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Sunday, September 13, 2020

What levels of crafting are there.

So, I had a friend that is new to the craft ask me how one can figure out how proficient they or someone else is with regards to the craft.  He was saying he noticed that many books he had bought, or folks that he came across in groups or forums considered themselves "experts" after only a few years.  So he decided that he would ask me since I have been a Witch for 50 some years.

First let me explain that no one is a master at the craft.  Honestly, I learn something new all the time. By no means do I consider myself a master of the craft.  Proficient yes.  For instance, just recently I learned that if one wants to call upon a deity when dealing with time, such as trying to cast a spell that will influence the past, one would call upon Cybele.   No one knows everything.  Even in those paths that have Covens, many go by degrees and titles.  So I put together a list of what to me, constitutes the different levels of proficiency within the craft.

Beginning Witchcraft

Study herbs and spices.  Know their magical properties and healing uses.
Essential and base oils.  Know their properties and uses.  Magical and healing.
Candle colors and other uses of colors.  When to use what color.
Understanding  how magic works.
Understanding the basics of spellcraft.
Studying the magical and healing properties of minerals and gemstones.
Basic understanding of deity.  Pantheons and cultures.
Knowing and understanding what a Witch is.
Knowing and understanding the different holidays in the wheel of the year.
Understanding basic astrological concepts.
Learning element and elemental basics.
Learning the history of Witches and other pagan paths.
Doing basic spells.
Studying the ethics of magic.

Intermediate Witchcraft.
All the previous plus.

Understanding the basics of  various types of divination.
Learning basic divination using at least 1 field of study.
Learning about Runes in the use of magic.
Learning about condition oils.
Learning how to research correctly using historical documents.
Studying fables and folklore.
Studying various religions and other pagan and spiritual paths.
Learning how to craft your own basic spells and rituals.
Increase knowledge of herbs, spices, gemstones, metals and minerals and oils.
Study the magical and healing properties of flowers, trees, bushes and shrubs.
Understand basic healing using magic and plants.
Learn how to do more complex spells.
Understand the concept of hexing, cursing, jinxing and other darker magics.
Study the historical evidence with regards to gender identity and the LGBT community and the pagan paths.
Know which deity to call upon for help with regards to a situation.
Study patriarchy and matriarchy. 
Continue to study scientific fields and how they go hand in hand with magic.
Understanding of magical ethics.
Studying astrological information including interpreting astrological charts.
Studying various cultures and their pantheons.

Advanced Witchcraft
All the previous plus.

Able to apply knowledge of herbs, spices, trees, bushes, shrubs, oils and essential oils
in the use of spellwork and healing.
Able to create spells and rituals.
Able to create own spell blends and oils.
Understand basic Quantum Physics and how they create magic.
Able to interpret astrological information, including charts for individuals.
Knowledge of various pagan and other spiritual paths.
Ability to use knowledge of other paths and apply to own path.
Know how to substitute items in a spell.
Know how to do complex spell and to create one.
Know how to do a spell without candles, herbs or other items.
Know how to layer spells.
Able to extrapolate knowledge from research of fables and myths.
Proficiency in at least one divination technique.
Know how to use divination techniques in spellwork
Know how to work with elements and elementals in ritual and spellwork.
Understand that no one knows everything and that you must continue to read and research to learn.
Know to check spells and rituals for safety and unwanted surprises.
Continues to learn, study and research.
Knows how to hex and curse, and understanding when to use.
Understanding the ethics of hexing and cursing.
Knows how to banish unwanted energies.
Knows how to break a curse or hex.
Understanding of different types of entities and spirits.
Understanding of self.

As you can see, there is a lot of studying going on.  It takes time, research and study to become proficient.  So keep reading and studying my friends.  It's worth the time.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Victimhood. You are not a victim just because you can't..(fill in the blanks)

Oh victimhood.  Something the right wing loves to portray themselves as.  Be it from their religion to their skin color or getting slapped in the face with truth and facts, they cry they are the victims.

Let's start out with religion.  Did you know that in their little right wing Christian Schools they use textbooks written by fellow right wing believers?  No wonder they don't know anything about history. Their history books are filled with erroneous, revisionist nonsense to support their claim that the United States was built on Christianity.  In the words of author Chris Rodda, they are liars for Jesus.  In fact over on Amazon, you can find many of his works that debunk these lies.  And if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription you can read them for free. 

Now they claim they are under attack and victims because they are Christians.  Ah, yeah, right.  Now why do they say this?  Well because others have the audacity to have seasonal holidays around the same time as they have Christmas!  So they go around claiming they can't say Merry Christmas.  Seriously, hey ya'll, when there are Anti Christmas Police going around seizing your Christmas decorations, and fining you or arresting you and throwing you in jail for celebrating Christmas, then you can claim you are under attack.

Then over on FB some of them decided to declare that Facebook wouldn't let them post their "Lord's Prayer".  They were sharing that post and having major meltdowns.  The funny part, was I sure saw plenty of posts with their "Lord's Prayer". 

Their churches are exempt from paying taxes, yet got money from the stimulus package! Yet they are victims.  (cue the violins)

So I could provide you with numerous more examples, but I don't have time to write a set of encyclopedias.

So, you can't be a victim just because you can't make everyone else practice your religion.  That is not being a victim.  You know who have been victims of religious suppression and terror?  Native Americans and Blacks.  The various governments of Federal, State, and local, made it illegal for them to practice their religions, and basically forced them to practice Christianity.  Think I jest, check it out, and google it.

They claim because they are white, they are victims.  They declare the Black Lives Matter movement is a terrorist organizations of Blacks who wish to take over and seize all the belongings of White people.  This type of propaganda has gone on for almost 200 years.  They were singing the same song in pre antebellum times.  But by the same token they see nothing wrong with their white terrorist militias, the KKK, NeoNazi and other white supremacist groups.  The problem is as minority groups grow, they fear that they will be treated as badly as they have treated minority groups.

So you can't be a victim just because you aren't allowed to inflict your racist and bigoted beliefs on others.  Sorry, not happening.  I know that ya'll that believe this nonsense feel you are superior, but you still can't make the rest of us treat you like you are.  Believe it or not, other folks have rights too.

You can't be a victim because others won't let you spread your lies, fake news and propaganda.  There is no such thing as alternative facts.  Despite Trump and his lying hags such as Kellyanne and Sarah and Kayleigh pushing it, there is no difference between facts and truth.  Over on FB you see people such as Phyllis, Linda K, Sandie W. and millions of others posting their Breitbart and InfoWars, and other right wing nonsense and eating up lies and propaganda with a spoon.  Just because you believe lies and others won't buy your nonsense, you can't scream you're a victim.  And when they get fact checked or have their nonsense removed they scream they are victims and being suppressed.

So right wingers, just because you scream you are victims, doesn't make it so.  When you folks as the attackers get slapped with reality, you cry victim. And as usual, that's not the truth.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Healing spell for someone who has cancer.

So a few months back I wrote a spell for a friend of mine whose Mom had cancer.  Have decided to share it with you all.

Supplies needed:
1 white candle.
1 potato cut in half, and then use spoon to scoop out a hollow.
Pinch of rosemary
Pinch of cinnamon
1 Bay leaf crumbled
Pinch of sage
4 toothpicks.
Olive oil
piece of paper

Cut potato in half, use spoon to scoop out hollow in 1 part of the potato.  Fill hollow with herbs, write person's name on slip of paper, fold up and place in hollow,  and drizzle a bit of olive oil over it.  Place potato back together and stick toothpicks in it to hold it together.   Place potato in front of candle.    Light candle and say:

In a time without time,in a place that is and is  not
I initiate the healing process in the body of (Insert name)
Let now apoptosis of all cancer cells and all precancerous
cells throughout the body of (insert name )occur.
Let there be no dangerous or ill side effects from any medication or any other
process or substance occur in the body of (insert name).
Let normal cell division now return to the body of (insert name)
and a complete healing of her body occur immediately starting now.  Let regeneration and
renewal of  healthy cells throughout the body of (insert name )occur and all damage
from all cancer and other illnesses and diseases be repaired.  Let the life force and energy of
(insert name )be renewed and sustained. (insert name ) is now healthy, alive
and well in her physical body, free of illness, disease and disorders.   This is my will, and so it
is, and so mote it be.

Light candle and say spell.  Let candle burn out.  Bury the potato in the ground.

As ever my friends, stay safe.