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Saturday, October 27, 2018

The History of Halloween.

Now Halloween is a mixture of the old and new, very old pagan, with a mix of Christian Holidays thrown in there. The blend of the two in American culture grew into a creation that was unique when the different immigrants that had arrived in the American colonies, were free to celebrate without fear of retaliation by the various Churches.

Now every ancient culture seemed to have a final harvest celebration that occurred around the same time period. They all seemed to have a number of things in common, which were, seeing this celebration as a time of the very last fruits of harvest, getting ready for the long days of darkness of the coming winter, preparing for those times of food shortages, honoring the God and Goddess of the Harvest, and of the Light, and giving honor to the God and Goddess of the forthcoming time of Dark, and cold, giving honor to the spirits and beings who helped with the fruitfulness of the harvest, and trying to appease those who would be arriving with the cold, dark winter months. It was also common to see this as a time of thinness between the veil that separated the living, and those who had died, and giving honor to one’s loved ones and ancestors who had passed into the afterlife.

For the ancient Irish Celtic folks, it was called Samhain, and they also considered it the start of their New Year. They had bonfires, communal feasts, costumes, and would leave out offerings to the spirits and for their ancestors. In the British Isles, these Celtic celebrations were influenced by the Romans, who had begun trade in 55 B.C., before invading later on. The Roman's had their holidays such as Ferlia, which honored the passing of the dead, and also the festival of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and trees. They were incorporated into the Celtic holidays. 

The Welsh called it, Calan Gaeaf, and celebrated it on November 1. To them, it was also a celebration of the first day of winter. The Cornish Folk celebrated it on October 31 and called it Kalan Gwav. In Brittany, they too celebrated it on the 31 of October, and there it was called Kalan Goanv.

Now the Germanic peoples had a festival, celebration if you will, that was celebrated on the 14th and 15th of October called Vetrablot, which was also known as Frey's blessings, and is known now as Winternights, and is celebrated on October 31. It too was along the same line as the other celebrations we have discussed.

October 31 was also the Feast Day of the Egyptian goddesses, Sekhmet and Bastet.

The indigenous peoples of South and Central Mexico had a Holiday they celebrated around the same time as the Celts and the Romans, and the rest; they called it Dia de Muertos, or Day of the Dead. It too was seen as a time of honoring and appeasing those who had gone on.

Now, as the influence of the Catholic Church increased and spread, they, in a hope of ousting the pagan celebrations, created the celebration of All Saints, in the early 600's A.D. This was a celebration of all the Catholic Saints, and it was November 1, and the Church hoped it would entice everyone to put away their pagan beliefs. It soon became known as All Hallows, which would become Halloween or All Hallows Eve. It didn't quite work out the way the Church planned. So in the 9th century,
They rearranged their calendar and added All Souls Day on the 2 of November. It was to pray for all the dead Catholics. Once again, it didn't quite go as they planned, and soon, the customs of the 2 Christian Holidays, were incorporated into the celebrations of the everyday folk.

Halloween is seen as the time of the thinning of the veil between the worlds. It is a time to celebrate and pay homage to not only our ancestors but to all of our loved ones that have gone on, be it human or our pets. It is also a time to pay homage to the Lady and Lord in their aspects of the Crone, and he of the Underworld. It is also a time to propitiate those spirits that are associated with not only the forthcoming time of the cold winter months, but also those who may be associated with the land, and with your family lineage.

The concept of dressing up in costume and going from house to house to obtain treats has deep roots that go back centuries.  All can be boiled down to the fact that those dressed up were representing souls that had passed on, spirits or other supernatural beings associated with the other worlds, and that the treats or food were to appease said spirits.  From cultural holidays of various nations,  to the inclusion of All Saints and All Souls Day, this concept grew into the modern idea of Trick or Treating which was soon seen as a tradition for children.  This melding of traditions and cultures in the United States shows the blending and amalgamation is a perfect example of the idea of the Melting Pot that represents the various ethnic and religious groups of this nation.

As for using Jack O'Lanterns, this concept originated in Ireland, and other Celtic areas and soon spread to Scotland, but pumpkins were not used there, they used turnips, or potatoes and at times large beets.  When they arrived in North America ( meaning the American Colonies) they found that pumpkins were so much easier to obtain and work with.  The concept of the Jack O'Lanterns was to scare off evil spirits.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Calling on all Witches/Pagans/Wiccans. We don't want our holidays messed with!

So apparently the greedy corporations are at it again.  This time they have decided that it is fine to mess with the holidays of the Witches/Pagans/Wiccans.  This time they have come for Halloween.

It's bad enough that Witches/Pagans/Wiccans are depicted as ugly, green faced, wart covered evil beings associated with the mythical figure of the Devil, but now the corporations have taken it upon themselves to start a petition to change the date of Halloween. Yes that is right. The Halloween and Costume Association and other associated with them, have taken it upon themselves to start a petition which I might add has over 12,000 signatures.  Once they collect however many they feel is enough they plan on sending it to Donald Trump to have him make the last Saturday of October Halloween.

Typical greedy behavior by Corporations and thoughtless Christians.  First it was Yule/Winter Solstice and the Christians grabbed it, called it Christmas.  And all the other religions and spiritual paths that have the original holiday on December 25th get a hard time from the Christians.  They scream about Jesus, they scream its their holiday and have a fit from hell because others don't say Merry Christmas!

I am damn tired of this.  Leave other religions holidays alone!  For thousands of years Pagans/Witches/Wiccans have celebrated Oct. 31st by one name or another including Samhain.
It is the last harvest festival, and the day when the veil is thinnest between the worlds.  Worlds as in the land of the dead and this world.  It is a time to connect with our ancestors and loved ones who have passed on.  A time to finish the harvest season and begin to prepare for the time of Winter and scarcity. 

It really kills me that people assume its a time for kids to dress up and go get free candy.  So to make it more enjoyable for all the kids, they decide they can just make a law and change it.  The hell with others religious beliefs.  But Goddess forbid anyone dares to fringe on their religious rights. 

So fellow pagans/witches/wiccans, are we going to let another one of our sacred days to be messed with?

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Adventures of The Crone and her friends. A Halloween story by The Garden Crone.

Once upon a time there was a Witch named Crone. She had a flying broom named George, a German Shepherd named Storm and a cat named Mem. She also had a magic crystal ball that she used to talk to people from all over the world.

One night she was talking to a bunch of her friends on her crystal ball when suddenly her friend Linda got on her crystal ball and said "Oh Crone, what shall we do! The Goblins claim that they are not going to let anyone put out Jack O'Lanterns this year! And all the pumpkins are disappearing!" Everyone began to exclaim and talk at the same time excitedly! "Oh NO!" "What shall we do?" "No pumpkins!!"

"Well now" said the Crone, "We shall see about that! Taking the pumpkins are they? Well now, time to straighten out this mess!"

Everyone began to talk at once asking Crone what she was going to do. "Why I am going to go find the Ghom the ruler of the Earth Elementals and get him to help." Suddenly everyone wanted to go and help. "The more the merrier" replied the Crone. So that is how the Crone and her friends Sue, Linda, Janice,Elouise, the 2 Elizabeths, Ana and Elaine all went off to see Ghom and save the pumpkin crop!

"Everyone dress warm, and bring your cats and puppies" said the Crone, "also any pretty crystal or rock that you don't need. And make sure to wear comfortable shoes! We are going down into a cave and boots would be best! Who needs a ride on the broom bus? We are off to the North and the Northern Lights"

Ana replied " I will pick up Elaine and meet you at Elouise's house. I just got my broom tuned up!" Everyone else decided that they would have Crone pick them up on the Broom bus. " Everyone get ready, I will be there soon!". Crone said.

Crone went and put on her warm cloak and boots and gloves, and grabbed a few pretty crystals and rocks she had sitting in a bowl. She called " Come George, we are off to the Northern Lights for an adventure tonight! We need you to be a broom bus with room for 9 and kitties and puppies! Mem, we are off to see Ghom. Stormy we need your Storm Walking abilities and your trusty nose tonight!" Out they went under the stars, and with a flash of light and a puff of smoke George had transformed into a comfortable Broom bus. He hovered low to the ground as Crone explained to him, Mem, and Storm what was going on, and that they needed to pick up their friends so they could go save the pumpkin crop! Crone seated herself with Mem on her shoulder, and Storm curled up in the seat next to her.
Mem begin to speak " Up and away in the sparkling sky, we fly, quick as a wink, at the speed of light!" VAROOM!!!! UP went George with a zip and a zap!

Soon they were at Janice's house! Toot! Toot! Janice hurried out to the Broom Bus and got seated. " Lovely night to fly and go on an adventure " said Janice. "Indeed it is" replied Crone. Mem began to recite the charm and ZOOM! George was up and flying fast.

"We are almost at Sue's house" said Crone as the wind ruffled her hair. " And there it is", slowly George lowered to the ground in front of Sue's house. Toot! Toot! Sue was carrying her kitty who was excited to be going on another adventure. As they settled in, she purred in contentment. "I brought plenty of crystals" said Sue. " I had extra".
 "Wonderful! exclaimed Crone. Mem began the Charm and with a Zip George was soon flying past clouds as fast as moonlight
"Oh look at those stars" exclaimed Janice "Its so easy to see their light shining up here. Is that Linda waving at us?"
 "Indeed it is" answered Crone as George slowed down and began his descent. "Oh this is wonderful" exclaimed Linda. "I just know we are going to stop those goblins!" And with a zip and a zoom George took off as fast as the wind. The moonbeams danced among them as George zigged and zagged across the moonlit sky.

As they neared Elizabeth's house, Linda began to wave and exclaim " Oh, I think both of the Elizabeth's are there." As George hovered low to the ground the 2 Elizabeths climbed on and began to say hi to everyone.
 "Everyone ready for the trip to Elouise's" ? asked Crone. Everyone cried out Yes! And with a zip, a swish, and a zoom, George streaked up into the sky.

Everyone began to chat as they zipped among the star light. "What fun", "Such a beautiful night to fly". Soon they were singing " Flying among the stars". As they finished the song, they noticed a broom flying in the night sky towards them. "Oh look here comes Ana and Elaine" exclaimed Elizabeth P, " and here we are at Elouise's!" As George slowed down and begin to slowly descend, Ana and Elaine zoomed in and were soon waiting below.

George hovered in the air as everyone got out and stretched their legs and said hello to one and other. Elouise came out carrying a few tote bags and explained " Soup, broth, and hot chocolate for people and pets. And I brought a bit for the King and a jar of my dandelion jelly and homemade bread for him too". Everyone was happy to hear that they were going to have soup and hot chocolate on the trip.
 "Is everyone ready" asked Crone. There were cries of "Yes!" and soon everyone was seated on George.
 "Men began the Charm,  "Up and away in the night sky we fly, off to see King Ghom and the Northern lights. Quick as a wink, and at the speed of light, up and away now we fly".
 VAROOM!!! With a SWHOOSH the Broom Bus rose in the air and was zipping as fast as star light across the sky. They flew past clouds, and patted moon beams. "OH what fun!!" everyone exclaimed as they flew through a fluffy cloud.

In the distance they could see Arcs and Arches of rainbow colored lights dancing between the sky and the earth below. Everyone cried in delight at the beautiful sight "OOOOHHHHH! How beautiful"!  Slowly George lowered towards the ground and hovered in the air as everyone got off. " Now", said Crone," we just need to find, oh there it is", and she pointed towards a snow cave. "Everyone follow me. What we need is a bit of light".  And at that Crone snapped her fingers and little balls of light hovered over the friends and pets as they walked down into the cave.

"Who goes there"? asked a raspy voice which belonged to a creature dressed in brown and green. " Tis the Garden Crone and her friends to see King Ghom if you please" answered Crone.
 "Follow me", and he turned. 
"He is a Brownie guard" whispered Crone to her friends.

Through bends and narrow parts in the tunnel they followed the Brownie. Suddenly they found themselves in a well lit cavern. The walls and ceiling twinkled from the glittering crystals in them, reflecting the light and causing rainbows to be seen. Crone and her friends and the pets looked in awe at the wonder of it all. "Ahem", a voice boomed out. " What is it that you want". The Crone curtsied, as did her friends.

"Excuse us Your Majesty. I am Crone and these are my friends, Linda, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Sue, Elouise, Ana, Janice, and Elaine and our animal friends. We need help with a bit of a Goblin issue and are hoping you can help us. We also have a few gifts for you, sire".
 " In a gravelly voice Ghom said " Well tell me what it is and we shall see".

One by one the ladies handed the Brownie the gifts they had brought for the King. "I hope your majesty enjoys the soup, bread and jelly. ". 
Linda began to explain about the Goblins and the pumpkins to the king. "So sire, Crone thought that you could help" The King had been sniffing the delicious odor of Elaine's soup. He motioned for the Brownie to bring him some of it and the bread and jelly. As he ate it with evident enjoyment, he begin to stroke his beard. Finally he finished the meal. " That was just wonderful food. You are indeed a fine cook, Mistress Elaine. So let me call in the head Goblin and see what the problem is. Go get Kinker" he told the Brownie.

As they waited the King begin to compliment Crone and her friends and their pets on their wonderful manners. Signe had even went over to the King and purred a beautiful song for him. He picked her up and stroked her. "Lots of humans don't remember their manners nowadays. But you all remember the old ways, so I shall help you".

Soon the Brownie was back with Kinker. "Just what do you think you are doing" boomed the King," taking the pumpkins for Halloween?" 
The goblin begin to sniffle " No one is nice to us, they're not. They don't leaves us goodies. " 
"You will leave the pumpkins alone! And take back the ones you took! You tell everyone what I said! Do you understand?" 
The goblin begin to cry, "Yes sire, we hears you. We will listen".
 " The King turned to the Crone and her friends "There, problem solved. Thank you for bringing this to my attention".

The Crone and her friends all thanked the King and the Brownie led them back to their broom bus. Everyone got on board and Mem intoned,  " Winkle, blinkum, through ice, cold and snow, now it's time, home we go!"
 VAROOM ! George took off and up in the air they went. Elaine passed out goodies to everyone for the ride home. "YAY! they all exclaimed we saved the pumpkins from the Goblins!

And that Halloween night when they all put out their Jack O'Lanterns they all left pieces of candy out for the Goblins!

And that is how the Crone, her friends, and their pets saved the pumpkins for the Jack O'Lanterns.

The End.

I hope you enjoy the story!  I had fun writing it!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Message to Amy Kremer from a Witch.

Gee Amy, I know you founded the group of ultra conservative Alt Christian group of Women for Trump.  But girl, you need some therapy, badly.  I know that you and the rest of your ilk think that Trump is just it and that the Democrats and liberals are all violent Mad Max type characters.  I mean over on FB one of your fellow right wing, reality challenged members was screaming about Mad Max coming with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer riding in a dune buggy to take over the world, so I know you all get confused.

And girl, I know that you folks just aren't the brightest bulb in the chandelier or the sharpest knife in the drawer, millions of us see you all yelling and screaming about things that you have no clue about.  So to put it bluntly we know that your intellectual abilities are low on the bell curve. 

And I hate to tell you this Amy, but your name, Amy Kremer, sounds like a stage name for a porn star, not trying to be mean, but it really does.  But hey, since your President seems to like porn stars, you may get somewhere with that. 

But I don't think you need to worry about me having hexed you or your nutty friend Brett.  I haven't, yet.  If I had hexed you, you would know it.  I am very creative that way.  I favor things like having your hair fall out, losing your voice when you go to tell a lie, that sort of thing.  For men I favor little hexes, like getting itchy male parts, being unable to get an erection that sort of thing.    As for the rest of the witches, I really can't speak for them.  But from what I understand there are some planning a so called hex.  But don't worry, it's more like a karma spell they are doing.  Me, when I hex, it's not karma, but that is neither here nor there.

Truthfully I think your Jesus is just upset with all your Alt Christians.  And I don't blame him.  You all have been running around screaming about Satan, when everything you do seems to favor what Satan would do and not your Jesus.  Perhaps you all should try reading the New Testament, you know the King James One, and not the Alt Christians Idiot version that you all have been using.  I suggest that Jesus is a bit upset with you all for putting kids in cages, spitting on the poor, the elderly, and the immigrants.  No doubt he is upset because you all claim to be doing it in his name.  Plus the fact that you all worship men that seem to be more like the Anti Christ than a savior.

So Amy, were I you, I would shut up about Witches, and worry more about your own soul and how you have blackened it.  .I think if all you folks would worry more about your own lives and what you were doing, you would have less time to stick your noses in every one else's sex lives and business.  Clean your own stoop first missy.  You know chickens do come home to roost.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Just what are your values?

I ask this to myself about other people at least 50 times a day since Trump took office.  I see a nation divided into Trump supporters, non Trump supporters and a minority of folks who don't care either way.

Over on FB there were people sharing fake stories about Kavanaugh's house being vandalized.  There were self proclaimed Christians claiming that Dr. Ford had a murky past, and no record of her getting her PhD anywhere, people claiming Hillary Clinton committed all types and kinds of crimes, and just outrageous, laughable, fake stories that were drawing outrage from these self proclaimed patriotic, Jesus loving, God fearing, Republican, Trump supporting Christians.  And I had to wonder just what their values were. 

The Republican Party claims to be so patriotic yet the facts surfacing of Russian ties and donations makes one shake their head.  How can you be patriotic yet feel that there is nothing wrong with a foreign nation meddling in our eclections?  The Republican Party claims they are pro-life and have family values, yet how if that is the case can they support tearing families apart at the border and put children in camps and cages?  How can they support getting rid of social safety nets?  How come their party is filled with politicians that believe domestic violence, rape, sexual assault and other crimes against women and children are acceptable?  How can they support a Supreme Court nominee that has been accused of sexual assault and not want an investigation?  They claim they are the party of fiscal responsibility, yet they hand out tax breaks and tax cuts to the wealthy like they are coupons for a free sample. They claim to support the Constitution, yet constantly seek ways to deny others their basic rights guaranteed and promised in the Bill of Rights. 

As for the Trump supporting, Jesus loving, God fearing, patriotic Americans, I really had to wonder about their values.  They don't like immigrants, they don't like blacks, nor Native Americans, or Indians, or anyone that isn't White.  They don't want to feed the poor, nor take care of the old, the young, the improvised, or even the ill.  They believe that woman lie about sexual assault and they blame those who come forward, unless they are a male who is reporting being assaulted by a Catholic priest.  But they don't like Catholics or any other religion unless it is Christian protestant of the Puritan type flavor.  They spread fake news stories, lies and propaganda as easily as spreading jam on bread.  And think nothing of it.  They cry about about aborted fetuses, yet don't worry about children that have been born.  They don't believe a woman should have rights over her own body, nor a right to choose anything about her lot in life.   How can they claim to love Jesus and yet repudiate every one of his teachings?  They worry about a black man kneeling before the flag they wave so proudly, yet support the Republican Party, and the NRA both filled with Russian ties? 

So I have to wonder, just what are their values?  To the Republican party I just have to wonder what their definitions are of  patriotism, fiscal responsibility, and family values?  What are they comprised of? Because I am just not seeing anything other than hypocrisy.  They talk a good talk, but they sure don't walk it.

I had commented on one of these fake stories and was immediately given a sarcastic comment by one of these self appointed directors of acceptable behaviors who said " I’m sure you would NEVER spread any lies or propaganda! ".  As if it is totally acceptable to lie and spread propaganda.  No, I don't.  I hate liars.  I agree with my Mom who always said she would rather deal with a thief than a liar, as one could protect themself from a thief but not a liar.  And propaganda is lying.  It made me wonder just what were her values?  I wonder what is all of their definitions of being a Christian, having morals?  What is acceptable behavior to them? Do they really believe that it is ok to sexually assault someone?  That it is normal behavior for men and boys?  What are they teaching their children?  What are their values?  Because I am just not seeing where their values are morally superior, or if they have any!!

And you know what, I am glad I know what my values are.  I am glad I know what I consider acceptable behavior.  I am glad I am a Witch!!!