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Monday, March 30, 2020

Trump's abysmal, evil, surreal United States.

Every day I am disgusted by the Evangelicals, Trump, the Republicans and the self proclaimed Trumpers.  IF intelligence was prosperity they would be bankrupt.  As it is they are spiritually, mentally and morally bankrupt.  They do though have a wealth of stupidity, ignorance, and hatefulness.

For people that scream they are pro-life they sure seem they are pro-torture and anti-life.  They cry their tears for fetuses, but yet have no regard for humans that are already alive.  They don't worry about food, clothing or shelter, health care or money for anyone once they are born.  They do worry though about Corporations and the Wealthy being able to freely lie, cheat, steal and line their pockets easily from the rest of us.  Tax breaks and Stimulus money easily and quickly flow to the wealthy and the corporations because of ignorance of economics and lack of intelligence and education on the part of Republicans and the Trump base.  Children in cages, they could care less about because they don't see them as humans or children for that matter but as subhuman.  The poor and the elderly are seen as expendable.  From Trump supporters to Trump and his regime and to many Republican Politicians death for the elderly, poor and susceptible to Covid-19, are easily shrugged off.

Trump's denial of the virus and it's spread will lead to the death of many.  Any human with an ounce of compassion would cringe to think of people dying in large amounts from a virus that, if steps were taken would not be so deadly.  But all we see is Trump, his base, his administration, and most of the Republican Party more worried about the Stock market than lives.  "Eh, so what if Grandma dies.".

And the evil Evangelical religious leaders play right along.  They sell fake cures, encourage their followers to go out and about and not worry about getting ill, cause it's a hoax, or Jesus will protect them.

Every damn day these evil Evangelicals, Trump supporters and Republicans take away everyone else's rights and choices.  They feel they are so superior to everyone else.  So special.  Jesus loves them.  They want to take away your choice with regards to reproduction, they force their nasty, evil religion on everyone else through laws.  They take away your safety by their views on gun control, which is none.  I mean, according to them every nutjob should have an assault weapon.  If they had their way everyone would be waltzing around with a weapon having shootouts.  And now they put everyone else at risk with the coronavirus.  If it were just them affected by it, I would say jolly good, and encourage them all to congregate, have a big party with plenty of hugging, kissing, and hand shaking.  But unfortunately they put the rest of us at risk also. 

Everyday, I see them posting their lies and propaganda that covers a spectrum from politics to health.  They tell their lies on Democratic leaders, they push their propaganda about the virus.  There is no shame among these deplorable, despicable idiots.  This my friend is what happens when you combine lack of intelligence, religious zealotry, greediness, and hate.  Once upon a time we were a nation with aspirations of love, tolerance, freedom and equality for all.  Now we are a third world nation filled with evil, greediness and stupidity.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Change takes Time.

Many people in the world expect immediate results.  We see this even with advertising.  Use this makeup, wear that outfit, pop this pill and so on.  And you  may temporarily get results from whatever the newest fix is.  But it doesn't fix the underlying condition.  We see it even with Politicians who claim they and only they can fix whatever the issue is. 

We have been fed a steady diet of instant fixes and Saviors that will rush in and save the world.  How many stories are basically about and boil down to the Knight in Shining Armor that rushes in at the last second and slays the evil beast?  And we are told that everyone lived happily ever after.

For any permanent change to occur you have to change the underlying condition.  It boils down to that.  It takes hard work. You have to be dedicated.  And you have to realize that trial and error are going to occur. Change takes time.

The same thing applies to spiritual paths and religions.  For example let's take Christianity.  In Pauline Christianity the "fix" is accepting Jesus as your savior.  All you have to do is say "Jesus was the divine son of god.  He died for my sins on the cross.  I believe this and believe he is my savior".  And that's it.  You're in.  No matter what you do or have done you're going to heaven.  So at this point you are given a free pass.  No responsibility to fix past mistakes.  No responsibility for future action, because it's now all in God's hands.  Whatever happens now is considered God's will.

Now let's look at the Pagan paths.  You are responsible for your past and future actions.  It is your responsibility in what you did and didn't do.  What you do in the future depends upon what decisions you make and what actions you take.  It encourages you to know yourself so you know your strength and weaknesses.  It helps you heal your inner self and grow spiritually.  It helps you understand that the only person that you can change is you. It tells you that there isn't going to be a Knight showing up to save you, but you must save yourself.  It encourages you to work with other like minded individuals to cause positive change for everyone, not just for a select few favored ones.  It makes you understand that no one is going to rush in snap their fingers or wave a magic wand and give you everything you want and make your life perfect.

In my books I try and give you the tools to do this.  But I, or no one else can cause the change to happen.  You have to do the work.  Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk also.  You have to put in the effort to see a change.  Remember knowledge is power.  The power to change yourself and help change the world around you.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Checking up on everyone.

Checking in with all my readers out there.  I hope everyone is well and staying safe.  I know that everyone has to be anxious and on edge.  Let me know how you are doing.  Either in the comment section, over on my Facebook page or on Twitter.  I promise I will respond.

Stay safe my friends, we will get through this.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Healing emotionally and psychological.

Most of us have emotional and psychological wounds.  The difference is of course in the severity of the wounding.  Some folks will realize they have an issue and seek healing, others will never realize they are wounded, and a big majority will realize they have a wound, and do nothing to help heal themselves.

So I am going to get on my soapbox here and speak of healing your inner wounds.

First off identifying you have an issue is the first step.  That is a very big step in fact.  Once you take that first step, you have placed your foot on the path towards healing.

The second step is deciding to do something about it.  Just admitting there is an issue is NOT going to end it.  One must decide to do something about it.  Going around and saying you are a victim of whatever does nothing towards solving the problem.  All that does is become a crutch and an excuse.  Identifying only as a victim sets the self up for failure and gives an excuse to fall back upon.

The third step is to take action.  This is the hardest step.  To move forward in the healing process takes hard work, brutal honesty with self and then decide what you can do to overcome it.  You have to search relentlessly within and what you find and truthfully acknowledge what you did, what others did even when you really don't want too.  This is the part where many get hung up on.  Especially admitting that someone you love and look up too did something horrible to you.  The truth will set you free, this is true, but the truth is often ugly.  But to heal, it must be acknowledged and dealt with.
Falling under taking action is allowing yourself to feel anger.  That in and of itself can be scary.  But to heal you have to acknowledge that you have a right to be angry and acknowledge that anger, hurt and fear. 

The final step is letting go of the fear, anger and hurt and working on positive focus points. Example you say I have now learned that my mother is a Covert Narcissist and I now know to take care in believing the stories she tells.  I now know to sift through what she says and not believe her versions of events.  See how this works?  You have acknowledged an issue, identified it, searched and found the hurt, admitted you were hurt, and had a right to be angry about it.  Instead of letting that anger and fear fester in your subconscious and unconscious, you let it see the light of day.  You then let the anger go, and then acknowledged you had learned from that and how to protect yourself from future problems of the same nature.

Because fears and anger allowed to fester without acknowledging that they are there will poison you in the long run.  They will cause disruptions in your life and relationships.  If you acknowledge there is an issue but yet don't identify it, the same will happen and you will also assume a victim mentality.  But by working on all of this, you have become a survivor.  You have become stronger.  You have become a warrior! 

If you don't acknowledge or work on these things, you will continue to wonder why things like Why do I always get the nasty guy?  Why do I end up with the backstabbing friend?  And so on.  If you come from a toxic family environment, when you meet someone who has the same type of temperament as your family, it feels familiar to you.  And that is the downfall right there.  Many mistake this familiarity to mean friendship or love.  If you've worked through this though, you are able to say to yourself, "Wait a minute, I think I need to take my time here."

Remember truth is the key here to understanding.  Understanding others and self.     

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Recipe for Elderberry Syrup for What ails you.

Yesterday I posted about a few antiviral herbs and spices.  I was asked if I knew how to make Elderberry syrup, or should one buy premade.  One can indeed buy premade syrup and should be easily found via Google search.  I buy most of my herbs and vitamins from either Swansons Vitamins or Puritan Pride and I know that both carry various brands of Elderberry Syrup.  But should one be inclined to make their own that is easily done also and I have a recipe that I call for "What ails you".

One can easily find most ingredients that you don't already have on hand on health and healing sites or Vitamin shops and I know that Amazon carries them.


1 cup dried Elderberries
2 Tablespoons dried Licorice root(optional, but helps boost the formula)
2 Tablespoons dried rose hips (optional)
1 cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
2 Tablespoon fresh grated ginger or 1 teaspoon dried
1/2 cup honey
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
4 cups water

In a large saucepan put water, and all ingredients except honey and lemon juice.  Bring to a boil and using spoon or potato masher smash the berries so that most are broken open.  Place lid on pot, and turn heat to simmer.  Let simmer for 60 minutes, stir once in a while.  When done, remove from heat and using a fine mesh strainer, strain liquid into bowl.  Allow to cool for 5 minutes and then stir in the honey and the lemon juice.  Pour into a sterilized quart jar.  Put lid on and store in the fridge for up to 2 months.  Take 1 tablespoon daily if adult, if ill take 3 times a day.  For children 1/2 teaspoon, if ill may take 2 times a day not to exceed 1 teaspoon.

And there you go, Elderberry Syrup for flu/viruses and what ails you!