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Saturday, January 4, 2020

The decline of the American dream and the death throes of a nation.

In 1980 Reagan was elected President of the United States, and the wealthy and the religious fanatics began rubbing their hands with glee.  A movie star who was easily swayed by the greedy and various revisionist and Ayn Rand twits he began the decline of the United States of America.  Now, you will hear the Republican Party and the damn Evangelicals and his daughter Patti claim he was wonderful, and a saint.  He wasn't.  He was ignorant of economics and intolerant of the poor.  And for those of you shaking your head, I was 21 years of age, so I well know what I speak of.  Movie stars do not make good presidents.

The 1960's and 1970's just about caused the right wing to explode with anger with progress arriving in the United States.  Women and minorities had made major strides towards equality and the old wealthy white men and their cheap blonde bimbo bitch wives couldn't stand it.  A woman work!!  Oh my god!  Because according to these blonde supposed Christian women, a woman's destiny was to be blonde, slender, pretty and trap herself a wealthy sugar daddy.  In other words exchange sex for marriage and security.  As for the men, the very idea that a woman should not be under the thumb of a man was just unacceptable.  Because they believed that they should be able to use their money to make women dance to their tune.  Want a raise?  Bend over and spread those legs.  In other words men felt they could have sex with any woman they wanted too and if she didn't want to, they felt they had the right to force her too.  Oh they didn't come out right out and say it, but it was a well known fact.  Women who slept their way to the top were considered a pesky detail.

Then the Bush years arrived.  More corruption and more laws to take away the strides of the progressive years.  The idea of the ugly American was seen as cute by these folks.  The United States begin to play the role of a bit of a lovable thug internationally.  The religious nuts and the other conservative right wing groups began their plotting of how to implement their ideas and visions into action.

By the time the 21st century arrived and the second Bush presidency occurred, the dying of the American dream was in full swing.  The religious fanatics were having a field day.  The Republicans were in full corruption mode and the Wealthy were rejoicing over the fact that there were Billionaires.

Then the Obama years arrived.  Having a black president made these racist right wingers lose their minds completely.  Because there was no major scandals, the Republicans began to invent them.  A tan suit!  Oh my god!!  Mrs Obama wore a sleeveless dress and they lost it.  They made up scandals about Hillary Clinton.  They really went insane when the LGBTQ were given rights.  Same sex marriage!!  Oh how their Jesus wept.

In the meantime Putin and Russia were buying up Republican Politicians, and grooming that ignorant, corrupt  Orange Menace Donald Trump.  Putin was cozying up to Evangelicals like Franklin Graham, and buying their way into the NRA.  They were getting their fingers online into places like Twitter and Facebook, so that they could manipulate the easily led gullible right wing base with lies and propaganda.

So here we are now with a Sociopath squatting in the White House committing crime and scandal one after another as he lines his pockets and tries to destroy this democracy, his thugs in power doing the same, his wife a former nude model whose everyone in the world has seen her "goods", who is every bit the narcissist as he is, who has helped him spread his lies and propaganda  seen as a role model.  His adult children are merrily lining their own pockets and spreading lies and propaganda as they help dismantle this nation.  We have a corrupt Political Party in the Republicans who are enabling this criminal as they blatantly disregard the wishes of the majority of the populace and push into law the wishes of the ignorant religious nuts, the Russians and the wealthy so that they remain in power.  We have a minority of ignorant, ill bred, despicable fools that believe they are superior to every other race and ethnicity, and a twisted, deplorable religious cult trying to bring on the end of the world that support the corruption and undermining of this nation.

Ann Coulter who claims that women should be at home, yet for some reason can't follow her own beliefs, Tomi Lahern an ignorant little blonde who likes to spew lies, Kelly Ann Conway, another blonde who lies at the drop of a hat and makes up propaganda are all seen as role models for the right wing bunch.

Frankly I hope all the little right wing girls grow up to be skanks and nude models just like their heroines.  They can learn all the Kama Sutra moves, pose in the men's magazines, make movies, and sleep their way to an old fat white sugar daddy.  The little right wing boys will of course grow up to be little sociopaths lying and ripping off anyone they can.

As for this nation, it is in its death throes thanks to the Republicans and Evangelicals.  Rather or not it makes it off of life support depends upon you.  Vote for Democratic candidates, write your congress people and make your voices heard.  Because do you really want to live in a nation that has Trump as a king, the Evangelicals making the rules, minorities enslaves and filled with serfs?  Do you want women to have no rights, forced to have baby after baby just because the right wing Jesus supposedly said so?  If you aren't in the USA, then don't allow this nonsense to occur in your nation.  Get out their and fight it from happening to you.