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Sunday, August 30, 2020

When ignorance and stupidity spread their lack of knowledge you get things like this.

Ah, yes the ignorance of the right wing is something else.  When you have ignorant and uneducated people spreading their misinformation all over the world you end up with lies, propaganda and ill informed twits that have no clue what they are talking about.  Let me give you some real world examples.

Cryptic Pregnancies- Now lots of folks have no clue what this is, but if they would take the time to google it they would find out that a cryptic pregnancy is one where the woman has no clue that she is pregnant. BUT ask some uneducated, misinformed, and frankly stupid folks and you will get told that a cryptic pregnancy is one that the woman knows she is pregnant BUT tests, ultrasounds, and other medical procedures show that she is not.  According to these twits, the pregnancy may take anywhere from a year to 15 years to complete.  This according to them occurs because there is not enough hormones, or because it is occurring in their SECOND hidden uterus. That's right folks, according to them, a woman may be pregnant as long as 15 years!  You think I joke?  Check out Youtube, search facebook that has lots and lots of these groups for women who claim they have been pregnant for years.

Antifa-according to those who lack knowledge and education Antifa is a terrorist organization that may or may not be associated with communists or socialists that is trying to undermine democracy.  Wrong again.  Antifa actually stands for Anti Fascists.  In other words anyone that is against fascism, would be antifa.  But try and explain this to these fools and they will argue with you to their faces turn blue that you are wrong.

Jesus was white and Christian.-According to the Christian Taliban, Jesus was white and a Christian.  Actually Jesus was Middle Eastern, most likely of Palestinian descent, and he was Jewish.

Defund the police-According to Republicans, Trump and Trump supporters this means that Democrats want to get rid of the police.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  What it means is instead of giving the police forces all the money in the budget, the money is to be divided up between police and social services, like for mental health and creating jobs, and more social workers.

Q Anon-according to white, right wing lunatics, Trump is secretly working with the government to bust an international pedophile ring that covers everyone who is an enemy of Trump, the right wing, the kkk, Nazi's, Republicans and Trump supporters.  The supposed members of this pedophile ring do everything from human trafficking to eating babies and worship Satan.  Q is supposed to be an insider leaking this info.  Those who believe this are whack jobs.  Q seems to know nothing about the laws of the United States, nor the Constitution.  All this person, is doing is spreading propaganda that was used by the Catholic Church 1900 years ago.  Yes this kind of nonsense was used over One thousand, nine hundred years ago.  It's been around that long. Anyone who believes this nonsense needs electro shock therapy, some psych drugs and a straight jacket. 

Wearing Masks for Covid-according to your right wing they don't work, and cause illness.  Bull.  If  that were the case, every Doctor and Nurse that wear one when working would be ill all the time.  Of course the right wing also thinks that Covid is either a hoax, or no worse than a cold.  Scientists and other health professionals have told us that they aren't sure of the long lasting effects of this virus, they have also told us it can be deadly, and the rising death count shows that.

To be blunt, the ONLY thing the ignorant have ever done is spread chaos and cause harm to not only themselves but others.  If you get your information from Facebook, Youtube and right wing media sources such as OAN, Fox,  Breitbart and InfoWars, then you know nothing but lies, misinformation and propaganda.