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Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Unsung heroes of the Pandemic.

Every day we are subjected to the right wing propaganda machine spewing out it's lies and deflections.  They praise the idiot squatter in the White House who the media shows as he vomits out his word salads and recommends dangerous treatments, drugs and suggests that disinfectants could cure the virus instantly.  His base of equally stupid people praise him hourly on various media platforms.  But you know who they don't praise?  The unsung heroes that's who.

The Nurses, Doctors, and other medical staff, the first responders and the other workers on the front lines.  You know those who work in the grocery stores who are right there in the midst of it all making sure that the shelves are stocked and you can buy items?  Yeah, they are right out there.  Along with the folks who work in the pharmacies to make sure you can get your prescription filled.  Those who work at the service stations filling your tanks up with gasoline.  And the list could go on.  Those folks who are considered ESSENTIAL.  Those folks who work for low pay, very few if any benefits, but yet are essential to things limping along during the lockdowns.

So I salute and applaud you all!  I am grateful for what you do.  Thank you!  You are the folks who should be getting large paychecks and the applause.  You are all heroes..  Every day you put your lives on the line for all of us.  And get no praise, you have idiots and fools who put not only their lives but yours at stake protesting or running around without masks.  May the Goddess watch over you all and keep you safe.

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Epidemic of Stupidity

So it's horrible enough that there is a pandemic going on world wide, but it is also scary to find out just how many stupid people are out there.  And the worst part is the epidemic of stupidity is just as deadly as Covid-19.

From the current squatter in the White House and his lackwits in charge who have downplayed and tried to ignore the virus and did nothing for months to stop it's spread, backed up by the enabling Republican Party and their lack of knowledge on anything other than voter suppression and how to line their pockets, to the pandemic team who now claim miracle cures with a drug that has shown very little evidence to help with the virus, but plenty of evidence to cause lasting harm.  Add in the right wing media to push the propaganda and make things worse, and you can see why the United States has such a high rate.

Not enough testing because apparently who needs tests? Plus that would just make the numbers higher.  And to a wanna be dictator who claims he has done such a fine job, one must keep the numbers low, the safety and health of citizens be damned.

Not enough equipment or PPE for patients and health care providers.  Because for some reason the idiots in charge seem to believe that it is not their job to make sure that states have enough resources for their citizens, and they also seem to believe that they have the right to keep the equipment and PPE to serve their own purposes.

As for the number of people spouting nonsense and propaganda, you could fill a small nation with them. 

You hear conspiracy nonsense such as the death count is faked, it's a hoax meant to overthrow the idiot in charge and other stupidity.
You have idiots complaining about the stay at home orders and still running around like fools.

Just go on Facebook or Twitter and look at the drivel being spewed by the stupid ones.  Check out the comment sections on The Washington Post.  You will see ignorant people spounting stupidity and pushing propaganda.

Yes this virus is deadly, but so is the epidemic of stupidity.