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Thursday, May 9, 2019

The new book.

So I am working on a new book, and this one is a cookbook.  Recipes of mine, and family and friends.  Some of the recipes have been handed down for quite a few generations.

I come from a long line of excellent cooks and bakers on all sides of my family tree, even if I haven't inherited all the genes for baking and cooking.  It seems that my Mom, all of my aunts and grandmothers going back generations, could take a handful of ingredients and turn them into a gourmet meal!  Mom would always say that Grandma Lizzie Grim could can absolutely anything and could make a meal out of a hambone and a handful of beans.

The new book is called Cooking with The Garden Crone and I am working diligently on it to try and have it done before the end of the month is over.

As I told you in a previous post I now also have a Ko-Fi page.  For a sneak peek of the new book, head on over, and take a look. 

I will let you know when it is finished and give you the links to purchase it.  I know this is a big difference than my previous books, but I think you will enjoy it.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

A little too late.

I have been screaming for years about the Alt Christian Evangelicals, and people would tell me that I was hating Christians, or overreacting so I was not at all surprised over the years and especially the last 4 to see how they have not only infiltrated into our government, but also how they have supported some of the most reprehensible people in politics.

And so here we are with a sociopath in office as the President, his Alt Christian advisors and cabinet members, and a Congress filled with Alt Christian Republicans passing laws, making decisions, and force feeding their horrible ideas and views on the rest of us.  To top that off we have Putin in Russia laughing his head off and manipulating these fools like a puppet master.

But the problem is over the years the standard anwer has been each is entitled to their own opinion, beliefs or a variety of statements.  And I certainly believe that each is entitled to their own whatever.  The problem is, these Alt Christians don't believe that everyone is entitled to their opinions, and that is where we get into trouble.

And finally 3 years into this current mess, people are starting to wake up and realize that gee, while the rest of us having been playing by the standard rules of democracy, law, and manners, these Alt Christians haven't been.  Christian ministers who should have been preaching against Alt Christian nutters such as Franklin Graham, Pat Robinson, Paula White and the rest of that ilk, never opened their mouths.  They should have been warning their flocks of these types.  They should have been writing letters to the editors, banning together, and talking of the dangers of these people.

People should have been paying attention to elections and who was running and the policies that were being written and passed, and they should have gotten a clear warning when President Obama was in office.  But most of the people were too busy running around doing their thing and dismissing the voices that were screaming warnings.

But now folks are starting to sit up and take notice, including the Christian ministry.  Mainstream ministers are writing articles and books and trying to warn people.  But I fear that boat has sailed.  These Alt Christians have bought hook, line and sinker the propaganda that has been fed to them.  Even though they have been the one persecuting others, they scream they are persecuted for being Christians.  They are always the victim to hear them, they are victimized because they are white, or male, or Christian, or conservative or whatever the victim card of the day is.  They are the only true patriots, the only folks with morals and standards.  But they dance with Putin and Russia, see nothing wrong with hackings of our elections, and support a Sociopathic President and his regime that feel they are above the rule of law and completely ignore the law.  Subpoenas?  Disregard them, we don't have to follow the law.  The Republican Party has completely abandoned even the slimist facade of upholding the rule of law, or their previous slogans.  Fiscal responsibility?  Nah, they cry, that only applies to democrats and the normal citizens.  Upholding the law?  No, that only applies to democrats and normal citizens.

And some people don't even realize we are in a war.  I had some twit over on the Washington Post comment section try and chastise me for being rude!  Hello stupid, I think we can throw that out the window right now.

Yes folks it is a little too late to do anything other than vote, get involved in straightening out this mess, and protest these atrocities going on, because not only our nation, but our lives depend upon it!

I am now on Ko-fi.  Drop on over and buy me a coffee and leave a message, and check my updates on the new book. 


Friday, May 3, 2019

So who do you want to be? Being happy being you.

So who do you want to be?  That is the question I ask of those who say I don't really know who I am.  And you must keep in mind being realistic.  If you are in your 40's and you want to be a teenager again, it's not going to happen.  You can't turn back the chronological clock here.  Same thing goes for wanting to be 5 inches taller, or of a different racial or ethnic group.

Now you can dye your hair, get plastic surgery, liposuction, have procedures done to help you lose weight, but none of that is going to change your underlying insecurities or the past.  It won't change who you are deep down.  What I am saying is, if you think because your hair is brown, that is why you aren't happy, and you are sure if you dye your hair red, or bleach it blonde that suddenly the world will realize you are a wonderful person, you may be in for a disappointment.  Now I am not saying that you can't get these procedures done, or dye your hair.  What I am saying is why are you doing it.  Remember the old show "Three's Company"?  In one of the episodes, the one character Janet bought a blonde wig to wear.  And suddenly she was wearing it constantly, because she said it made her attractive, and she didn't want to go out of the apartment without it.  The point is, she was still the same vibrant woman she had always been, but she felt it was the wig that was causing it. 

I know a woman, very intelligent, she has a great job, and has traveled, owns her own home and yet she is one of the unhappiest people I know.  She has starved herself, had a nose job, eye job, liposuction, a face lift, a tush lift, a tummy tuck, and goddess knows how many other procedures.  Because she is sure that all this will magically change her life around and she will find Prince Charming and live happily-ever-after.  You understand I am sure, that she is trying to change her entire physical appearance and not the inner her. The inner her is what is causing the issues, but she can't seem to get that in her head.  She comes from a strict Evangelical family background.  And at her first chance in her teens broke loose and has been searching ever since for freedom.  The problem is she still has yet to deal with finding her own standards, or dealing with the past.  Her father was a strict patriarch who made no bones about girls being inferior to boys, and that girls didn't need an education because they were inferior, and were meant to be subservient to men as their wife.  Her mother also believed that the only way for a woman to be fulfilled was by being a homemaker, wife and mother.  And so until she deals with that mess she will continue to be unhappy.  She has to realize that she has worth in and of herself.  She has to also then find an inner spiritual path that matches her, and her life.

I know tons of folks who do these types of things.  The inner you is what you have to work with before you get anywhere.  And you have to be realistic.  You can only change you, not someone else.  Folks that marry someone who has an addiction issue and believe that by loving the person it will save them.  Not happening.  The only person you can change is yourself, not your spouse, not the neighbor, no one but yourself.  I have known men who have fallen in love with the damsel in distress thinking they would save her.  Only to find out that the damsel really didn't want to be saved, she just wanted a sugar daddy that took care of the problems that she caused herself.  I have known women who have done the same thing with the poor, misunderstood fellow that was always finding himself in trouble.  Only to find out that he only wanted someone who would pay his fines, bail him out of jail and just handle all the problems that he brought upon himself.

I have known women and men, who are the insanely jealous type, who have married someone who has been married before and has children from that marriage.  Now the truth of the matter is they are not going to tell you that they want nothing to do with these children but have plans to replace THOSE children with his/her children.  And no one ends up the winner in this mess.  Eventually everything blows up and there is unhappiness, hard feelings and issues galore.  Which could have been avoided in the first place if everyone would have been honest with themselves from the beginning. She/He thought they could change the other person and bring them around to their viewpoint and it didn't happen. If they would have said to themselves, I am jealous, and I know that I don't want to share this person with these children that aren't mine, that I really want these children out of not only mine but my loved one's life.  Perhaps it would be a good idea to find someone else.

You have to work on the inner you.  Release the ideas that are causing you problems.  Deal with past emotions and let old grudges go.  Open yourself up to new ideas, expand your horizons, allow yourself to explore other belief systems to see how they feel to you.  Oh sure, being pretty or handsome may draw attention to you, but do you really want to be valued just for your physical looks?  Having a spouse doesn't guarantee you are going to live happily ever after either.  To be happy, be yourself, find that job that makes you happy.  Find that spiritual path that allows you to feel connected to Deity and makes you feel fulfilled.  If you have a roof over your head, food to eat, clothes, transportation and the other necessities of life, be happy.  Millions of folks don't even have that.  Happiness does not depend on possessions, or how many toys you have compared to everyone else.  Change yourself and your attitudes and beliefs and help others.  Like yourself and who you are.  That is where it all starts.