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Monday, December 21, 2020

A Solstice Story.

A few years ago I wrote this and I think I shall share it again.

A short little story for you for the Holiday Season.

"Grandfather is ill, Ivy! What shall we do? " cried Holly. Poor little Holly sat down on the log and cried while tears dripped on to the ground and turned into glistening snow flakes.

Little Ivy began to sob as if her heart would break as she clung to Holly and their tears mingled.

Suddenly Ivy raised her head and said, "Oh Holly, perhaps Grandmother will cure him. She knows everything." They both stopped crying and felt hope spring into their minds. "There is suppose to be a celebration tonight, perhaps we can talk to Grandmother and see if Grandfather is feeling better, and I am sure he will be."

Holly and Ivy were both young Autumn fairies. They were just a few months old, having been born on the Autumn Equinox, they were just learning of the ways of the seasons and the Wheel of the year.

They went on with their chores when they heard a rustling of the wind and a voice whispered through the trees "He is gone, Grandfather has passed to the Summerland."

Holly and Ivy with tears in their eyes headed for their warm cottage when they saw the Maiden run by them running towards the area of the forest where Grandfather and Grandmother dwelled. Both little fairies were so upset they crawled into their bed and cried till they fell asleep.

They were suddenly awakened by a voice saying " Wake up sleepyheads! It's time to go to the celebration!" They opened their eyes to see the Dryad of the Oak tree. "Oh lady, do you mean even though we all sorrow, we are still having a celebration?" asked Holly as she and Ivy crawled out of bed.

"Of course! We are celebrating and the Mother has given birth to the new babe!" replied the Dryad.

"But we are sad because Grandfather passed to the Summerland. " sobbed Ivy

"Oh my dear little fairies, no one has explained to you yet! You are so young you have not learned yet the mystery. " said the Dryad as she sat down on the bed and patted the bed on either side of her and " Sit down and let me explain the mystery to you". Ivy and Holly sat down on either side of the Dryad.

"Little ones, everyone and everything dies. It is part of the cycle of death, life and rebirth. But we are ALL reborn. Grandfather passed on to the Summerland. But the Mother has just given birth to the babe who IS Grandfather reborn. The Babe will grow and age with the seasons to once more pass into the Summerland next Winter Solstice, and once again be reborn as a babe. Just as the flowers poke their heads out of the ground, and grow into a plant that blooms with color and blossoms and then withers and dies as the dark and cold season appears, and then sleeps over the cold dark season and wake up to regrow, so does all life."

Holly and Ivy begin to talk excitedly "Oh Lady, let us go see the babe! See Grandfather reborn!"

and they bounced up from where they were sitting and pulled the Dryad to her feet. With a tinkling laugh the Dryad led the little fairies to the clearing.

The Maiden and the Crone were standing on either side of the Mother who held a newborn wrapped tightly. Holly and Ivy edged closer to the Mother to peep at the babe. The babe opened his eyes and looked at the little fairies just as several stars started twinkling brightly in the sky.

The Dryad leaned down and said to Holly and Ivy "Tonight the night is longest night in the seasonal wheel, but with the rebirth of the Babe, each day will be longer than the one before. The dark and cold are passing, and the wheel is turning towards warmth and light. This is the reason we celebrate the Winter Solstice." At this the babe gurgled in delight as he looked up at the twinkling stars

Hope you enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Halloween short story. Crone and friends save Election Day.


One day just before Halloween Crone was getting ready to listen to her favorite crystal ball show, "The Rick Smith Show".  Rick announced "Tonight’s guests are David Yankovich, Scott Dworkin, and Sarah Burris.  When we come back from a short break first up will be Sarah Burris".  Just then Crone's crystal ball made a weird siren type noise and the words “Message from Ghom" began to flash. 

Then the Earth Elemental ruler appeared in the crystal ball.  "Crone, be on the lookout for the Ronald Trumpkin Gang.  They have escaped.  We've received word that they plan on utilizing the Zombies to disrupt Election Day. “And with that message Ghom faded out.

Crone hurried up and sent a Witch Tweet message to Carol who was Rick's wife and informed her so that Rick could let everyone know what was planned.  Then Crone called up her friends to let them know what was going on.  Soon all the friends were making plans to help track down Ronald Trumpkin and his gang. 

Elouise said "'Well it's a good thing we are having the Samhain celebration at my house.  We can finalize our battle plans after we finish the celebration."

"Very true, and when Elaine is on her way on Shield and Jurni with Kam, they can keep an eye out and see if they spot anything suspicious".  Replied Crone.

All the friends, Ron and Tena, Sarah and Jan, Elizabeth P and Elizabeth L, Kendrix, Susan, Janice and Lyn, Elaine, Jurni, Elouise and Geri, Jennifer, Debra, Deb and Luisa, Cindy, Tracy and Darlene all agreed that, that was an excellent idea.

Meanwhile back on the Rick Smith Show, Rick had spread the word about the escape of the Ronald Trumpkin Gang and that Crone and her friends were going to try and stop them.  Sarah Burris, who was a reporter, said she would write an article to let everyone know, Scott said he would spread the word to the Democratic Party, and David said he would spread it to other digital strategists.  All 3 of them were friends with Crone on Witch Tweet and said they would keep her updated and hoped that she would do the same.

Crone and her friends had all arrived at Elouise's home for their Samhain celebration.  Jurni and Elaine had flown in on their dragons, Elizabeth P had come with Pegysue, and George the Broom bus brought everyone else.  So the friends chatted and got ready to do their ceremony.

"Is everyone ready?' asked Lyn.  "Crone, we'll let you lead the ceremony.  Ron you can represent North, Elaine will do South, Cindy can be West, and Elizabeth P will do East.  We will all take turns remembering our loved ones who have gone on to the Summerland.  Jan do you and Kendrix and Geri have the Jack O'lanterns done and the candles and stuff ready?"

"We sure do." replied Geri.  "Wait till you see it, we did a great job."

"Wonderful.  Tracy you will lead the thanks to the Lord and Lady.  Elizabeth L, you and Darlene, Luisa and Deb will do the offerings.  Jennifer,  you, Debra and Janice will do the reading of the poems.  Susan, you, Tena, Elouise, and Sarah will sing. "

Everyone moved towards the Bonfire, and made a circle around it, except for Ron who stood outside the circle at North, Elizabeth P at East, Elaine at South and Cindy at the West.  Crone stood inside the circle. 

Ron said “I call upon you guardians of the North, and the elementals of earth to join us upon this night as we remember our loved ones who have gone on."

Then Elizabeth P went next.  "I call upon you guardians of the East, and the elementals of air to join us upon this night as we remember our loved ones who have gone on."

Elaine began "I call upon you guardians of the South, and the elementals of fire to join us upon this night as we remember our loved ones who have gone on.

It was Cindy's turn.  “I call upon you guardians of the West, and the elementals of water to join us upon this night as we remember our loved ones who have gone on."

And Crone began.  “Tonight is Samhain, a time to remember our loved ones who have gone on, to pay homage to the Lord and Lady and the spirits of the land, and to receive messages from beyond the veil.  We welcome all to join with us and to benefit us with your wisdom."   With that, the flames of the bonfire shot up in the air and the figure of Ghom appeared in the flames.

"Greetings.  I will be sending you help with Gargoyles and Goblins in your fight against the Trumpkin gang and the zombies."   And with a poof, he was gone.

"Oh wow!  Cried Tena.  Ghom is helping us!"

"Oh Ronald Trumpkin is in for it now." commented Sue.

Then another swish of the flames occurred.  The smoke began to form into a figure.

" I Paralda will send you Pegasi to transport your allies ."  and with a poof he was gone.

Jennifer's eyes went wide with amazement.  "Paralda is getting involved!"

"He sure is.  And you can be sure the Queen of the Fae gave her approval." remarked Debra.

The flames shot up in the air again, this time the figure was of a woman dancing with the flames.

"I, Dijinna ruler of the fire elementals will send you 12 dragons to help you with your fight.  I am also sending you red pistachios for your war against the zombies."  And with a swish, she was gone.

"Oh my goddess!  Dijinna is sending dragons!"  Exclaimed Sarah.

Once more the flames shot up, and the outline of a man appeared.

"I am Niksa, ruler of water. Crone, the Lady of the West, has sent you a messenger.  Please stand by."  And then a familiar figure began to coalesce in the flames.

"Jean, is that you?" asked Crone.

"It is Crone.  I have a message for you from the Goddess.  She said when you need it most, you will get your wish as will your friends, but only long enough for the battle.  Use it wisely.  Thank you for all you did for me.  Your Uncle Joe sends his love also."  And then the figure faded away.

"Which wish?  Goodbye Jean.  Thank you Niksa and Lady of the West."

The friends were all in shock.  They finished up their ritual and celebration.  And began to make plans.  In 3 days voting would began and they had lots to do.

The night before the election, they had their plans ready.  Scott had been investigating; Sarah Burris had decided she wanted to be there so she could get a firsthand view of things, plus help with the fight.  Crone sent her a message that a Pegasus would bring her a magical outfit to keep her safe and pick her up.  The outfit was from the Queen of the Fae and was enchanted to not only protect, but to make the wearer look fantastic.    David had informed Crone that he had developed some software they could install on their portable crystal balls to help keep in touch with everyone and to help locate the Trumpkin gang and their zombie army.

Crone shared the software with all her friends, and they shared it with everyone on Witchbook and Witch tweet so that they could help find the malcontents and take them out before they could cause damage and harm.

The friends had their plans made.  They would have the goblins and gargoyle brigade tossing pumpkin bombs at the zombies, Elaine and Jurni on Shield and Kam with the other dragons flying in formation raking the zombies with fire.

Some of the friends would ride on the Pegasi with Elizabeth P and Pegysue.  They would drop the red pistachios at the zombies to stun them so they would be ready to be fried by the dragons.

The rest of the friends would fight on the ground and also try to take out Ronald Tumpkin, Vanny and Melly the Vamps.  Billy Goat Barr, Eir Duh and Ron Ron the Grimlins, Rudy the Ghoul, Jared Kushkin, Stephen Millerkin, Mike Pencekin and Mike PomPom the Ghouls.    David and Scott along with Rick and Carol would help with the information flow.

Crone finished listening to the Rick Smith Show and was just getting ready to shut down her crystal ball when it began to glow red and make siren noises.  Trumpkins spotted with zombies began to flash on the screen.  Followed by a message from Scott and David: sending location.  Info sent to all.   Crone hurried and sent out a message to all her friends and to Sarah Burris.   Meet up 1 block over from location.  See you in 20 minutes.  Transportation on the way.

Within minutes Crone was zipping through the air on George, wand aloft and eyes peered for trouble.  Storm was navigating, and Mem the cat and his children MJ, Surprise, and Minkie Ann were along as the assassin brigade.  Several other friends were bringing their pets also. 

Soon George was landing and Storm and the Cats jumped off.  Right behind them Pegasi were flying in, Dragons were coming in for a landing, and brooms were arriving. Off in the distance it looked like the Gargoyle brigade would be arriving soon.  Ron and Tena arrived.  Ron was in his kilt and carrying his War hammer.  “Ready to give it a workout".  Tena had a large marble rolling pin and grinned as she hefted it about.   Just then Sarah Burris arrived.  "Yee haw!  Now that was fun.  And I love this catsuit!  It really makes you look good!  The face mask even matches."  She was wearing a black catsuit, a belt that had stakes, and a cross body sword carrier for her Samurai sword. 

The assassin brigade of dogs and cats were forming, the dragons were forming fighting formation, the Pegasi brigade were ready with their bags of red pistachios, and the ground crew were forming around Crone. 

"We're ready Crone" yelled Elaine as she and Jurni hovered above on their dragons, surrounded by the larger ones. 

"Pegasi troops ready Crone" yelled Deb and Elizabeth P at the same time.

Tracy leaned down from her Pegasus, "Did you figure out what the wish was Crone"?

Crone shrugged, "Not yet".

Elouise who was carrying the largest iron skillet Crone had ever seen said "You will."

Janice said, "My hand is cramping up from holding my broom so tight."  And she switched the broom over and shook her hand.  ZING!  Sparks and fire flew from her fingers and one almost hit Jan and one just missed Darlene.

"Hey, watch it", yelled Jan and Darlene at the same time.

"What!  You got zappy fingers! “Exclaimed Crone.  And then she began to grin.  "That's it!  We got zappy fingers!!  Whoo hoo!!"  And Crone pointed her finger at a rock, and flames shot out!

Everyone began to cheer!  "Lock and Load folks!  Cried Crone.  Everyone begin to point at the ground, and flames shot out of their fingers!!

"Awesome" cried Kendrix!

"Let's do this" yelled Luisa.

Crone spoke into her portable crystal ball.  "D and S, we are going in!  Prepare to attack troops” and the flying brigades took off and the ground crew went at a run.  As they came around the corner, they saw the Trumpkin gang and the enormous crowd of zombies.

"Lock and load and fire at will." screamed Crone.  And all spell broke loose!  The dragons were spewing flames at the zombies, and  their riders were shooting flames at them.  The Pegasi brigade were throwing pistachios and shooting flames at the zombies, the Goblin Gargoyle force were throwing pumpkin bombs, the cats and dogs were biting the Trumpkin Gang.  Sarah Burris was throwing stakes at Melly and Vanny, and swinging her sword.  Ron and Elouise and Tena were smashing and zapping at the Trumpkin bunch.  Crone was now standing in front of Ronald Trumpkin and she yelled to the troops, "Take NO prisoners!"  The zombies were burning into goo.  Sarah Burris's stake found Melly and poof she was a pile of dust.  The air forces were raking the Trumpkin gang with fire and pumpkin bombs.  "Damn it" cried Sarah Burris, "I missed her again” As Vanny just missed being staked.  "Zag to the left next time", yelled Luisa.  Sarah took aim, and her stake zagged to the left, and hit Vanny.  Down she went and was a pile of dust that was dispersed by the wings of the pegasi above. 

With a swoosh, Ronald Trumpkin went up in flames as Crone figured out how to shoot a guided fireball. As he burned, Ron was pounding him with his hammer.  Tena did a double fire ball and took out Eir Duh and Ron Ron.  "Take that you deplorable things."

Elouise drew back her skillet and WHOMP!  Down went Stephen Millerkin, and then Debra hit him with a fireball and Shield raked him with a swoosh of flames.

Jan, Janice, Kendrix, Sarah, and Sarah Burris were stalking Jared, Rudy and the two Mikes.  They were dodging fire balls and Sarah Burris's sword.  Just as they had them backed up against a building, young Kam the dragon and Jurni dove in spewing dragon fire and fireballs.  Up in flames they went.

The friends all looked around.  Crone didn't see any members of the Trumpkin gang or the Zombies left.  She spoke into her crystal ball.  "Aerial support, do you see any enemies left standing or fleeing?"  She immediately received multiple replies.  "Not a one", "We got them all.", and from the Goblin Gargoyle brigade, "The battle is over.  The enemy has been eliminated.  We will return to Ghom and inform him"

The friend all begin to cheer!  Sarah Burris grabbed Crone's crystal ball and spoke into it.  “D and S, the battle is over.  The entire Trumpkin gang and the zombies have been terminated."  They all heard cheers erupt from the other end as David, Scott, Rick and Carol began to celebrate. 

As the cheering began to die down, Elouise said, "Well this is a good cause to celebrate, let's all go back to my place and have some soup.  I knew we would win, so I put a cauldron of soup on, Vegetable, so let's go party like it's not 2020!!

Tuesday night the election results began to come in.  "It's a landslide for Joe Biden!  Joe Biden will be the 46th president."  Rick announced with glee. 

Crone was listening and talking to all her friends on the crystal ball.  “And thank the goddess for that!  When we all work together, we make magic happen and good things occur."


The End (until next time!)

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Beelzebub, The Lord of the flies shows support for Pence.

 So during last night's debate between current VP Michael Pence, and Candidate Kamala Harris, the VP running mate for Joe Biden, a very curious thing happened.  A fly appeared and for minutes was an ornament in the hair of Pence.  To me, it was a telling sign.  I have long said that the Trump regime is evil incarnate.  And as for Pence with his alternate version of Christianity where up is down, and wrong is right, it seemed that Beelzebub who is also known as "The Lord of the flies", showed up to mark Pence as his own.

Pence who is a much more polished liar and purveyor of propaganda and Alt Facts, smirked, talked over Harris, ignored the moderator, acted as if rules did not apply to him, spewed lies and propaganda, and all in all, acted like a self entitled jerk.  When the fly showed up, I had to grin.  Then it hit me, fly- omen and it started me to think. So let's discuss who Beelzebub is.

Beelzebub was a Philistine God whose name was originally Baal-zebub.  He was also called "Lord of the flies", "Lord of the dung", "Lord of the mansion", and so on.  And he is associated with flies.  In fact archeological finds associated with Beelzebub have included flies made out of gold.  

After the decline of the Philistines, the Jewish folk changed the named Baal-zebub to Beelzebub a name change that declared he was "The Lord of dung", or "The Lord of Filth".  The Jewish folk also began to use the name as another name for Satan.

By the era of Jesus, Beelzebub was known as the "Prince of Demons" and it was assumed that he and Satan were the same entity.  He was associated with evil, terror, plague and demons.

In the Testament of Solomon, a pseudepigraphical text, Solomon informs us that Beelzebub is the Prince of Demons, and tells us that by use of a certain magical ring, he is able to control him and have him help build the Temple of Solomon.  Solomon also interrogates him and obtains much information concerning the occult world.  Beelzebub informs Solomon that he causes the worship of demons, likes to destroy tyrants, causes war, jealousy, and sexual desire in those who claim to be holy.  

Beelzebub was and is often worshipped and called upon by those who claim to be Black Magic practitioners.  He is also often cited in cases of supposed demonic possession.  And he often shows up as a fly.

So to me, it was fitting that the fly showed up.  The Trump regime totally fits the bill for courting Beelzebub's help.  Pence certainly received the seal of approval from Beelzebub last night.  That was clear enough for anyone to see.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

What levels of crafting are there.

So, I had a friend that is new to the craft ask me how one can figure out how proficient they or someone else is with regards to the craft.  He was saying he noticed that many books he had bought, or folks that he came across in groups or forums considered themselves "experts" after only a few years.  So he decided that he would ask me since I have been a Witch for 50 some years.

First let me explain that no one is a master at the craft.  Honestly, I learn something new all the time. By no means do I consider myself a master of the craft.  Proficient yes.  For instance, just recently I learned that if one wants to call upon a deity when dealing with time, such as trying to cast a spell that will influence the past, one would call upon Cybele.   No one knows everything.  Even in those paths that have Covens, many go by degrees and titles.  So I put together a list of what to me, constitutes the different levels of proficiency within the craft.

Beginning Witchcraft

Study herbs and spices.  Know their magical properties and healing uses.
Essential and base oils.  Know their properties and uses.  Magical and healing.
Candle colors and other uses of colors.  When to use what color.
Understanding  how magic works.
Understanding the basics of spellcraft.
Studying the magical and healing properties of minerals and gemstones.
Basic understanding of deity.  Pantheons and cultures.
Knowing and understanding what a Witch is.
Knowing and understanding the different holidays in the wheel of the year.
Understanding basic astrological concepts.
Learning element and elemental basics.
Learning the history of Witches and other pagan paths.
Doing basic spells.
Studying the ethics of magic.

Intermediate Witchcraft.
All the previous plus.

Understanding the basics of  various types of divination.
Learning basic divination using at least 1 field of study.
Learning about Runes in the use of magic.
Learning about condition oils.
Learning how to research correctly using historical documents.
Studying fables and folklore.
Studying various religions and other pagan and spiritual paths.
Learning how to craft your own basic spells and rituals.
Increase knowledge of herbs, spices, gemstones, metals and minerals and oils.
Study the magical and healing properties of flowers, trees, bushes and shrubs.
Understand basic healing using magic and plants.
Learn how to do more complex spells.
Understand the concept of hexing, cursing, jinxing and other darker magics.
Study the historical evidence with regards to gender identity and the LGBT community and the pagan paths.
Know which deity to call upon for help with regards to a situation.
Study patriarchy and matriarchy. 
Continue to study scientific fields and how they go hand in hand with magic.
Understanding of magical ethics.
Studying astrological information including interpreting astrological charts.
Studying various cultures and their pantheons.

Advanced Witchcraft
All the previous plus.

Able to apply knowledge of herbs, spices, trees, bushes, shrubs, oils and essential oils
in the use of spellwork and healing.
Able to create spells and rituals.
Able to create own spell blends and oils.
Understand basic Quantum Physics and how they create magic.
Able to interpret astrological information, including charts for individuals.
Knowledge of various pagan and other spiritual paths.
Ability to use knowledge of other paths and apply to own path.
Know how to substitute items in a spell.
Know how to do complex spell and to create one.
Know how to do a spell without candles, herbs or other items.
Know how to layer spells.
Able to extrapolate knowledge from research of fables and myths.
Proficiency in at least one divination technique.
Know how to use divination techniques in spellwork
Know how to work with elements and elementals in ritual and spellwork.
Understand that no one knows everything and that you must continue to read and research to learn.
Know to check spells and rituals for safety and unwanted surprises.
Continues to learn, study and research.
Knows how to hex and curse, and understanding when to use.
Understanding the ethics of hexing and cursing.
Knows how to banish unwanted energies.
Knows how to break a curse or hex.
Understanding of different types of entities and spirits.
Understanding of self.

As you can see, there is a lot of studying going on.  It takes time, research and study to become proficient.  So keep reading and studying my friends.  It's worth the time.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Victimhood. You are not a victim just because you can't..(fill in the blanks)

Oh victimhood.  Something the right wing loves to portray themselves as.  Be it from their religion to their skin color or getting slapped in the face with truth and facts, they cry they are the victims.

Let's start out with religion.  Did you know that in their little right wing Christian Schools they use textbooks written by fellow right wing believers?  No wonder they don't know anything about history. Their history books are filled with erroneous, revisionist nonsense to support their claim that the United States was built on Christianity.  In the words of author Chris Rodda, they are liars for Jesus.  In fact over on Amazon, you can find many of his works that debunk these lies.  And if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription you can read them for free. 

Now they claim they are under attack and victims because they are Christians.  Ah, yeah, right.  Now why do they say this?  Well because others have the audacity to have seasonal holidays around the same time as they have Christmas!  So they go around claiming they can't say Merry Christmas.  Seriously, hey ya'll, when there are Anti Christmas Police going around seizing your Christmas decorations, and fining you or arresting you and throwing you in jail for celebrating Christmas, then you can claim you are under attack.

Then over on FB some of them decided to declare that Facebook wouldn't let them post their "Lord's Prayer".  They were sharing that post and having major meltdowns.  The funny part, was I sure saw plenty of posts with their "Lord's Prayer". 

Their churches are exempt from paying taxes, yet got money from the stimulus package! Yet they are victims.  (cue the violins)

So I could provide you with numerous more examples, but I don't have time to write a set of encyclopedias.

So, you can't be a victim just because you can't make everyone else practice your religion.  That is not being a victim.  You know who have been victims of religious suppression and terror?  Native Americans and Blacks.  The various governments of Federal, State, and local, made it illegal for them to practice their religions, and basically forced them to practice Christianity.  Think I jest, check it out, and google it.

They claim because they are white, they are victims.  They declare the Black Lives Matter movement is a terrorist organizations of Blacks who wish to take over and seize all the belongings of White people.  This type of propaganda has gone on for almost 200 years.  They were singing the same song in pre antebellum times.  But by the same token they see nothing wrong with their white terrorist militias, the KKK, NeoNazi and other white supremacist groups.  The problem is as minority groups grow, they fear that they will be treated as badly as they have treated minority groups.

So you can't be a victim just because you aren't allowed to inflict your racist and bigoted beliefs on others.  Sorry, not happening.  I know that ya'll that believe this nonsense feel you are superior, but you still can't make the rest of us treat you like you are.  Believe it or not, other folks have rights too.

You can't be a victim because others won't let you spread your lies, fake news and propaganda.  There is no such thing as alternative facts.  Despite Trump and his lying hags such as Kellyanne and Sarah and Kayleigh pushing it, there is no difference between facts and truth.  Over on FB you see people such as Phyllis, Linda K, Sandie W. and millions of others posting their Breitbart and InfoWars, and other right wing nonsense and eating up lies and propaganda with a spoon.  Just because you believe lies and others won't buy your nonsense, you can't scream you're a victim.  And when they get fact checked or have their nonsense removed they scream they are victims and being suppressed.

So right wingers, just because you scream you are victims, doesn't make it so.  When you folks as the attackers get slapped with reality, you cry victim. And as usual, that's not the truth.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Healing spell for someone who has cancer.

So a few months back I wrote a spell for a friend of mine whose Mom had cancer.  Have decided to share it with you all.

Supplies needed:
1 white candle.
1 potato cut in half, and then use spoon to scoop out a hollow.
Pinch of rosemary
Pinch of cinnamon
1 Bay leaf crumbled
Pinch of sage
4 toothpicks.
Olive oil
piece of paper

Cut potato in half, use spoon to scoop out hollow in 1 part of the potato.  Fill hollow with herbs, write person's name on slip of paper, fold up and place in hollow,  and drizzle a bit of olive oil over it.  Place potato back together and stick toothpicks in it to hold it together.   Place potato in front of candle.    Light candle and say:

In a time without time,in a place that is and is  not
I initiate the healing process in the body of (Insert name)
Let now apoptosis of all cancer cells and all precancerous
cells throughout the body of (insert name )occur.
Let there be no dangerous or ill side effects from any medication or any other
process or substance occur in the body of (insert name).
Let normal cell division now return to the body of (insert name)
and a complete healing of her body occur immediately starting now.  Let regeneration and
renewal of  healthy cells throughout the body of (insert name )occur and all damage
from all cancer and other illnesses and diseases be repaired.  Let the life force and energy of
(insert name )be renewed and sustained. (insert name ) is now healthy, alive
and well in her physical body, free of illness, disease and disorders.   This is my will, and so it
is, and so mote it be.

Light candle and say spell.  Let candle burn out.  Bury the potato in the ground.

As ever my friends, stay safe.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

When ignorance and stupidity spread their lack of knowledge you get things like this.

Ah, yes the ignorance of the right wing is something else.  When you have ignorant and uneducated people spreading their misinformation all over the world you end up with lies, propaganda and ill informed twits that have no clue what they are talking about.  Let me give you some real world examples.

Cryptic Pregnancies- Now lots of folks have no clue what this is, but if they would take the time to google it they would find out that a cryptic pregnancy is one where the woman has no clue that she is pregnant. BUT ask some uneducated, misinformed, and frankly stupid folks and you will get told that a cryptic pregnancy is one that the woman knows she is pregnant BUT tests, ultrasounds, and other medical procedures show that she is not.  According to these twits, the pregnancy may take anywhere from a year to 15 years to complete.  This according to them occurs because there is not enough hormones, or because it is occurring in their SECOND hidden uterus. That's right folks, according to them, a woman may be pregnant as long as 15 years!  You think I joke?  Check out Youtube, search facebook that has lots and lots of these groups for women who claim they have been pregnant for years.

Antifa-according to those who lack knowledge and education Antifa is a terrorist organization that may or may not be associated with communists or socialists that is trying to undermine democracy.  Wrong again.  Antifa actually stands for Anti Fascists.  In other words anyone that is against fascism, would be antifa.  But try and explain this to these fools and they will argue with you to their faces turn blue that you are wrong.

Jesus was white and Christian.-According to the Christian Taliban, Jesus was white and a Christian.  Actually Jesus was Middle Eastern, most likely of Palestinian descent, and he was Jewish.

Defund the police-According to Republicans, Trump and Trump supporters this means that Democrats want to get rid of the police.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  What it means is instead of giving the police forces all the money in the budget, the money is to be divided up between police and social services, like for mental health and creating jobs, and more social workers.

Q Anon-according to white, right wing lunatics, Trump is secretly working with the government to bust an international pedophile ring that covers everyone who is an enemy of Trump, the right wing, the kkk, Nazi's, Republicans and Trump supporters.  The supposed members of this pedophile ring do everything from human trafficking to eating babies and worship Satan.  Q is supposed to be an insider leaking this info.  Those who believe this are whack jobs.  Q seems to know nothing about the laws of the United States, nor the Constitution.  All this person, is doing is spreading propaganda that was used by the Catholic Church 1900 years ago.  Yes this kind of nonsense was used over One thousand, nine hundred years ago.  It's been around that long. Anyone who believes this nonsense needs electro shock therapy, some psych drugs and a straight jacket. 

Wearing Masks for Covid-according to your right wing they don't work, and cause illness.  Bull.  If  that were the case, every Doctor and Nurse that wear one when working would be ill all the time.  Of course the right wing also thinks that Covid is either a hoax, or no worse than a cold.  Scientists and other health professionals have told us that they aren't sure of the long lasting effects of this virus, they have also told us it can be deadly, and the rising death count shows that.

To be blunt, the ONLY thing the ignorant have ever done is spread chaos and cause harm to not only themselves but others.  If you get your information from Facebook, Youtube and right wing media sources such as OAN, Fox,  Breitbart and InfoWars, then you know nothing but lies, misinformation and propaganda.   

Friday, July 24, 2020

When crafting a spell

I have folks ask me questions about spell crafting all the time.  When you craft a spell YOU are creating a brand new spell.  The spell can be as simple as lighting a candle or as complex as having multiple candles, herbs, stones and crystals, adding sigils and runes including pictures and so on.

But regardless of how long there are a couple of things you need to remember that are very important.

If you open a door or portal to another world or dimension, be sure to close it or put a time limit on how long it is open.  I recently had a discussion with a friend regarding a spell she had seen that someone in a group she belonged to had written.  The person that had written the spell had started out with the opening sentence of "I open the gates of hell".  And that was just the first mistake.  Also be sure and specify who or what can come through.

First off Witches, those who are serious and not wanna be's understand that Witches don't believe in a specific place called Hell where Satan rules and those that don't believe in Jesus go after death.
Yes we understand that there is evil and there are evil beings, but we don't ascribe to the Christian belief that there is a Jesus, or his nemesis Satan or any of the other names he goes by.    But understanding the fact that magic is based on Quantum Physics you understand that by having a number of folks doing such a spell will result in the spell bringing into being chaos.  Why you ask?  Simply put because magic is a matter of intent and belief.  IF you have bought into the Christian concept of Hell and Satan, and each individual involved in said spell is going to have their own idea of what Hell is, then you will have pure chaos and a creation of said beings etc being set loose.  So to be blunt the person who was trying in their own way to create justice, inadvertently ended up creating chaos and harm.

As the spell finished, the gate was never closed nor a time limit on how long it would remain open.  Wonderful, not.  So now we have chaos open for an unlimited amount of time.  So you can see where this is headed.  We have chaos and negativity pouring in with no limit, nor any control.  Yikes!!

The second thing to remember is if you don't know nor understand how to control a specific being then don't call upon them.  Calling upon the "Angel of Chaos" or the "demon Astaroth" or any other being you aren't familiar with is just asking for trouble. In other words if you know nothing about a being, don't call upon them.  Exorcisms and banishments of powerful beings are NOT easy.

The third thing is specificity.  If you are going to take action against a specific person, name them instead of leaving it open by saying them, they etc.  If you don't know the name, say something to specify what action is objectionable that will help narrow it down.  Specify what action you want to occur to said person.  For example if Missy at work is telling lies and has a few friends who you don't know repeating them, Specify Missy and those who are helping her spread lies on whatever or whoever.  Specify that you want her to stop lying on you, and specify that when she lies on you she will be caught out in her lie.

Finally after crafting a spell, go back over it and check it to make sure it will work as you wish it too.
Check for words that may cause unintended things to occur. Do this several times.  Remember magic follows the path of least resistance, so to get what you want to happen in a certain way, you have to plan it that way.

Once you write your first spell, you will feel more comfortable and soon will be crafting them easily.  Good luck!!

Monday, June 29, 2020

Banishing and releasing.

Banishing magic is something that all practitioners of the craft need to know.  Banishing is just that, removing energies, or people,even emotions and some types of spirits out of your life.  And then there is releasing magic.  Often the two are intertwined.  Releasing magic is used when you are ready to let something go.  It can be emotions, energies, and situations or people. 

There are many herbs that can be used to help these things along.  Some of them are:

Black Pepper-banishing

Cloves- banishing and releasing

Cypress-banishing and releasing

Elder-banishing and releasing

Mugwort-banishing and releasing

Sage-banishing and releasing

St. John's Wort-banishing and releasing

Good luck with your crafting.  And remember a black candle used along with a white candle to banish and release is a good idea.  Also a good idea is to remember to invite beneficial energies or spirits in after you banish and/or release.  When banishing or releasing a person from your life, be sure to include somewhere in the spell, that it should be seen as beneficial to both of you. 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Deflection and magic

Deflection spells fall under protective magic.  What they are, are spells meant to deflect harm, negativity, hexes, curses, jinxing and such from a person or object. 

Quite a few herbs possess the properties of deflection.  Adding them to your spell mixtures and the wording of your spell to reflect using deflection will kick in and help protect you.  Some herbs and spices that possess deflection properties are:

Blackthorn aka sloe or Prunus spinosa is a fruit bearing shrub.
Elder another fruit bearing shrub.  Aka as Elderberry.
Peppercorn or pepper.

As you can see, some can be found as close as your spice rack.  So when creating a spell mix or working on a spell for protection, one can add ingredients to help deflect harm or attacks.  Good luck with your crafting.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The King Donald White Evangelical bible.

Did you ever notice that the White Evangelical Americans are hypocrites?  They go around waving the flag, thumping their bibles and pushing lies of American History and present day events?  They proclaim they are "God fearing and Jesus loving."  They also claim they follow the teachings of their bible.  My question is what bible are they using, and what God and what Jesus are they claiming to fear and love? 

They don't like Native Americans, nor blacks, nor hispanics, nor any other race except white people.  They hate Muslims and other religions except their own brand of whacked out, delusional so called Christianity.  And apparently the King James version of the Bible has been replaced with the King Donald Republican Evangelical version.  Instead of the usual books such as Matthew, Mark and Luke they have been replaced with the Books of Republican Propaganda, KellyAnne lies, Rand Paul's racism, and Ayn Rands Objectivism.  To be blunt the White Evangelicals are racist, bigots, liars, and evil. 

Instead of the usual 10 Commandments they have ones such as , "Love thy neighbor as long as he is white", "Thou shall not kill a rich Christian White Man, but all other races and economic levels are ok to kill."  "Thou shall love they guns and use them to kill when you are in the mood."  "It is ok to lie on other people if they don't agree with you, you can also bear false witness against them."

And apparently if you are a Republican, the rules do not apply to you.  You can lie, cheat, steal, judge others, take drugs, rape, assault, deal in child and human trafficking and anything else under the sun.  But the rules apply to other people and they better not break one! 

As for their God, he seems to more like their fictional nemesis Satan, than a God.  And their version of Jesus, is something else.  Wonder if their Jesus says Grabbing them by the Pussy is fine and dandy? 

All in all, the White Evangelicals have become a cult of death with the Republican Party cheering them on and joining in.  They are all sociopaths, evil liars.  And the women are worse than the men!  When they come preaching to you, run!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Memorial Day. Remembering fallen soldiers.

The year was 1861 and the Nation was in crisis.  The Southern states were screaming about Lincoln being elected, state rights,   worried about expanding slavery, and saving their "right" to have slaves.  In Feb of 1861 several southern states, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas  seceded from the Union and created the Confederate States of America.  By the time the Southern States declared war and fired on Fort Sumter in April of 1861, 4 more southern states were ready to join the Confederacy and did so, those states were Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina.

My 3 times great grandfather, Denton Adams, and many of his family were living in Freeburg, Ohio.  In July, his daughter, my 2 times great grandmother Laura was born.  I am sure it was a time of worry and fear, because you see, Denton and family were mulattos.  They still had family living in the South.  Many family members were living in Pennsylvania, but some had moved to what would become West Virginia, but was still part of Virginia, some had moved to Texas, and some were moving through other southern states.

As the year rolled over into 1862, many men joined the Union Forces.  Uncle Jasper, Grandfather's brother joined up along with several of his cousins, brother-in-laws, and Grandfather himself.  On September 10, 1862 Grandfather was mustered into the Ohio 122 Infantry.

The War was bloody and families across the nation were divided.  Many had members fighting in both the Confederacy and Union troops.  At some point Uncle Jasper was wounded and taken prisoner.  Then at the Battle of the Wilderness in May 1864, Grandfather was wounded and captured.
Both of them were held deep in the South at Andersonville Prison Camp in Georgia.  I can't even imagine the horror that these 2 black men had at being kept there.  The conditions at Andersonville were horrible.  Eventually both Grandfather Denton and Uncle Jasper died from their wounds.

I'd like to remember them and all of not only my other relatives who have died to keep this nation free, but all of our fallen warriors who gave their lives for this nation.

Because you see, much like the atmosphere of these times, we are once again a nation divided into 2 camps, with Republican politicians and others with their own agendas stroking tempers by telling lies and pushing propaganda.   But one thing I can assure you, the South will NOT rise again.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Surviving in interesting times. Or 2020 is not a good year.

Oh these are interesting times we live in my friends.  Pandemics, stress from the pandemic, stress from those who are aren't worried about saving lives but only worried about their own agendas.  In other words we have to deal with idiots, twits and sociopaths also.  Financial concerns, recessions and the list could go on. 

On Mother's Day I had another heart attack.  But survived to fight another day.  We all have to take care of ourselves and survive so that we can fight the good fight.  Because my friends, the survival of this planet and it's lifeforms depends on us.  Don't worry about convincing the twits, idiots and nutters, if at this point they are still living in an alternate reality, let them.  Just protect yourself and stay safe.  I know we are all getting overwhelmed with all the chaos running amok.

Me I am going to survive this year, and I hope all of you do also. Take care and stay safe!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Unsung heroes of the Pandemic.

Every day we are subjected to the right wing propaganda machine spewing out it's lies and deflections.  They praise the idiot squatter in the White House who the media shows as he vomits out his word salads and recommends dangerous treatments, drugs and suggests that disinfectants could cure the virus instantly.  His base of equally stupid people praise him hourly on various media platforms.  But you know who they don't praise?  The unsung heroes that's who.

The Nurses, Doctors, and other medical staff, the first responders and the other workers on the front lines.  You know those who work in the grocery stores who are right there in the midst of it all making sure that the shelves are stocked and you can buy items?  Yeah, they are right out there.  Along with the folks who work in the pharmacies to make sure you can get your prescription filled.  Those who work at the service stations filling your tanks up with gasoline.  And the list could go on.  Those folks who are considered ESSENTIAL.  Those folks who work for low pay, very few if any benefits, but yet are essential to things limping along during the lockdowns.

So I salute and applaud you all!  I am grateful for what you do.  Thank you!  You are the folks who should be getting large paychecks and the applause.  You are all heroes..  Every day you put your lives on the line for all of us.  And get no praise, you have idiots and fools who put not only their lives but yours at stake protesting or running around without masks.  May the Goddess watch over you all and keep you safe.

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Epidemic of Stupidity

So it's horrible enough that there is a pandemic going on world wide, but it is also scary to find out just how many stupid people are out there.  And the worst part is the epidemic of stupidity is just as deadly as Covid-19.

From the current squatter in the White House and his lackwits in charge who have downplayed and tried to ignore the virus and did nothing for months to stop it's spread, backed up by the enabling Republican Party and their lack of knowledge on anything other than voter suppression and how to line their pockets, to the pandemic team who now claim miracle cures with a drug that has shown very little evidence to help with the virus, but plenty of evidence to cause lasting harm.  Add in the right wing media to push the propaganda and make things worse, and you can see why the United States has such a high rate.

Not enough testing because apparently who needs tests? Plus that would just make the numbers higher.  And to a wanna be dictator who claims he has done such a fine job, one must keep the numbers low, the safety and health of citizens be damned.

Not enough equipment or PPE for patients and health care providers.  Because for some reason the idiots in charge seem to believe that it is not their job to make sure that states have enough resources for their citizens, and they also seem to believe that they have the right to keep the equipment and PPE to serve their own purposes.

As for the number of people spouting nonsense and propaganda, you could fill a small nation with them. 

You hear conspiracy nonsense such as the death count is faked, it's a hoax meant to overthrow the idiot in charge and other stupidity.
You have idiots complaining about the stay at home orders and still running around like fools.

Just go on Facebook or Twitter and look at the drivel being spewed by the stupid ones.  Check out the comment sections on The Washington Post.  You will see ignorant people spounting stupidity and pushing propaganda.

Yes this virus is deadly, but so is the epidemic of stupidity. 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Trump's abysmal, evil, surreal United States.

Every day I am disgusted by the Evangelicals, Trump, the Republicans and the self proclaimed Trumpers.  IF intelligence was prosperity they would be bankrupt.  As it is they are spiritually, mentally and morally bankrupt.  They do though have a wealth of stupidity, ignorance, and hatefulness.

For people that scream they are pro-life they sure seem they are pro-torture and anti-life.  They cry their tears for fetuses, but yet have no regard for humans that are already alive.  They don't worry about food, clothing or shelter, health care or money for anyone once they are born.  They do worry though about Corporations and the Wealthy being able to freely lie, cheat, steal and line their pockets easily from the rest of us.  Tax breaks and Stimulus money easily and quickly flow to the wealthy and the corporations because of ignorance of economics and lack of intelligence and education on the part of Republicans and the Trump base.  Children in cages, they could care less about because they don't see them as humans or children for that matter but as subhuman.  The poor and the elderly are seen as expendable.  From Trump supporters to Trump and his regime and to many Republican Politicians death for the elderly, poor and susceptible to Covid-19, are easily shrugged off.

Trump's denial of the virus and it's spread will lead to the death of many.  Any human with an ounce of compassion would cringe to think of people dying in large amounts from a virus that, if steps were taken would not be so deadly.  But all we see is Trump, his base, his administration, and most of the Republican Party more worried about the Stock market than lives.  "Eh, so what if Grandma dies.".

And the evil Evangelical religious leaders play right along.  They sell fake cures, encourage their followers to go out and about and not worry about getting ill, cause it's a hoax, or Jesus will protect them.

Every damn day these evil Evangelicals, Trump supporters and Republicans take away everyone else's rights and choices.  They feel they are so superior to everyone else.  So special.  Jesus loves them.  They want to take away your choice with regards to reproduction, they force their nasty, evil religion on everyone else through laws.  They take away your safety by their views on gun control, which is none.  I mean, according to them every nutjob should have an assault weapon.  If they had their way everyone would be waltzing around with a weapon having shootouts.  And now they put everyone else at risk with the coronavirus.  If it were just them affected by it, I would say jolly good, and encourage them all to congregate, have a big party with plenty of hugging, kissing, and hand shaking.  But unfortunately they put the rest of us at risk also. 

Everyday, I see them posting their lies and propaganda that covers a spectrum from politics to health.  They tell their lies on Democratic leaders, they push their propaganda about the virus.  There is no shame among these deplorable, despicable idiots.  This my friend is what happens when you combine lack of intelligence, religious zealotry, greediness, and hate.  Once upon a time we were a nation with aspirations of love, tolerance, freedom and equality for all.  Now we are a third world nation filled with evil, greediness and stupidity.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Change takes Time.

Many people in the world expect immediate results.  We see this even with advertising.  Use this makeup, wear that outfit, pop this pill and so on.  And you  may temporarily get results from whatever the newest fix is.  But it doesn't fix the underlying condition.  We see it even with Politicians who claim they and only they can fix whatever the issue is. 

We have been fed a steady diet of instant fixes and Saviors that will rush in and save the world.  How many stories are basically about and boil down to the Knight in Shining Armor that rushes in at the last second and slays the evil beast?  And we are told that everyone lived happily ever after.

For any permanent change to occur you have to change the underlying condition.  It boils down to that.  It takes hard work. You have to be dedicated.  And you have to realize that trial and error are going to occur. Change takes time.

The same thing applies to spiritual paths and religions.  For example let's take Christianity.  In Pauline Christianity the "fix" is accepting Jesus as your savior.  All you have to do is say "Jesus was the divine son of god.  He died for my sins on the cross.  I believe this and believe he is my savior".  And that's it.  You're in.  No matter what you do or have done you're going to heaven.  So at this point you are given a free pass.  No responsibility to fix past mistakes.  No responsibility for future action, because it's now all in God's hands.  Whatever happens now is considered God's will.

Now let's look at the Pagan paths.  You are responsible for your past and future actions.  It is your responsibility in what you did and didn't do.  What you do in the future depends upon what decisions you make and what actions you take.  It encourages you to know yourself so you know your strength and weaknesses.  It helps you heal your inner self and grow spiritually.  It helps you understand that the only person that you can change is you. It tells you that there isn't going to be a Knight showing up to save you, but you must save yourself.  It encourages you to work with other like minded individuals to cause positive change for everyone, not just for a select few favored ones.  It makes you understand that no one is going to rush in snap their fingers or wave a magic wand and give you everything you want and make your life perfect.

In my books I try and give you the tools to do this.  But I, or no one else can cause the change to happen.  You have to do the work.  Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk also.  You have to put in the effort to see a change.  Remember knowledge is power.  The power to change yourself and help change the world around you.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Checking up on everyone.

Checking in with all my readers out there.  I hope everyone is well and staying safe.  I know that everyone has to be anxious and on edge.  Let me know how you are doing.  Either in the comment section, over on my Facebook page or on Twitter.  I promise I will respond.

Stay safe my friends, we will get through this.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Healing emotionally and psychological.

Most of us have emotional and psychological wounds.  The difference is of course in the severity of the wounding.  Some folks will realize they have an issue and seek healing, others will never realize they are wounded, and a big majority will realize they have a wound, and do nothing to help heal themselves.

So I am going to get on my soapbox here and speak of healing your inner wounds.

First off identifying you have an issue is the first step.  That is a very big step in fact.  Once you take that first step, you have placed your foot on the path towards healing.

The second step is deciding to do something about it.  Just admitting there is an issue is NOT going to end it.  One must decide to do something about it.  Going around and saying you are a victim of whatever does nothing towards solving the problem.  All that does is become a crutch and an excuse.  Identifying only as a victim sets the self up for failure and gives an excuse to fall back upon.

The third step is to take action.  This is the hardest step.  To move forward in the healing process takes hard work, brutal honesty with self and then decide what you can do to overcome it.  You have to search relentlessly within and what you find and truthfully acknowledge what you did, what others did even when you really don't want too.  This is the part where many get hung up on.  Especially admitting that someone you love and look up too did something horrible to you.  The truth will set you free, this is true, but the truth is often ugly.  But to heal, it must be acknowledged and dealt with.
Falling under taking action is allowing yourself to feel anger.  That in and of itself can be scary.  But to heal you have to acknowledge that you have a right to be angry and acknowledge that anger, hurt and fear. 

The final step is letting go of the fear, anger and hurt and working on positive focus points. Example you say I have now learned that my mother is a Covert Narcissist and I now know to take care in believing the stories she tells.  I now know to sift through what she says and not believe her versions of events.  See how this works?  You have acknowledged an issue, identified it, searched and found the hurt, admitted you were hurt, and had a right to be angry about it.  Instead of letting that anger and fear fester in your subconscious and unconscious, you let it see the light of day.  You then let the anger go, and then acknowledged you had learned from that and how to protect yourself from future problems of the same nature.

Because fears and anger allowed to fester without acknowledging that they are there will poison you in the long run.  They will cause disruptions in your life and relationships.  If you acknowledge there is an issue but yet don't identify it, the same will happen and you will also assume a victim mentality.  But by working on all of this, you have become a survivor.  You have become stronger.  You have become a warrior! 

If you don't acknowledge or work on these things, you will continue to wonder why things like Why do I always get the nasty guy?  Why do I end up with the backstabbing friend?  And so on.  If you come from a toxic family environment, when you meet someone who has the same type of temperament as your family, it feels familiar to you.  And that is the downfall right there.  Many mistake this familiarity to mean friendship or love.  If you've worked through this though, you are able to say to yourself, "Wait a minute, I think I need to take my time here."

Remember truth is the key here to understanding.  Understanding others and self.     

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Recipe for Elderberry Syrup for What ails you.

Yesterday I posted about a few antiviral herbs and spices.  I was asked if I knew how to make Elderberry syrup, or should one buy premade.  One can indeed buy premade syrup and should be easily found via Google search.  I buy most of my herbs and vitamins from either Swansons Vitamins or Puritan Pride and I know that both carry various brands of Elderberry Syrup.  But should one be inclined to make their own that is easily done also and I have a recipe that I call for "What ails you".

One can easily find most ingredients that you don't already have on hand on health and healing sites or Vitamin shops and I know that Amazon carries them.


1 cup dried Elderberries
2 Tablespoons dried Licorice root(optional, but helps boost the formula)
2 Tablespoons dried rose hips (optional)
1 cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
2 Tablespoon fresh grated ginger or 1 teaspoon dried
1/2 cup honey
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
4 cups water

In a large saucepan put water, and all ingredients except honey and lemon juice.  Bring to a boil and using spoon or potato masher smash the berries so that most are broken open.  Place lid on pot, and turn heat to simmer.  Let simmer for 60 minutes, stir once in a while.  When done, remove from heat and using a fine mesh strainer, strain liquid into bowl.  Allow to cool for 5 minutes and then stir in the honey and the lemon juice.  Pour into a sterilized quart jar.  Put lid on and store in the fridge for up to 2 months.  Take 1 tablespoon daily if adult, if ill take 3 times a day.  For children 1/2 teaspoon, if ill may take 2 times a day not to exceed 1 teaspoon.

And there you go, Elderberry Syrup for flu/viruses and what ails you!

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Herbs and spices that are antiviral.

With the outbreak of Covid 19 worldwide, I thought it might be a good idea to share info on antiviral herbs and spices that are antiviral.  Antibiotics do not treat viruses.  So generally one if infected has to let it run its course and treat any infections or other issues that may occur.

Elderberry is a great antiviral. It helps keep the virus from replicating thereby either stopping it or lowering the seriousness of the illness. Elderberry is sold as supplements or as a syrup.  And it is safe for children.  Preventive use would be for syrup for adults 1 tablespoon per day.  For children 1/2 teaspoon per day.  When sick dosage would be for adults 1 tablespoon every 4 hours; for children 1/2 teaspoon every 6 hours.  Syrup is the preferred method for children.  Supplements for adults as a preventive measure would be 1 per day.  When ill 2 a day.

Licorice root.  Another great antiviral.  Only use for adults.  And use cautiously as it can cause the blood pressure to rise, so I suggest to only use when you suspect you have been exposed to a virus.  It comes in both extract and supplement form.  I would advise 28 drops of extract in 1/8 cup of water 2 times a day.  Supplements would be 1 per day.  Licorice has been shown to be very effective against the corona virus.  It helps to keep it from replicating, again either stopping the virus or lowering the seriousness of the virus.

Ginger.  It comes in a variety of  forms from tea to supplement.  It can be taken as a preventive measure.  For children as a preventive measure and as a treatment I would advise lozenges, or if ill a cup of mild tea.  For adults 1 supplement daily, and if ill add 1 or 2 cups of ginger tea to that.  It also helps keep the virus from replicating.

Echinacea supplements not only help treat symptoms but will help fortify the immune system.  Adult use only please.   May be taken daily as a preventive measure.  1 per day be it treatment or preventive measure.

Vitamin C.  Either supplemental or through juice will help fortify the immune system and lessen symptoms.  My advice would be an extra 500 mg spread over a 24 hour period.

Peppermint.  Another great treatment.  A cup or 2 of tea with honey will not only help fight the virus, but will also help loosen mucus from the respiratory system.  It is also safe for children.

These are just a few herbs and spices one can use.  And don't forget the chicken soup and tomato soup!  Studies have been done that show both help when one is ill.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The decline of the American dream and the death throes of a nation.

In 1980 Reagan was elected President of the United States, and the wealthy and the religious fanatics began rubbing their hands with glee.  A movie star who was easily swayed by the greedy and various revisionist and Ayn Rand twits he began the decline of the United States of America.  Now, you will hear the Republican Party and the damn Evangelicals and his daughter Patti claim he was wonderful, and a saint.  He wasn't.  He was ignorant of economics and intolerant of the poor.  And for those of you shaking your head, I was 21 years of age, so I well know what I speak of.  Movie stars do not make good presidents.

The 1960's and 1970's just about caused the right wing to explode with anger with progress arriving in the United States.  Women and minorities had made major strides towards equality and the old wealthy white men and their cheap blonde bimbo bitch wives couldn't stand it.  A woman work!!  Oh my god!  Because according to these blonde supposed Christian women, a woman's destiny was to be blonde, slender, pretty and trap herself a wealthy sugar daddy.  In other words exchange sex for marriage and security.  As for the men, the very idea that a woman should not be under the thumb of a man was just unacceptable.  Because they believed that they should be able to use their money to make women dance to their tune.  Want a raise?  Bend over and spread those legs.  In other words men felt they could have sex with any woman they wanted too and if she didn't want to, they felt they had the right to force her too.  Oh they didn't come out right out and say it, but it was a well known fact.  Women who slept their way to the top were considered a pesky detail.

Then the Bush years arrived.  More corruption and more laws to take away the strides of the progressive years.  The idea of the ugly American was seen as cute by these folks.  The United States begin to play the role of a bit of a lovable thug internationally.  The religious nuts and the other conservative right wing groups began their plotting of how to implement their ideas and visions into action.

By the time the 21st century arrived and the second Bush presidency occurred, the dying of the American dream was in full swing.  The religious fanatics were having a field day.  The Republicans were in full corruption mode and the Wealthy were rejoicing over the fact that there were Billionaires.

Then the Obama years arrived.  Having a black president made these racist right wingers lose their minds completely.  Because there was no major scandals, the Republicans began to invent them.  A tan suit!  Oh my god!!  Mrs Obama wore a sleeveless dress and they lost it.  They made up scandals about Hillary Clinton.  They really went insane when the LGBTQ were given rights.  Same sex marriage!!  Oh how their Jesus wept.

In the meantime Putin and Russia were buying up Republican Politicians, and grooming that ignorant, corrupt  Orange Menace Donald Trump.  Putin was cozying up to Evangelicals like Franklin Graham, and buying their way into the NRA.  They were getting their fingers online into places like Twitter and Facebook, so that they could manipulate the easily led gullible right wing base with lies and propaganda.

So here we are now with a Sociopath squatting in the White House committing crime and scandal one after another as he lines his pockets and tries to destroy this democracy, his thugs in power doing the same, his wife a former nude model whose everyone in the world has seen her "goods", who is every bit the narcissist as he is, who has helped him spread his lies and propaganda  seen as a role model.  His adult children are merrily lining their own pockets and spreading lies and propaganda as they help dismantle this nation.  We have a corrupt Political Party in the Republicans who are enabling this criminal as they blatantly disregard the wishes of the majority of the populace and push into law the wishes of the ignorant religious nuts, the Russians and the wealthy so that they remain in power.  We have a minority of ignorant, ill bred, despicable fools that believe they are superior to every other race and ethnicity, and a twisted, deplorable religious cult trying to bring on the end of the world that support the corruption and undermining of this nation.

Ann Coulter who claims that women should be at home, yet for some reason can't follow her own beliefs, Tomi Lahern an ignorant little blonde who likes to spew lies, Kelly Ann Conway, another blonde who lies at the drop of a hat and makes up propaganda are all seen as role models for the right wing bunch.

Frankly I hope all the little right wing girls grow up to be skanks and nude models just like their heroines.  They can learn all the Kama Sutra moves, pose in the men's magazines, make movies, and sleep their way to an old fat white sugar daddy.  The little right wing boys will of course grow up to be little sociopaths lying and ripping off anyone they can.

As for this nation, it is in its death throes thanks to the Republicans and Evangelicals.  Rather or not it makes it off of life support depends upon you.  Vote for Democratic candidates, write your congress people and make your voices heard.  Because do you really want to live in a nation that has Trump as a king, the Evangelicals making the rules, minorities enslaves and filled with serfs?  Do you want women to have no rights, forced to have baby after baby just because the right wing Jesus supposedly said so?  If you aren't in the USA, then don't allow this nonsense to occur in your nation.  Get out their and fight it from happening to you.