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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Memories of Fall on the Farm.

This time of year always brings so many memories to mind.  Dad would be getting into the garden and gathering up all the goodies for Mom to finish up canning.  Mom's shelves in the basement would be filled with jars of various types of beans, pickles, relishes, jams, jellies, juices, and fruits and veggies of all types and kinds.

She would have the freezers filled with yummy stuff also.  Dad would be getting ready to start a crock of homemade sauerkraut and getting ready to make pots full of vegetable soup so that Mom could can it.  I would be helping pick, or clean the veggies, and help Mom wash and sterilize all the jars.  I would also be keeping an eye on the pumpkins in the garden. This was also a good time to get ready for applebutter and apple sauce making. There was nothing like some of Mom's hamemade bread smeared with butter, and a big bowl of Dad's veggie soup!

If we had field corn now would be time to see about picking it so the cows and pigs would have it to eat.  If the grass in the bottom was high enough we might get a second cutting and baling of hay.  In between all that Dad would find time to make the barn, garage, his shop, the chicken house, and the house nice and tight against the cold winter weather that was around the corner.

Mom would find time to Fall clean the house from top to bottom including washing, starching and ironing any curtains that needed done.  I would be helping with that and scaring Mom with my acrobatics to reach a spot on the ceiling or wall without falling.  Now what I learned with all this was the following:  Do it right the first time, and you won't have to go over it again, and No poking around, we have lots to do and no time to be slow or daydreaming.  Because let me assure you, Mom had an eagle eye for dirt and streaks.  You would do it over and over until it passed her inspection.  Mom took pride in her housekeeping and streaks and missed spots didn't cut it.  So I learned very early to do it right the first time and to not be a slow poke.

By the time the middle of October arrived the house was spic and span, Mom's canning was done, everything was ready for the colder weather and we were ready for a well deserved rest for a bit until butchering time!!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Suffering from Raynaud's or Erythromelalgia?

So I have several autoimmune disorders: Asthma and Psoriasis to name 2.  But back on April 26, 2014 (oh yes I remember the date quite well) 2 more decided to join in.  Now if you have Erythromelagia (also known as Mitchell's disease) you know all about it, if not let me tell you it is horrible.  My feet and legs, particularly my left felt like they were on fire, they burned, hurt, had turned bright reddish purple, and were throbbing!  I had been sleeping when this started, and of course woke up immediately. Ok after a good hour or so of that, and hubby using the massager on my feet and legs, it quit.  Next up within minutes was Raynaud's.  Oh I recognized that one.  Feet and legs went ice cold, numb and hurt.  You couldn't win here with this combo.
So off and on it went all night.  Now let me tell ya I was tired and not going to go through all that so the next morning I started researching on the internet.

Yep sure sounded like Erythromelalgia and lo and behold like Raynaud's it was an autoimmune and often the two of them went hand in hand.  Now to give you reader's digest version here Erythromelalgia basically is the blood vessels opening wide, and basically an overload going on with not only the blood flow but to the nerves and nerve channels.  Raynaud's is basically the blood vessels constrict letting very little blood through.
What a mess!!  To make it worse if I took a hot bath when the Raynaud's was going on to help with the cold and constriction then it would do half an half at the same time.

So say's the Doctor, it sounds like you are right on your diagnosis.  Apparently with Erythromelalgia a diagnosis is made by the symptoms and the visuals.  She also said she understood the 2 could go together.  She said we could try drugs (NO WAY), or surgery and so on.  Nope not happening here.  Why you ask, because, some medications can kickstart the dang disease and what did I do for 3 days before?  But take a prescription med on her advice, for my sinuses.  I told her, that's ok, I will figure this out.

So off for more research.  So I ended up taking after some trial and error the following:  B Complex for the nerves, more magnesium, Europharma's Healthy feet and nerves, Planetary Herbals Myelin Sheath Support, Devils Claw, and Chanca Piedra.  This was towards the end of June.  First week of taking them episodes were not nightly, and the duration wasn't as long.  By August we were down to maybe once a week and only going on in the left leg and foot and of short duration.  September and October we were down to maybe twice a month.  By mid-December they were gone.  Since then I have not had any more episodes of either.  It took about 6 months but that is fine.  What ever the issue was it has either been "fixed" or gone into remission.

So unlike drugs which mask the symptoms, but work immediately, the herbs and vitamins took longer, but fixed the condition.  Oh and should you want to try any of the vitamins or herbs I used, I got them from Swanson's vitamins.  If you have any of the above disorders like I did, give it a shot.  I can attest to the fact that it worked for me.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Take your vitamins Please!! New research from around the world uncovered!!

So in between all the things I have to do every day, plus working on the books, and thinking up blog posts, I like to search for the latest research going on.  Now I am always amazed at how the stuff we need to know seems to be pushed into the proverbial closet and we don't hear about it.  But we sure hear enough about all the new meds that Big Pharm wishes to push on us.

So remember, I don't just read a book, one article or so forth, I read tons of stuff including Research published by researchers from around the world.  So today we are going to discuss 2 very important vitamins that go hand in hand in working together.  One of which is actually a hormone and not a vitamin.

So we will seem a bit disjointed and rambling for a bit but it will all come together.  Because we need to do this to get where I am going with it.

First off everyone, and I do mean everyone should be taking a good multi-vitamin daily.  In today's world with all of us eating processed and GMO food, we just aren't getting the nutrition we need.

Second we all need to get a blood test done before we start taking the multi-vitamin, if we are taking it, skip it for 3 days before you get the blood test done to have ALL of your vitamin and mineral levels checked.  That way you know what you are low on, or deficient on.

Now you need to be getting sunlight without sunscreen.  Yes you heard that right.  You need to get at least 30 minutes of sunlight without any sunscreen.  In that period of time your body will be making D3.  After that use the suncreen.  Now the point being that those 30 minutes will make D3, which by the way is ACTUALLY a hormone, not a vitamin.  Now D3 is needed by the body for over 300 enzymes, plus a plethora of processes.  New research is showing that the old standard of 400 IU can be thrown out the door and varies for each person, and a new standard of 1,000 IU is being said.  Now low D3 can cause all types of issues, and throw into that being low in another vitamin or mineral and you start to see why our bodily functions start to decline.

Now you can take D3 in supplement form, and you should, BUT you should also take K2 with it.  Now K2 is a form of vitamin K.  K1 is what we get from green leafy vegetables and it helps with blood clotting.  K2 though helps with getting calcium into the bones where it belongs.  Meaning it helps keep calcium from depositing in arteries, heart, as kidney stones and so forth.  AND if you start taking it, it helps clear those deposits from the aforementioned.  So we need at least 185-200 mcg per day.  A good source is eggs, fermented vegetables and cheeses.  But we can also take a supplement.  There is MK-4 and MK-7.  MK-7 lasts longer, but in higher does can cause anxiety etc.  MK-4 doesn't have that happen, but doesn't last as long in the body.  So if you take additional D3 and/or Calcium you need extra K2.  You can find a Vitamin supplement that has a ratio of D and K2 already in it.  If you take the Calcium take extra K2.

Now digging further into all this research we find out that in such diseases as Scleroderma,, Cancer, Leukemia, and a variety of other diseases and disorders that researchers, and I am talking about over 150 different ones from around the world that I saw (and there are thousands more that I didn't read) are finding out that temporarily for a short period of time such as a month of raising the D3, and K2 to daily high levels, such as 25,000 IU with around 500 mcg of K2  and adding a double dose of a B complex and an extra 2000 mg of vitamin C will show improvement of the conditions.  After the month you go to a lower level such as 6,000 of D3 with extra K2, and still take a dose of B Complex and the C.  Then repeat the high doses the next month.  After 6 months of this patients with Cancers, Leukemia, and Scleroderma showed marked improvement.  After a year several patients went into remission.  But as a side note, those suffering from blocked arteries, psoriasis and a host of other issues, also found extreme marked improvement.

So take your vitamins folks.  Trust me Big Pharm is not going to let you know this stuff.  Your doctors go by what Big Parm says.  Oh and if you are worried about Vitamin D Toxicity, by taking the K2 you don't get it so the researchers have found out.

Stay away from the Statin Drugs also.  If you do take them, take CoQ10.  Statin drugs deplete the body of CoQ10 which leads to Dementia and Congestive heart failure to name a few.  So eat that butter and those eggs, because to have a healthy brain you need the Cholesterol.  New research coming in all the time that supports this and claims that the Statin Drugs are doing nothing but killing people.  Don't believe me?  Google it.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Remembering 9/11

Today marks the 15th year anniversary of 9/11.  As the years have passed and we have begun to heal, we are still left with scars and a legacy of terrorism and hate from that fateful day.

Things that we learned and hopefully remember are that during a time of crisis, that people despite their differences and beliefs can come together and feel that they are all members of not only a particular nation, but all members of the human race.  On that fateful day 15 years ago, not only did all Americans feel that we were a nation, and as such had been attacked, but everyone from around the world felt that WE as human beings had been assaulted and violated.  Around the world people stood as one and shed tears, felt anger and compassion.

We also learned and hopefully remember that when we work together, such as happened with the passengers of flight 93 that we can avert harm to others even though we may give our lives to do so.

We also learned and should have remembered that horrible things can come out of left field on a sunny day and change the way we look at things.  We should remember to always be watchful and aware.

We also learned and should remember that all of us are capable of being heroes and of overcoming terrible events.  We need to remember that thousands lost their lives that day not only the victims of the attacks, but those who gave their lives helping others who were in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

We also need to remember that there are groups of people who feel no qualms about killing innocents and using religion to cause death and destruction.

Please join me in lighting a white candle in remembrance of those who lost their lives on this fateful day.  We will remember and never forget!