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Sunday, July 22, 2018

The root of all evil is...

Over on Facebook several of my friends and I had a nice, polite discussion.  And as happens sometimes when one is discussing, we veered off on a side path that was tied into the original subject.

So the root of all evil, of all the social ills can be traced back to Sociopathology.  Your cluster B's.  Psychopaths, Sociopaths and Narcissists.  For those of you who have been following my blog for the past 3 years you know what my stand is all this.  For those who aren't I will reiterate.

Cluster B's include Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Narcissists.  Really in my opinion, and basing it on not only observation and research and personal experiences, but also my degree, they are all the same.  But the difference is in the way they present themselves most of the time.  What their standard MO is.  Your Psychopaths are always going to depend on violence, either the use of it personally, or having someone else do it.  Sociopaths will lie and deviantize, and encourage false information. Narcissists are always going to use the victim card, and be overly dramatic, not to mention being the center of the universe.

All want power and control.  They don't care about others one bit.  Be it politics, religion, or in their social circles they are all about power and control.  They will use any means and methods to grab power and control. 

Scientific research has shown us that their brains are wired entirely different from the rest of us.  And this difference can be shown by the use of modern technology such as brain imaging.  Their brain structure also shows differences.  They don't understand such concepts such as compassion, empathy, and sympathy etc.  And they never will.  And this difference can and will be passed on to their offspring.  Meaning just like the rest of genetics, one sees a percentage of offspring that are Cluster B's. 

But back to it being the root of all evil.  Once your Cluster B is in power, they will use any means possible to control others.  Encouraging hate and divisiveness through such things as racism, bigotry, discrimination, homophobia and all the other nasty ills of society.  They will clock it under such things as religion-The Bible says, God says, Jesus says or what have you. 

If you are involved in a religion that encourages suppression of others based on gender, race or other religions RUN.  It is not going to do you a bit of good, only encourage your baser instincts and encourage you to take away the rights of others.  If said religion encourages you to support Politicians who encourage such behaviors, you are being played and again you need to run.

Politicians or others in positions of power or control who encourage hate, racism and suppression and so forth need to be removed from said position.  Because they have their own agenda which they push by encouraging their followers in hateful and cruel behavior.  This doesn't do anyone any good.  Be it a Nation, a State, or a locale.  Because eventually no one has any rights but the reigning Politician, his cronies and those that he or she sees as being powerful.  Destruction and decline follow for everyone and eventually them.

Cluster B's destroy, they never build for others, only themselves. The harm they cause is tremendous even in their own families.  They harm everything and everyone else in their bid for power.

A true leader, be it in the family, your social circle, at your job, in your church, and in politics encourages everyone to work together on solutions that benefit everyone.  They encourage unison, they don't divide.  They discourage negative behavior and hateful actions and encourage those of a positive nature.  They understand that everyone is different, but everyone has something to offer in working together.  They build not destroy.  They help reward everyone not a select few.  They don't lie and manipulate. 

Oh, and there are lots of Cluster B's.  Conservative estimates are 1 out of every 25 people that you know are a Cluster B.  Don't be fooled and used.  Keep your eyes open.  Listen to what is being said.  Watch what they do.  Stay awake and be proactive.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Calling on everyone! Christians, Pagans, Witches, Trump supporters, citizens around the world!

So I don't know about the rest of you, but I am tired.  I am tired of arguing, tired of denial, and flat out tired.  Now I have a spell planned for the Lunar Eclipse this month, but I also have a spell planned for July 26.  It is a Thursday.  And I want everyone to do it.  Call it a group prayer if you want.  Tell your friends and recruit them.  Let's get this mess done and over with.

Anyone can do this.  Americans, British, Russians, I mean I don't care what your nationality is.  Trump supporters should certainly not be afraid to do it.  It is a prayer.  Witches, Pagans, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, any spiritual path can do it.

So on Thursday, July 26th at 8:30 P.M.  get a little white tea candle, light it and pray/say

Oh lord above I call on thee
it's said the truth will set you free
so now let truth come to light
and glare freely for all to see.
Let now the scales and blinders
be removed from our eyes
let us see clearly and distinguish
the truth from the lies.
Let us know now and the entire world
see if there be collussion and treason of this
Trump presidency.
Let the guilty be shown,
let the evil be known
Save this great nation
as it teeters on the edge.
Save us from our blindness
and refusal to see, let the truth burst
forth and be released for all to see.

(Christians at this point, may end with in Jesus name, Amen. Pagans and others may end with So mote it be instead of "in Jesus name, Amen." and other paths and religions use whatever ending you use when you pray)

Let the tea candle burn out by itself.

Now, if you aren't scared do it.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Spell for the 4th of July.

Today being the 246th birthday of the United States of America, and with all the nonsense going on with treason and traitors and duplicity, not to mention those who wish to impose such things as racism, isolationism, nationalism, theocracy and all the rest of those nasty ism's and other nasty things, I would like to ask you to join me in a spell.

All you need is a white candle and the spell.

Light the candle and say

A nation that was founded on the ideal of freedom and equality for all
your lights are dimming and we fear you will fall
to the forces of darkness, despair and injustice
we watch as you waver as you fight against this demise
and we ask the creator of all to
arise and send warriors of light to
fight for your soul and revive those ideals
so special and bold.
May the United States finally achieve those
brave ideals our founding fathers and mother
By earth and by air, by water and fire
I send out this plea, this wish, this desire.
And I will it so mote it be.

Let the candle burn out.

As you can see any path can do this spell!  Happy 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Morris Family and Lewis Morris.

The Declaration of Independence was penned by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia.  On July 2, 1776 Richard Henry Lee(the Great Grandfather of Robert E. Lee) a delegate from Virginia made a motion for independence from Great Britain. On July 4th the Second Continental Congress officially adopted the Declaration of Independence.  But it wasn't until a month later that the document was signed.  Most of the delegates signed on August 2 1776, but several including Lewis Morris, the delegate from New York signed later.

So why you ask are we discussing Lewis Morris?  Because he is my cousin.  The name Lewis Morris was quite common in our Morris family.  This Lewis Morris that signed the Declaration was a first cousin twice removed of my 7x great grandfather, Lewis (of Passage Point) Morris.  My grandfather was the son of Thomas Morris and Sarah Settle.  This Lewis Morris was the the Great Grandson of Richard Morris brother of Thomas.

Richard and Thomas were the children of Sir William Morris of Tintern Wales.  During the Cromwell years in Great Britain the Morris Family in order to retain some of their power, lands and titles split their allegiance to the forces.  Some remained loyalists and some backed Cromwell.  William's family took a chance and backed the Cromwellian regime.  Richard, Lewis, and John fought for Cromwell, and Thomas was sent to Barbados as a backup plan to take care of the sugar plantations.  Once the dust had settled and Cromwell was ousted the descendants of William lost their titles and lands.  The plan was to head for the colonies which is where this story comes into play.

This Lewis Morris, signer of the Declaration was all for independence from the tyranny of British rule, meanwhile his brother Staats Morris was a General in the British Army, carrying on the tradition of splitting up allegiance to assure that some assets and power were maintained.  Staats warned Lewis that there would be consequences for signing the Declaration and Lewis replied  "Damn the consequences. Give me the pen." 

So cousins on the William Caldwell Morris side of the family, you can see we get our attitude honestly!