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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Herbs and spices that are antiviral.

With the outbreak of Covid 19 worldwide, I thought it might be a good idea to share info on antiviral herbs and spices that are antiviral.  Antibiotics do not treat viruses.  So generally one if infected has to let it run its course and treat any infections or other issues that may occur.

Elderberry is a great antiviral. It helps keep the virus from replicating thereby either stopping it or lowering the seriousness of the illness. Elderberry is sold as supplements or as a syrup.  And it is safe for children.  Preventive use would be for syrup for adults 1 tablespoon per day.  For children 1/2 teaspoon per day.  When sick dosage would be for adults 1 tablespoon every 4 hours; for children 1/2 teaspoon every 6 hours.  Syrup is the preferred method for children.  Supplements for adults as a preventive measure would be 1 per day.  When ill 2 a day.

Licorice root.  Another great antiviral.  Only use for adults.  And use cautiously as it can cause the blood pressure to rise, so I suggest to only use when you suspect you have been exposed to a virus.  It comes in both extract and supplement form.  I would advise 28 drops of extract in 1/8 cup of water 2 times a day.  Supplements would be 1 per day.  Licorice has been shown to be very effective against the corona virus.  It helps to keep it from replicating, again either stopping the virus or lowering the seriousness of the virus.

Ginger.  It comes in a variety of  forms from tea to supplement.  It can be taken as a preventive measure.  For children as a preventive measure and as a treatment I would advise lozenges, or if ill a cup of mild tea.  For adults 1 supplement daily, and if ill add 1 or 2 cups of ginger tea to that.  It also helps keep the virus from replicating.

Echinacea supplements not only help treat symptoms but will help fortify the immune system.  Adult use only please.   May be taken daily as a preventive measure.  1 per day be it treatment or preventive measure.

Vitamin C.  Either supplemental or through juice will help fortify the immune system and lessen symptoms.  My advice would be an extra 500 mg spread over a 24 hour period.

Peppermint.  Another great treatment.  A cup or 2 of tea with honey will not only help fight the virus, but will also help loosen mucus from the respiratory system.  It is also safe for children.

These are just a few herbs and spices one can use.  And don't forget the chicken soup and tomato soup!  Studies have been done that show both help when one is ill.