you decide to do that,  and are also going to carve on it, one would carve first, anoint next, and then roll the candle in the herb mix last. 

If using a tea candle, just pull it out of its little container, and anoint, or carve as you wish.  Replace back in the little container.  If you are using herbs, just sprinkle some in the bottom of the container and teeny bit on top of the candle.

All in all, candle spells are easy to do and for those who lead a busy life, they allow one to still bring the magic into their life.