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Saturday, June 12, 2021

The worship of sociopaths.

 As you all know I love to study, read and research, and I love to muse and ponder.  The last week or so I've pondered and mused about religion.  And its involved Christianity, Trump Evangelicals, Jewish religion, Islamic religion, Mandeans, Early Egyptian religion, and the Chaldeans. And Sociopaths.   Quite a blend there, huh?  And for the record, the Mandeans are still around, they are a very small group and were known for many centuries as St. John the Baptist Christians.

Now we know that the Jewish religion gave birth to first the Christian religion (which then splintered into various forms which ended up with Pauline Christianity becoming dominant which led to the Roman Catholic Religion and the various Orthodox Catholic religions.  The Roman Catholic religion which led to the Protestant religion, which has splintered into various groups and even  creations such as the Mormons.)  Of course there was various splintering of the Jewish religion into various sects and the Islamic religion did the same.    

Now I could write a number of books on this subject, but I will try and condense it down and make it easy to understand.  After musing, pondering and going through my memory files (that's what I call all the stuff I remember from reading and research; I liken the brain and memory to computer files), I came to a number of conclusions based on the following facts and/or available knowledge.

The Mandeans have long claimed that they were what the Jewish religion originally was.  They claim they were persecuted for their religious beliefs in Jerusalem and eventually left the area and immigrated to the southern Mesopotamia area such as Iran and Iraq( around 1 C.E.)  They also believe that first Abraham and then Moses perverted the original Jewish religion.  St. John the Baptist they claim was a Mandean.

Abraham originally Abram was from Ur of the Chaldees.  Ur was a Sumerian City.    Just like with the Egyptians, it was common among the Sumerians of the upper classes to marry a half sibling or sibling.  Abram's wife Sarai (later renamed Sarah, by God.)  was his half sister.  Abram we are told, was informed by God that he would be the father of nations and renamed him Abraham. 

Moses was an Israelite who was born during the Egyptian Captivity.  His mother hid him in a little waterproof cradle in the river because the story goes, the Egyptian pharaoh had ordered all newborn Israelite boys killed.  He was found in the reeds by Pharaoh's daughter who then adopted and raised him.  When grown he killed a slave master who was beating an Israelite slave, and he fled across the Red Sea where he ended up meeting an Angel of God who told him to go back to Egypt and free his people.  After various and assorted plagues, and other excitement,  Moses supposedly led his people out of Egypt and then due to the moaning, groaning and fickleness of said people, in the Wilderness for 40 years.

Now we know that many cultures including the Sumerians and Egyptians,  rulers claimed they were a god.  So after much pondering and musing I came to the conclusion that Jehovah aka Yahweh was nothing more than an ancient Sociopath or perhaps Psychopath (as you know I believe that your Sociopath/Narcissist/Psychopath are the same, and only differ in the way they present themselves.)who seized power, claimed to be a deity and rewrote the Jewish religion.  We know that the Jewish religion is a Bronze age religion.  And I will tell you something else, the Middle Eastern people are all pretty much related genetically.  DNA studies have proved this.  Be it, Jew or Muslim, Arab or Palestinian and so on, they all have pretty much the same DNA, showing they have common genetic ancestors.  I believe that this Jehovah grabbed power, claimed to be a God and forever changed the Jewish religion.  

Some of you may be gasping in horror at what I have concluded.  God not a God!!!!  And you are clutching your pearls.  But let's face it, if Jehovah was an actual God, he would have known everything and not been wrong about scientific facts such as the Earth is round (actually more of an ellipsoid), that the earth revolves around the sun, and that the moon orbits the earth.  I mean seriously, if you are THE GOD who created everything, you would know this.  So, that along with the fact that he was a blood thirsty, revenge seeking deity leads me to believe he was nothing more than a bronze age Trump.  We all saw how Trump and the Republicans and the whacko Evangelical bunch like to rewrite history, and I would bet my jewelry box that is exactly what happened back then.  I am thinking first Abraham came in and did his "I am God's favorite and gonna be the father of everyone" spiel and the rewrite started.  People fled to other areas and the gullible stayed.  This was later followed by Moses and his spiel. 

Then along came the so called Jesus.  Un huh, yeah.  We know for a fact that Jesus is the Latinized version of the Greek version of the Hebrew and Arabic name which was Yeshua and Y'shua or Joshua.  Clearly it was a common name.  Also common in the early Common Era (C.E. formally A.D.) were Jewish street preachers.  So the question is was there a historical Jesus?  Probably several.  From what can be pieced together from the few historical documents, and very, very early Christian documents we learn that there was a Jesus who had studied under John the Baptist.  That Jesus supposedly had a brother name James who was considered to be the head of the early Christian Church which was a JEWISH sect.  We also know that the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark etc were not written down until the earliest date of 66 A.D. or a bit later.  According to various experts Mark was written down between 66 A.D. and 70 A.D., Matthew and Luke around A.D. 85-90 and John A.D. 90-110.  So the earliest was written some 30 some years after the supposed death of Jesus.

Now let's go to Paul, the creator of modern day Christianity (along of course with Constantine the Great and the Catholic Church).  Paul claimed that he was Jewish and that he was against Christians until he was chasing them out of town and a bright light struck him, blinded him, talked to him and converted him.  Paul, originally named Saul claimed that the Holy Ghost aka the ghost of Jesus taught him everything he preached.  Now keep in mind, Paul never knew Jesus nor did he study under Jesus, he only knew the GHOST of Jesus.  And we know that Paul fought with the original apostles of  Jesus and in fact pushed James the Just (Jesus's brother and the leader of the Jesus Christianity group) down the stairs of the Temple almost killing him.  We are informed this in the Homilies  of Clementine.  Christianity prior to Paul's version was for Jewish folks only, Paul's version was for the Gentiles.  Paul and James battled over Paul's version with Paul claiming that Jesus's ghost  told him so, and the original disciples saying Jesus in the flesh never said this or that.  

James the Just and his band were pretty much wiped out in 62 A.D. when he was killed and the Roman Siege of Jerusalem  happened.  This pretty much left the field clear for Paul to advance his version.  Now other things we know.  Paul fell in love with the head priest's daughter, Poppea.  She had no use for him and spurned him.  Something which didn't go over very well with him.  And she ended up running off to Rome and married a Roman.  Yeah, that didn't set very well either.  This all occurred before  he had his run in with the Ghost of Jesus and invented his brand of religion.  Now we also know that Paul was familiar with all the myths of various and assorted religions.   And it has been postulated that Paul was an epileptic(something that seems to be common among Paul, Mohammed, and Joseph Smith to name a few), and many experts feel that his conversion was nothing more than an epileptic episode.  Or maybe he used that episode to create the basis of his religion.  Throw in some myths of Dionysus, a pinch of Mithra, and bits and pieces of other religions to create his own.  And we've seen modern examples of this so it's certainly not stretching belief to think he may have done the same.  

As for all the miracles attributed to Jesus?  Well come to find out there was a Roman Physician (whose name at the moment escapes me) who was a bit earlier than Jesus who did the same thing traveling throughout the Roman Empire who did all kind of miracles and healing.  With regards to Josephus and his mentioning the crucifixion of Jesus?  Yeah, most modern scholars consider that a forgery added by early Christian fathers.  Other versions of the same work have come to light and no such mention was made.

So now to Trump and his Trump Evangelicals.  Those of us with even just a smidgen  of common sense know that Donald Trump is a sociopath.   And while he was squatting in the White House he even claimed to be the King of Israel and alluded at different times that he was anointed by God to save the US of A from all the evil doers(meaning Democrats and others who believe in fairness and justice and non Evangelicals.) The Evangelical ministers and pastors backed him up and claimed God had sent him to save us all.  The Evangelical bunch actually equate him with their Jesus.  So let me tell you now, if civilization as we know it, had somehow came to an end, or if the Jan 6th insurrection had been successful and our government overthrown, you can bet your ass that the Evangelicals would have claimed Trump was God, or a second Jesus.  You can also bet that HE and the Republicans would have swore he was a GOD and everyone would have been forced to convert and practice a twisted version of Christianity that would be renamed with Trump and his family as Deities.  The Bible would be rewrote to reflect this.  Make no mistake, that is exactly what would have happened.

So my conclusion is that the entire Jewish religion, and it's 2 offspring religions are ALL nothing more then worship of a sociopath, and added to by other sociopaths, who wanted to start their own brand of worship.  

Remember religions evolve also.  Sometimes not in a good way.  And those religions, nations and people who refuse to grow and evolve in a positive way will stagnant and then devolve, eventually going extinct.  

So if you don't believe in GOD or Jesus or Allah or whoever your Abrahamic religion desires you to worship and revere, you aren't going to cast into a pit of horror, or go to hell, or be damned eternally, because these religions are man made institutions meant to control people, they are based on the worship of Sociopaths, and/or created by Sociopaths and enforced by other sociopaths so that power and control can be maintained.



Sunday, June 6, 2021

A love of misery.

 We've all known the type.  They seem to wallow in misery and unhappiness the way a pig wallows in mud.  Life they claim is a misery, and a veil of tears, and believe it or not they cherish that misery.  They count all their hurts and disappointments the way a miser counts their coins.  They lovingly relive their hurts and pain, they hold them to their breast and caress them tenderly.  

There is no helping these folks, nor do they want it.  What they want is for the entire world to tell them that they are the most unlucky person ever, and that they are wonderful, and fantastic, and a saint.  What they want is an unending flow of pity sent their way.  Any help you try and give them?  They will undermine it, or have a reason why your idea won't work.  What they want is your attention to listen and sympathize with them.  They will have an unending litany of objections to any ideas you come up with to try and help them.  Again, let me reiterate, they don't want help, they want a willing ear to listen to their misery, a shoulder to cry on and sympathize with them.  They love being miserable.  

A few years ago, I actually had the chance to see 2 of these types in the same room together.  A friend of mine had a sister-in-law who she was introducing to a neighbor who was of the same nature as the sister-in-law.  My friend thought that perhaps they could help each other overcome their misery.   What happened next was interesting to say the least.  A competition is all I can call it.  A competition to see who had the most reason to miserable.  It went something like this at one point.

SIL- I've been betrayed by those I love.  I don't think anyone really loves me.

Neighbor-Talk about betrayal?  My first husband slept with my sister.  My second husband left me for my supposed best friend.

SIL-Well at least you had a friend.  Anyone that I thought was a friend always turned out to be using me.

And so it went.  These folks will pick out the worst person to marry.  EVEN if they know what they are getting into.  Years ago I worked with one of these types.  She worked with me for 3 years.  She already had 4 ex husbands and supposedly a miscarriage. The supposed miscarriage had happened when married to her first husband and had occurred when she was 17.  She was in her mid 30's when she started working with me.  But 15 years later she was still suffering over it.  It and her string of bad exes were her reasons for her drinking and drug use.  She used it to have affairs with 12 (and no I am not making it up) different married men.  That was not including her various and assorted boyfriends.  She would be dating 4 or 5 different ones at the same time, plus have a boyfriend and the married boyfriend.  And she would break up with this one and that one claiming he beat her.  And that number did not include the flings with her girlfriends boyfriends.  She enjoyed being miserable.  And she sucked alot of folks into her black hole of woe is me and despair.  She always needed someone to assure her she was a fair maiden, and unlucky.  Many a man tried to save fair maiden and ended up sadder and wiser.  She caused misery for many whose only crime was trying to save her from her black hole of despair.  About 10 years ago I ran into her, and she was on hubby number 8, but said she was going to leave him because he was horrible to her, and claimed life was still treating her badly.

These types are always the victim.  And they love being the victim.  They make the same terrible decisions over and over.  And they can cause chaos to well meaning folks who haven't caught on to the fact that they don't want to change their lives, they just want sympathy, a willing ear and a shoulder to cry on.  Be wary of those who seem to enjoy being miserable, they will drag you down also.