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Sunday, October 31, 2021

A Crone and Friends Adventure. Crone and friends celebrate Samhain with the Witches of Grim County.

 Happy Samhain one and all.  Hope you enjoy the story.

I put my cup down and said “You know, we had such fun with Crone and her friends at Beltane, I think we should invite them to join us for our Samhain celebration.”

Stacy looked thoughtful.  “I think that is a wonderful idea.  Let’s do it.”

“I’ll get the messenger bat ready and Cerri can write the invitation.” And Tracy looked at Cerri.

“Tell Ron to bring his War Hammer and Susan to bring Betty Bat, and let Jurni and Elaine know there will be dragon races.”  Kellie remarked.

So the invitation was written and sent.

Dear Crone

We would love to have you and all of your friends join us on Sunday for our Samhain Celebration.  Please tell Ron we are having a hammer throwing contest, and let Elaine and Jurni know there will be dragon races, and Susan might wish to bring Betty Bat for the Bat races.   There will also be broom races. We hope that all of you are doing well and we look forward to you joining us for the fun. The fun starts at noon, but we hope to see you earlier so we can visit and chat for a bit.


The Witches of Grim County, Rhiannon, Cerriwend, Stacy, Tracy and Kellie


Crone was busy making her Jack O’Lantern when she heard a flapping noise at the window.  Storm looked at her and barked.  “Yes I heard that too Storm, why don’t you and Mem go see what that noise is.” 

Storm and Mem went to the window and looked out and saw a bat staring back at them.  Storm barked and Mem meowed for Crone.  “Ok, hold on, I will be there in a second.”  Crone looked out and saw the bat clutching an envelope.  She open the window and took the envelope.  “Thank you.” She told the bat. 

Crone opened the envelope and read the message.  “Oh we are invited to Grim County for Samhain.  I better call everyone and let them know.” 

Crone got on her Crystal Ball and called all of her friends.  “I just got a messenger bat from the Witches of Grim County and they are inviting us to their Samhain Celebration.  They said there will be broom racing and they wanted Ron to know there will be a Hammer throwing contest.  Sue, they said for you to bring Betty Bat for the messenger bat races, and for Elaine and Jurni to bring their dragons for the dragon races.  Shall we go?”

Everyone began to talk at once.  “Broom trip!”, “Yay, Dragon races”, “I’m in”, “Well darn it, I can’t go I have the grandchildren.”  “I have family visiting.”

So after discussion they decided that Crone, Ron and Tena, Jurni, Susan, Jennifer, Lyn, Sarah, Janice, Luisa, Tracy, Cindy, Elizabeth L, Elizabeth P and Elouise would be going.  The rest were really disappointed they couldn’t go.

“Crone would you like me to send Pegysue with an answer?” asked Elizabeth P.

“Yes please, and thank you!” replied Crone.

So a message was sent via Pegysue to the Witches of Grim County.

To the Witches of Grim County; Rhiannon, Cerriwend, Tracy, Stacy and Kellie

Thank you so much for the invitation, we look forward to seeing you and joining you for the celebration.  We will be arriving via Brooms, a dragon, a Pegasus and a Broom bus. 


Crone, Ron, Tena, Jurni, Sue, Jennifer, Lyn, Sarah, Janice, Luisa, Tracy, Cindy, Elizabeth L, Elizabeth P and Elouise.


Meanwhile, back in Grim County….

“I do hope Crone and her friends are coming, they are such fun folks.” Remarked Tracy.

“I am sure they will”…Stacy started to reply when Bit, Rhiannon’s familiar poked his head around the door and meowed.  “What is it Bit?’ asked Cerri.  Bit meowed some more and turned back and indicated he wanted them to follow him.

Rhiannon went to the door and opened it and saw Pegysue in miniature form holding an envelope in her mouth, which she dropped in Rhiannon’s hand and then turned and flew off.

Rhiannon opened the message and read it.  “Wonderful!  They’re coming!”


Samhain morning Grim County was busy.  The Celebration had begun the night before with the Lighting of the Way and bonfires being lit. The finishing touches were being put into motion.  Cerri looked up and said “Incoming visitors.”, As a broom bus, a Pegasus, a dragon and several brooms came in for a landing.  Rhi, Cerri, Kellie, Stacy and Tracy hurried over to greet their friends.

Elizabeth P was dismounting from Pegysue and was dressed as the Goddess Athena.  Jurni who had flown in on Kam her dragon was dressed as Daenerys Targaryen, Tracy who had flown on her own broom was dressed as Galadriel, Lyn also had flown on her own and was dressed as a witch in a black velvet dress with a fur trimmed red cloak, and Janice who had also flown solo was dressed as a Gypsy.  On the Broom bus were Crone, dressed as Morgan LaFey, Ron in his Scottish highlander garb complete with Kilt, Tena as Mary Sanderson from Hocus Pocus, Luisa as Winifred Sanderson and Elouise dressed in a green Medieval Lady costume.  Jennifer was dressed as an Edwardian Lady, Cindy was an Amazon Warrior, Sarah was a black cat, Sue was Batgirl, and Elizabeth L was dressed as a Countess from the Gilded Age.       

“We are so glad you made it” said Rhiannon.  Everyone began to hug each other and exchange chatter.

“Now Sue, I hope you brought Betty Bat so she can join in the messenger bat race, and Ron, I SEE your hammer, so I know you’ll be joining the Hammer Throwing Contest.” Remarked Stacy.

Ron grinned and shifted his hammer back and forth between his hands.  “I am as ready as I ever will be, and I am thinking I have a good shot at winning.”

Tena sighed.  “Him and his hammer.  And nothing must do but I had to fix that damn kilt once more instead of him buying another one.”

“It’s my lucky kilt!”

Sue smiled.  “Betty is ready to race and socialize and make new friends.  She hasn’t had an adventure since the PD wars.”

“Jurni is Kam excited about the Dragon races?  He is such a beauty.”asked Tracy.

Jurni smiled as Kam preened at the compliment.  “He is very excited.  He was disappointed because Elaine and Shield couldn’t make it.  But hopefully he will be able to make some new friends today.”

“There are all kinds of foods and treats.   We have hot buttered Cider, Cotton Candy, Candy Apples, homemade bread with Apple butter, and so on.” Rhiannon smiled at Elouise.  “We even have some soups such as Pumpkin and Squash I think you will like.”

Cerri smiled at everyone.  “Let’s get everyone signed up for the broom and other races.  Then we’ll take you around to the different booths and tell you about some of the things we will be doing before we have the party.”

Elizabeth P smiled.  “Well Elizabeth L and I decided we are going to act like teenagers today and stuff ourselves on Candy Apples and Cotton Candy and whatever else we can find.” And Elizabeth L high-fived Elizabeth P. 

Crone and her friends were wandering around trying out the different foods and treats when suddenly they heard a snobby voice behind them say “OH look at this rag tag bunch of wannabe’s.  Really they just allow anyone to come to the celebration nowadays.”  The friends all looked at each other and said at the same time “Angela!”  They turned around and looked at her and her companion.  Angela sneered “What ARE you all supposed to be?”  Elizabeth L with a look of disdain at Angela replied “Do you need glasses?  Anyone with a brain can see I am a Countess from the Gilded Age, and we have a Scottish highlander, Galadriel, Athena, Morgan LaFey, an Edwardian Lady, a Gypsy, Batgirl, a black cat, Daenerys, a Witch, an Amazon, a medieval lady, and Mary and Winifred Sanderson from Hocus Pocus.  I would get my eyes checked and perhaps a brain scan if I were you.”

“Really!” Angela sniffed.  “I see a bunch of rag tags trying to be somebody.”

“We don’t have to pretend to be anything but ourselves.  Take yourself off Angela we don’t need you to ruin our day.” Said Lyn through clenched teeth.

“Yes, go away” and Elouise waved Angela away.

“You people are so full of yourselves, and you’ve probably never done anything but pretend to be something.”  Angela said snottily. 

Jennifer spoke up.  “We aren’t full of ourselves; obviously you are confusing us with yourself.”

Cindy chimed in.  “We really haven’t done anything but fight Trolls, goblins….”

Tena broke in “Ghouls, Vamps and Zombies.”

Tracy asked “So what have you done or fought Angela, hmmm?”

Angela sniffed and walked away.

The friends all started laughing.  Crone had laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes.  “Great job ladies telling Angela off.”

Sarah said “I thought for a moment Jen was going to whack her with her parasol, or Cindy was going to hit her with her spear over the head.”

“I was going to womp her with my hammer but Tena grabbed my arm.” complained Ron.

The Hammer throwing contest was about to begin and everyone was lining up when Angela shoved her way into line next to Ron.  Ron looked down at the hammer Angela was holding and started to roar with laughter when he saw the small ballpeen hammer she held.  He managed to choke out “You call that a hammer?”  And he doubled over with laughter.  Everyone else in line starting laughing also.  Angela hissed “You all stop laughing right now!” 

And each contestant took their turn throwing their hammers.  Angela drew back her arm and threw and it landed 3 feet away.  Ron began to laugh again and Angela’s face turned red, and she stomped away.  Ron threw his hammer and it flew through the air turning over and over to land 12 feet!  Ron was in the semifinals!

Elouise swallowed the last of her soup and turned to Sue.  “This squash soup is excellent Sue.  You should try it.”

“I will after Betty races.  I am also going to try the Pumpkin; it smelled so nice when Sarah had hers.”  Replied Sue.

“Oh it was delicious.” Agreed Sarah.  “Crone aren’t the broom races next?”

The friends all stood up and headed to the field where the broom races were.

Crone, Janice, Lyn and Tracy were all going to be in the races.  Rhiannon and Cerri walked up to them carrying their own brooms and wished them luck.  “Watch out for Angela, she tries to knock folks off their brooms.”  Cerri told them.  “Just zap her if she tries anything.”

Everyone was hovering on their brooms at the starting line.  Minerva Cook was holding the flag, “On your mark, get set, and GO!”  and she dropped the flag.  The crowd was cheering.  “There goes Crone out in the lead, Tracy and Lyn are right behind her, and Janice is behind them!”  yelled Tena as she jumped up and down.  Pegysue and Kam had been recruited along with some other dragons to be the safety crew, to rescue any flyer that fell off their broom.  And they had their work cut out for them, as Angela was pushing everyone she could off of their brooms!  “Behind you Crone, Janice, Lyn and Tracy!!  Watch out! “screamed Ron as Angela closed in on them.  Crone zipped straight up, and Lyn and Tracy zigged and zagged, but Janice decided she was staying put.  Angela reached over and shoved Janice not once, but twice.  Janice lost her seat for a moment but managed to hang on with her hands.  Kam, who had been talking to a female dragon earlier whose name was Tamaris, gave a worried glance her way.  She flew closer to Janice and gave a little cough next to Angela’s broom.  Suddenly Angela’s broom was on fire and she was screaming as the smoke poured off of the bristles.  Tamaris caught Angela as she dropped.  Meanwhile the crowd was screaming, Crone, Lyn and Tracy had flown back to try and help Janice, who was hanging on to the broom by her hands with the rest of her body dangling below.  “Hang on Janice!” Yelled Crone.   Janice yelled back “I am going to cross that finish line, it’s just ahead, go ahead girls!”  Crone, Lyn and Tracey gave each other worried glances.  They ended up with Crone flying behind Janice and Lyn and Tracy on either side escorting Janice as the winner of the race across the finish line as the crowd screamed and cheered.

Ron gave Janice a hug.  “That was some scary shit girl.  Glad you won.”

“It was scary, but I’ve got some damn good friends, they could have won, but decided to help me win instead.”  And Janice hugged Crone, Tracy and Lyn.

Tena glanced at her watch.  “Well Sue time for you and Betty Bat to win.”  And the friends took off to the field to watch the Bat messenger races.  The owners of the Bats stood at one end of the field, and at the other end the bats were given a message to hold in their feet.  The starting whistle blew and they were off!

The friends were all cheering Betty Bat on!  “Go Betty Go!!  Fly like the wind!”  Sue was waiting at the other end when Betty placed third. 

“Well we aren’t doing too shabby friends. “remarked Tena

“No we aren’t.” replied Elizabeth L

“Ron took 1st, so did Janice, with Lyn and Tracy tied for second and Crone in 3rd, and Betty in 3rd.” stated Elizabeth P.

“And Jurni and Kam have yet to race. “Said Jennifer.

“And speaking of, it’s that time isn’t it Jurni?” asked Cindy.

And now the friends headed over to watch the Dragon races.  Jurni and Kam were thrilled as this was the very first time they were racing against a bunch of other dragons.  The whistle blew and they were off.

“Go Kam go” yelled the friends.   “Well thank the Goddess that Angela isn’t in this race” said Lyn to Tracy. 

“I know.  Goddess only knows what kind of stunt she would try this time! “Replied Tracy and the friends turned back to the race as Kam and Jurni flew into second place.

Rhiannon and Cerri came over to the friends.  “We hope you are enjoying yourselves.” Said Rhiannon.

“We are indeed.” Answered Crone and her friends.

“Now it’s time for more feasting, the honoring of our loved ones and apple bobbing, both in water and on strings, and pumpkin carving.”  Said Cerri.

The friends had stuffed themselves on food, Elouise and Sarah had both placed in the pumpkin carving contest, and everyone had just finished calling upon and honoring their ancestors and loved ones who had gone on.  One could feel the presence of those so honored who had decided to join the festivities. 

People were in line to bob for apples and Angela had just stepped up to try her luck.  Suddenly something seemed to grab her by the hair of her head and push her head into the tub of water with the apples.  And just as suddenly her head was yanked up and she started to scream and once more her head was shoved into the tub.  This went on a few more times and suddenly it stopped and Angela was screeching and yelling about her makeup being ruined when a disembodied voice was heard.  “Really Sister Eva, one would think with that mouth of hers she could have grabbed an apple or 2.”  To which another voice replied, “Sister Pearl, that girl is all talk and no action, and I must say I enjoyed dunking her!”  A chorus of other voices were then heard.  “she deserved that and more”, “She should be ashamed of the actions she has done today.”

A few moments later everyone heard Angela screeching again.  Everyone turned to look.  Somehow Angela had ballooned up to around 400 pounds.  The friends all looked at each other and started giggling.  All at the same time Sue, Elizabeth P, Elizabeth L , Tracy and Lyn said “I guess my spell worked”!   They all looked at each other.  “The gain weight immediately spell?”  And everyone nodded yes and broke out laughing at the same time.  Then Tena remarked, “I guess my spell worked too. I heard a couple of you doing your spell, so I did the clothes expand and fit spell.  I figured otherwise she would have noticed and ran home when her clothes ripped and fell off.” 

Midnight arrived, Samhain was over and the friends went to say their farewells to Rhiannon, Cerri and their cousins.   As everyone got onto or into their mode of transportation they all waved and yelled Goodbye to the Witches of Grim County.  Soon they were all airborne and one could hear shouts of Happy Samhain to all!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

The worship of sociopaths.

 As you all know I love to study, read and research, and I love to muse and ponder.  The last week or so I've pondered and mused about religion.  And its involved Christianity, Trump Evangelicals, Jewish religion, Islamic religion, Mandeans, Early Egyptian religion, and the Chaldeans. And Sociopaths.   Quite a blend there, huh?  And for the record, the Mandeans are still around, they are a very small group and were known for many centuries as St. John the Baptist Christians.

Now we know that the Jewish religion gave birth to first the Christian religion (which then splintered into various forms which ended up with Pauline Christianity becoming dominant which led to the Roman Catholic Religion and the various Orthodox Catholic religions.  The Roman Catholic religion which led to the Protestant religion, which has splintered into various groups and even  creations such as the Mormons.)  Of course there was various splintering of the Jewish religion into various sects and the Islamic religion did the same.    

Now I could write a number of books on this subject, but I will try and condense it down and make it easy to understand.  After musing, pondering and going through my memory files (that's what I call all the stuff I remember from reading and research; I liken the brain and memory to computer files), I came to a number of conclusions based on the following facts and/or available knowledge.

The Mandeans have long claimed that they were what the Jewish religion originally was.  They claim they were persecuted for their religious beliefs in Jerusalem and eventually left the area and immigrated to the southern Mesopotamia area such as Iran and Iraq( around 1 C.E.)  They also believe that first Abraham and then Moses perverted the original Jewish religion.  St. John the Baptist they claim was a Mandean.

Abraham originally Abram was from Ur of the Chaldees.  Ur was a Sumerian City.    Just like with the Egyptians, it was common among the Sumerians of the upper classes to marry a half sibling or sibling.  Abram's wife Sarai (later renamed Sarah, by God.)  was his half sister.  Abram we are told, was informed by God that he would be the father of nations and renamed him Abraham. 

Moses was an Israelite who was born during the Egyptian Captivity.  His mother hid him in a little waterproof cradle in the river because the story goes, the Egyptian pharaoh had ordered all newborn Israelite boys killed.  He was found in the reeds by Pharaoh's daughter who then adopted and raised him.  When grown he killed a slave master who was beating an Israelite slave, and he fled across the Red Sea where he ended up meeting an Angel of God who told him to go back to Egypt and free his people.  After various and assorted plagues, and other excitement,  Moses supposedly led his people out of Egypt and then due to the moaning, groaning and fickleness of said people, in the Wilderness for 40 years.

Now we know that many cultures including the Sumerians and Egyptians,  rulers claimed they were a god.  So after much pondering and musing I came to the conclusion that Jehovah aka Yahweh was nothing more than an ancient Sociopath or perhaps Psychopath (as you know I believe that your Sociopath/Narcissist/Psychopath are the same, and only differ in the way they present themselves.)who seized power, claimed to be a deity and rewrote the Jewish religion.  We know that the Jewish religion is a Bronze age religion.  And I will tell you something else, the Middle Eastern people are all pretty much related genetically.  DNA studies have proved this.  Be it, Jew or Muslim, Arab or Palestinian and so on, they all have pretty much the same DNA, showing they have common genetic ancestors.  I believe that this Jehovah grabbed power, claimed to be a God and forever changed the Jewish religion.  

Some of you may be gasping in horror at what I have concluded.  God not a God!!!!  And you are clutching your pearls.  But let's face it, if Jehovah was an actual God, he would have known everything and not been wrong about scientific facts such as the Earth is round (actually more of an ellipsoid), that the earth revolves around the sun, and that the moon orbits the earth.  I mean seriously, if you are THE GOD who created everything, you would know this.  So, that along with the fact that he was a blood thirsty, revenge seeking deity leads me to believe he was nothing more than a bronze age Trump.  We all saw how Trump and the Republicans and the whacko Evangelical bunch like to rewrite history, and I would bet my jewelry box that is exactly what happened back then.  I am thinking first Abraham came in and did his "I am God's favorite and gonna be the father of everyone" spiel and the rewrite started.  People fled to other areas and the gullible stayed.  This was later followed by Moses and his spiel. 

Then along came the so called Jesus.  Un huh, yeah.  We know for a fact that Jesus is the Latinized version of the Greek version of the Hebrew and Arabic name which was Yeshua and Y'shua or Joshua.  Clearly it was a common name.  Also common in the early Common Era (C.E. formally A.D.) were Jewish street preachers.  So the question is was there a historical Jesus?  Probably several.  From what can be pieced together from the few historical documents, and very, very early Christian documents we learn that there was a Jesus who had studied under John the Baptist.  That Jesus supposedly had a brother name James who was considered to be the head of the early Christian Church which was a JEWISH sect.  We also know that the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark etc were not written down until the earliest date of 66 A.D. or a bit later.  According to various experts Mark was written down between 66 A.D. and 70 A.D., Matthew and Luke around A.D. 85-90 and John A.D. 90-110.  So the earliest was written some 30 some years after the supposed death of Jesus.

Now let's go to Paul, the creator of modern day Christianity (along of course with Constantine the Great and the Catholic Church).  Paul claimed that he was Jewish and that he was against Christians until he was chasing them out of town and a bright light struck him, blinded him, talked to him and converted him.  Paul, originally named Saul claimed that the Holy Ghost aka the ghost of Jesus taught him everything he preached.  Now keep in mind, Paul never knew Jesus nor did he study under Jesus, he only knew the GHOST of Jesus.  And we know that Paul fought with the original apostles of  Jesus and in fact pushed James the Just (Jesus's brother and the leader of the Jesus Christianity group) down the stairs of the Temple almost killing him.  We are informed this in the Homilies  of Clementine.  Christianity prior to Paul's version was for Jewish folks only, Paul's version was for the Gentiles.  Paul and James battled over Paul's version with Paul claiming that Jesus's ghost  told him so, and the original disciples saying Jesus in the flesh never said this or that.  

James the Just and his band were pretty much wiped out in 62 A.D. when he was killed and the Roman Siege of Jerusalem  happened.  This pretty much left the field clear for Paul to advance his version.  Now other things we know.  Paul fell in love with the head priest's daughter, Poppea.  She had no use for him and spurned him.  Something which didn't go over very well with him.  And she ended up running off to Rome and married a Roman.  Yeah, that didn't set very well either.  This all occurred before  he had his run in with the Ghost of Jesus and invented his brand of religion.  Now we also know that Paul was familiar with all the myths of various and assorted religions.   And it has been postulated that Paul was an epileptic(something that seems to be common among Paul, Mohammed, and Joseph Smith to name a few), and many experts feel that his conversion was nothing more than an epileptic episode.  Or maybe he used that episode to create the basis of his religion.  Throw in some myths of Dionysus, a pinch of Mithra, and bits and pieces of other religions to create his own.  And we've seen modern examples of this so it's certainly not stretching belief to think he may have done the same.  

As for all the miracles attributed to Jesus?  Well come to find out there was a Roman Physician (whose name at the moment escapes me) who was a bit earlier than Jesus who did the same thing traveling throughout the Roman Empire who did all kind of miracles and healing.  With regards to Josephus and his mentioning the crucifixion of Jesus?  Yeah, most modern scholars consider that a forgery added by early Christian fathers.  Other versions of the same work have come to light and no such mention was made.

So now to Trump and his Trump Evangelicals.  Those of us with even just a smidgen  of common sense know that Donald Trump is a sociopath.   And while he was squatting in the White House he even claimed to be the King of Israel and alluded at different times that he was anointed by God to save the US of A from all the evil doers(meaning Democrats and others who believe in fairness and justice and non Evangelicals.) The Evangelical ministers and pastors backed him up and claimed God had sent him to save us all.  The Evangelical bunch actually equate him with their Jesus.  So let me tell you now, if civilization as we know it, had somehow came to an end, or if the Jan 6th insurrection had been successful and our government overthrown, you can bet your ass that the Evangelicals would have claimed Trump was God, or a second Jesus.  You can also bet that HE and the Republicans would have swore he was a GOD and everyone would have been forced to convert and practice a twisted version of Christianity that would be renamed with Trump and his family as Deities.  The Bible would be rewrote to reflect this.  Make no mistake, that is exactly what would have happened.

So my conclusion is that the entire Jewish religion, and it's 2 offspring religions are ALL nothing more then worship of a sociopath, and added to by other sociopaths, who wanted to start their own brand of worship.  

Remember religions evolve also.  Sometimes not in a good way.  And those religions, nations and people who refuse to grow and evolve in a positive way will stagnant and then devolve, eventually going extinct.  

So if you don't believe in GOD or Jesus or Allah or whoever your Abrahamic religion desires you to worship and revere, you aren't going to cast into a pit of horror, or go to hell, or be damned eternally, because these religions are man made institutions meant to control people, they are based on the worship of Sociopaths, and/or created by Sociopaths and enforced by other sociopaths so that power and control can be maintained.



Sunday, June 6, 2021

A love of misery.

 We've all known the type.  They seem to wallow in misery and unhappiness the way a pig wallows in mud.  Life they claim is a misery, and a veil of tears, and believe it or not they cherish that misery.  They count all their hurts and disappointments the way a miser counts their coins.  They lovingly relive their hurts and pain, they hold them to their breast and caress them tenderly.  

There is no helping these folks, nor do they want it.  What they want is for the entire world to tell them that they are the most unlucky person ever, and that they are wonderful, and fantastic, and a saint.  What they want is an unending flow of pity sent their way.  Any help you try and give them?  They will undermine it, or have a reason why your idea won't work.  What they want is your attention to listen and sympathize with them.  They will have an unending litany of objections to any ideas you come up with to try and help them.  Again, let me reiterate, they don't want help, they want a willing ear to listen to their misery, a shoulder to cry on and sympathize with them.  They love being miserable.  

A few years ago, I actually had the chance to see 2 of these types in the same room together.  A friend of mine had a sister-in-law who she was introducing to a neighbor who was of the same nature as the sister-in-law.  My friend thought that perhaps they could help each other overcome their misery.   What happened next was interesting to say the least.  A competition is all I can call it.  A competition to see who had the most reason to miserable.  It went something like this at one point.

SIL- I've been betrayed by those I love.  I don't think anyone really loves me.

Neighbor-Talk about betrayal?  My first husband slept with my sister.  My second husband left me for my supposed best friend.

SIL-Well at least you had a friend.  Anyone that I thought was a friend always turned out to be using me.

And so it went.  These folks will pick out the worst person to marry.  EVEN if they know what they are getting into.  Years ago I worked with one of these types.  She worked with me for 3 years.  She already had 4 ex husbands and supposedly a miscarriage. The supposed miscarriage had happened when married to her first husband and had occurred when she was 17.  She was in her mid 30's when she started working with me.  But 15 years later she was still suffering over it.  It and her string of bad exes were her reasons for her drinking and drug use.  She used it to have affairs with 12 (and no I am not making it up) different married men.  That was not including her various and assorted boyfriends.  She would be dating 4 or 5 different ones at the same time, plus have a boyfriend and the married boyfriend.  And she would break up with this one and that one claiming he beat her.  And that number did not include the flings with her girlfriends boyfriends.  She enjoyed being miserable.  And she sucked alot of folks into her black hole of woe is me and despair.  She always needed someone to assure her she was a fair maiden, and unlucky.  Many a man tried to save fair maiden and ended up sadder and wiser.  She caused misery for many whose only crime was trying to save her from her black hole of despair.  About 10 years ago I ran into her, and she was on hubby number 8, but said she was going to leave him because he was horrible to her, and claimed life was still treating her badly.

These types are always the victim.  And they love being the victim.  They make the same terrible decisions over and over.  And they can cause chaos to well meaning folks who haven't caught on to the fact that they don't want to change their lives, they just want sympathy, a willing ear and a shoulder to cry on.  Be wary of those who seem to enjoy being miserable, they will drag you down also.  

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Crone and Friends visit the Witches of Grim County for Beltane.

 Hope you all enjoy the story.

Crone and her friends were talking on their crystal balls one day when Crone said “Beltane will soon be here, I think we should all go on a broom trip to Grim County for the celebration.  What do you think?"

Everyone begin to talk at once.  "Let's do it!”, "Great idea!”, "Broom Trip!”, "I'm in!"

"Are we taking the Broom Bus Crone?" asked Elizabeth P

"Of course, since Grim County is hard to find, it's easier to take George." replied Crone

"Ok, so you all fly here to my house, and we'll leave from here.  For once we won't take the pets which means I will be doing the flying solo.  So everyone bring your crystals in case we need them!" explained Crone.

"We haven't had a broom trip in a long time. “commented Elizabeth L.

"I know!" complained Ron

"We need some fun!" said Susan

"Oh we are going to have a grand time.  Should I bring some soup for the trip?" asked Elouise

"Oh dear, I hope I don't get lost on the way to your house Crone.  I am use to Shield doing the flying."  Elaine said worrying.

"Me too!  Kam does the flying!"  said Jurni.

"Don't worry folks.  I will get Mem and Storm to help me make a spell that makes a sky path to my house!" replied Crone.

"Oh good!" Jan, Cindy and Lyn all sighed in relief.

"Well I hope that Ron doesn't want to wear his kilt.  He ripped it when we fought the Trumpkin Bunch and I haven't got it mended yet. “commented Tena.

"Will we get to meet Rhiannon and her sisters and cousins?" asked Debra

"Oh I hope so.  I want to meet them also." commented Janice

"Me too!" said Deb, Luisa and Sarah.

"But not that Angela."  commented Darlene.

"I agree" Geri and Tracy all said at the same time.

"She doesn't seem very likable at all." said Jennifer.

"Oh Jennifer, didn't you want a dragon?  If so, Kam's little brother Sage is looking for a human.  If you do, we'll discuss it later. " asked Jurni.

"Yes!  I do.  Wonderful and thank you for thinking of me!" replied Jennifer.

"Ok everyone; let's make our plans to have a good time.  I am in need of some fun."  Susan said.

And so the friends discussed everything and soon the day arrived.

Crone with the help of Mem and Storm had cast a spell that made a golden path in the sky that stretched from her house to the houses of all her friends.  They were the only ones who could see it.  While she waited for her friends to arrive, with the help of Mem and Storm she had converted George the Broom into a Broom bus.  Soon her friends began to arrive and land.  Everyone was hugging and laughing and talking as they waited to board George and take their trip.  "So Shield wanted to go.”, "So did Kam.", "I had to mend Ron's Kilt!  But at least he left the war hammer at home!", “I brought some soup for the trip, in case we need a snack.."  "The trip here from California is fantastic."  And so they chatted and socialized.

“Ok everyone, I believe we are ready to go.” And with that Crone began the spell for the trip.  “Up and away in the air we fly, as quick as can be, and all safely arrive” George began to rise in the air and hover as everyone climbed on.  Soon everyone was on and buckled in.  “As quick as the wind to the festival we go, up and away now we go”.  ZOOM!!!!  And George was speeding through the air.

“Oh good!  See that silver path?  That’s the way to Grim County!” Crone cried excitedly.

“These broom trips never get old and boring.” Commented Lyn

“It is relaxing to sit back and observe everything isn’t it?” said Sarah.

“Soup anyone? “asked Elouise.  “And let’s sing “Flying on a broom.”

Soon everyone was sipping soup and singing such songs as “Flying on a broom”, “Broom rider” and “Stirring the cauldron”.

“ETA in about 5 minutes.  We’re almost there! “Crone informed everyone.

The friends all began to chatter excitedly as George began to slow down and descend.  And they were there.

Everyone looked around.  There were food booths, tents, games and a May Pole.  There was a stage and hurrying towards them were Rhiannon, Cerridwen, Stacy, Tracey and Kellie!

Debra grabbed hold of Jennifer’s arm and exclaimed “Oh my Goddess!  It’s them! We are going to meet them!”  And all the friends hurried forward to meet the Witches of Grim County.

“Hello Crone and all your friends!  We are so glad you could join us for the Beltane Celebration.  I am Rhiannon, this is my sister Cerri, and my cousins Stacy, Tracey and Kellie.”  And Rhiannon pointed to each one as she named them.

The friends were shaking hands with the Witches and chatting excitedly.  “I am so glad to meet you”  “It’s our pleasure to be here.”, “I am so glad we get to meet you.”

“We’re so happy to be here and to meet all of you.  As you know I am Crone, these are my friends” And Crone named and pointed out who was who.  “Debra, Elizabeth P, Elizabeth L, Cindy, Janice, Elouise, Elaine, Jurni, Jennifer, Lyn, Sarah, Ron, Tena, Darlene, Tracy, Geri, Susan, Luisa, Deb and Jan.”

“Well come join the fun.” Said Cerri “We have all kinds of games, and food, a band, dancing, cooking contests, the May Queen contest, and tons of things to do.”

“Ron, there is a hammer throwing event I am sure you will want to join.” Said Tracey.  “And Elouise how would you like to be a judge for the Soup cook-off?”

“I’m your man for hammer throwing! And Ron looked at Tena, “And you made me leave my War Hammer at home!”  At this Tena rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Me?  I am flattered you asked and I certainly will be a judge” And Elouise beamed happily at the group.

“Sue I am told you like bats, would you like to meet our messenger bats?” asked Stacey.

“Indeed I would!” replied Susan.

And so all the friends were included in one way or the other in the day’s festivities.

“Eww, WHO are these people?” the friends turned around to see a blonde sniffing with disdain.

“Angela.” Geri, Darlene, Jennifer, Sarah, Lyn, Debra, Deb, Luisa and Tracey all said at the same time.

“These are friends of ours” replied Rhiannon sharply.  And Rhiannon, Cerri and their cousins gave nasty looks to Angela.

“Ahh yeah.  A bunch of wanna be witches and a wanna be warlock.  And I’ve told you before its Angelique.”  Angela sniffed.

Just as Rhiannon went to rebuke Angela, Tena spoke up.  “Don’t you dare call my husband a warlock you hussy!”

“Shows how much you know Missy Prissy, male witches are called witches not warlocks!” remarked Janice.

“If anyone is a wanna be anything it appears it’s you.” And Jennifer gave Angela a cutting look.

“Go play little girl before you get hurt.  You better watch out before you break a nail!” and Geri snarked out.

Everyone began to laugh at Angela who stuck her nose up in the air and stalked off.

“Sorry about that folks” apologized Rhiannon.

“Not a problem, nor your fault.  I can see why you girls like to throw little hexes at her.  She makes it so easy to try and teach her a lesson.” Replied Geri.

“Isn’t that the truth!” Said Cerri.  “Now let’s have fun.”

The friends were all standing and sitting under a large Sycamore tree.  They had needed to take a break from all the fun.

“I came in third!  If Tena would have let me bring MY hammer I probably woulda won.” complained Ron.

Tena rolled her eyes and turned to Elouise.  “That vegetable soup looked really good, and smelled great”.  Elouise nodded.  “It was good.  I got the recipe for it.  “Aunt Athena’s vegetable soup” is what it’s called.  The lady who made it says it’s been in her family for generations.

“I think it’s a great idea they use the bats to carry messages at night.  We need to figure out how we can do it.” Sue said. 

Jan was admiring the henna artwork on her hands.  “I need to learn how to do this.  It’s so pretty.”  "It is." agreed Lyn, Jurni and Cindy.  Jennifer said “I think there is a class on it down at the Hindu Community Center.  I can find out if there are any teachers in your area, Jan."

“Thanks” said Jan.  “That would be great.”

"Jurni, Jan and I were admiring the dragon sculptures.  They are so realistic looking.” Commented Elaine.

Elizabeth P turned to Crone and said “I’ve eaten entirely too much festival food.  But I don’t feel guilty; Elizabeth L was sampling a good bit also.”  Elizabeth L laughed. “I haven’t had so much fun in 30 years.  I feel like a teenage again.”  Crone lowered her eyes.  “Well I certainly had my share of cotton candy, candy apples and…

Deb broke in “and funnel cakes and popcorn and ice cream.

The friends all giggled for they had all been sampling the various festival foods and playing games.

Cindy said “I wonder what this pageant is like?”

Sarah replied “Rhiannon told me they pick the woman who has done the most for the community during the year.”

“OH that sounds wonderful” exclaimed Tracy “Better than looks and dancing”

“After the pageant, they light the bonfire Kelli told me.” said Lyn

“And after that I guess we will be leaving, right Crone?” asked Jurni.

“Yes, after we dance through the bonfire we’ll have to leave.  But I hope everyone has enjoyed this broom trip.  I know I have.” Replied Crone.

Everyone assured Crone and each other that they had had a wonderful time.  Janice spoke up “Well off we go to watch the pageant.  It starts in 5 minutes” 

The friends found a spot near the stage just as an elderly woman on the stage began to speak.  “Welcome everyone.  As most of you know I am Iris Morris. It is my pleasure to announce this year’s finalists for May Queen.  Our 4 finalists are Amber Cook, (A young woman in her late teens stepped up on the stage), Morgan Morris, (A woman in her late forties stepped up on the stage), Hecate Grim (an elderly woman of indeterminate age came on the stage) and Violet Adams (a woman in her 20’s or early 30’s came on the stage).  As you know,,”    At this an angry scream was heard in the front row.  “Again I don’t get picked!!!  What is wrong with you people!  I am the beautiful one!!  Why wasn’t I picked!!!”  Everyone looked to where the commotion was coming from and it was Angela.  Her face was red as she screamed and stomped her feet in anger.

“Don’t you make me come down there Angela Grim!  Doreen you need to calm your daughter down right now before I zip her mouth and she won’t be able to talk for a month.  Angela you do not want to push me!” Iris said from the stage.  At this a woman who looked like she was a cross between Dolly Parton and Tammy Faye Baker hurried to Angela’s side and pulled her away.  “Angela you have been told this is not a beauty contest!  It’s based on community service.  If I have to tell you again, you are NOT going to like the results!  Bleached hair and designer clothes do NOT a May Queen make!  Well everyone we’ve had the annual Angela Grim meltdown.  Now let’s proceed.”  Violet turned to the contestants.  “Ladies the entire community appreciates the contributions you’ve made to our community.  For your work with the children teaching them the history of Grim County, and the properties of herbs, teaching a class of advanced spell casting, organizing tree plantings, organizing various community projects and helping mother earth to heal from pollution, this year’s May Queen is Hecate Grim!”  Everyone applauded and cheered. 

“We will be lighting the bonfires and forming the lines to dance between them in 15 minutes.  I will see everyone there.”

The friends met up with Rhiannon, Cerri, Tracey and Stacy and Kellie at the Bonfires.  At the head of the lines were the May Queen and the runner ups. 

“We will be leaving after we dance through the smoke, but we just want to tell you we’ve had a wonderful time.” Crone told Rhiannon.  All the friends chimed in exclaiming over the fun they had.

“The smoke will cleanse you of all bodily ills and all negative energy and give you wonderful luck.  We are so glad that you joined us and hope you’ll come back next year.”  Replied Rhiannon. 

The lines began to move and the friends all held on to each other’s hands as they danced through the clear space between the bonfires.  The smoke wafted over them healing, cleansing and energizing them.  As they headed towards George they all hugged Rhiannon and her sister and cousins and said their goodbyes.  “Up George, it’s time to go home” spoke Crone.  George floated up and hovered while everyone climbed on.  Soon everyone was seated and buckled in.  “Home we fly George at the speed up light, follow the gold path light.”  And with a zip and a zoom George was up and flying.  The friends all waved and shouted goodbyes at the Witches of Grim County.  “Now that my friends was a wonderful broom trip.” Sighed Elaine as George followed the golden path home to Crone’s house.  “Another wonderful adventure Crone” said Elizabeth L.  And the friends all agreed. 

The End (until the next adventure!)

Monday, April 5, 2021

Malevolent and Malicious Magic

 As you've seen me say a million times, I am not a Wiccan, I consider myself a Traditional Witch.  Meaning I am not an adherent to to the Gardnerian paths.  I understand what Gardner was trying to do when he created Wicca; he was trying to expand the information with what he felt were similar pieces of the puzzle of the craft that had been lost over the centuries, by combining with other paths.  

So much information had been lost and much erroneous information had been spread over the years that a basic understanding of the craft had been corrupted by bias of the various Christian Churches and their clergy and Witch hunters.  Add to that the creation of Satanism by disgruntled Catholics (yes, that is who created Satanism, not the pagan community) and you have a flood of misinformation and beliefs.

With the advent of Wicca, and various cultures changes, the world became more open to the various pagan paths.  This was both a good thing and a bad thing.  Information became more easily found, but it also left it easy for wrong information to abound.  You had wanna be's arriving on the scene and add to the chaos.

Nowadays there are so many various paths available for folks to study, that paths have splintered and grown and some have become twisted, and not in a good way.

Recently I read a book that was filled with malicious and malevolent magic, and advice.  Now, I am no saint, and firmly believe that sometimes you have to pull out the big guns and use a bit of darker magic.  By that I mean sometimes you gotta throw a few hexes out there to check evil doers.  BUT and this is the key word here, EVIL.  Evil exists, make no mistake about that.  I define Evil as that which desires to destroy beauty, goodness and love for no reason other than it abhors it.  Evil delights in destruction and spreading harm.  And also realize that Evil sometimes is dressed up in a glittery, pretty, appealing package.  

Now let's say you dislike someone because others like them, so you get up one morning and decide you are going to hex someone because you are tired of their bubbly nature, that is malicious magic.  You don't do it.  Oh sure you may get away with doing malevolent and malicious magic in this lifetime, but I promise you, you will pay for it in the next.  Hexing or cursing someone because you don't like them is wrong, and you are not justified in doing so.  Hexing someone who is running around spreading lies, and deliberately harming others is justified.  Again to paraphrase Sibyl Leek, to allow evil to exist and go unchecked harms everyone and everything.  

The book I had picked up was filled with malicious and malevolent magic.  If you didn't like someone go ahead and hex them, steal their luck, steal their health, attack them through psychic means and so on.  It was a horrible book in my opinion.  And it contributes to the nasty and bad reputation that the rest of the responsible Witches have to deal with.

I won't even do hexes and curses for others, because you don't know if the person who is asking you to hex or curse someone else is justified.  And if they aren't, there will be blowback.  I have heard others claim that there isn't blowback for the caster, because they are just offering a service.  I disagree with that.  If you don't know the situation first hand, and just start slinging spells you are going into the situation blindly.  Meaning you may be causing harm to someone who doesn't deserve it.  If that is the case you will end up owing a debt to that person.

So be careful what you do.  Remember there is malevolent and malicious magic and then there is justified magic.  Which side will you be on? 

Friday, March 5, 2021

Dealing with Anxiety and Panic Attacks naturally.

 This Pandemic is causing anxiety and panic attacks in thousands of folks.  Believe me I have suffered from them myself and many folks I know have also.  They are horrible, talk about torture!  So if you aren't into pharmaceuticals, what can you do?

Relaxing baths with Epsom Salts and lavender oil.  Fill that tub up, add a couple of handfuls of Epsom Salts and soak.  

Take a good multi vitamin and a B vitamin Complex.  Take a Magnesium supplement.   At bedtime take a Valerian capsule.  You can also add a Flaxseed capsule or Hempseed oil supplement, or both.  L-Theanine is an amino acid that comes in supplement form it also helps.

Drink a cup of Chamomile tea.  Bigelow makes several types of chamomile tea.  A cup while you are soaking in that tub will help.

Add some crystal bead stretch bracelets.  Or carry the stone or crystal in your pocket or wear as a pendent.   Turquoise, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Fluorite, Smokey Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Fire Agate, Amber, Obsidian, Blue Howlite and Shungite all will help with anxiety and panic.

Light a light blue candle, dab with lavender oil  and ask deity or the universe to take away your panic and anxiety.

We will all get through this, we just have to pamper ourselves a bit.  Stay calm, and stay strong.  

Friday, February 19, 2021

Make sure you get your Covid-19 vaccination.

 Have you gotten your Covid-19 vaccination yet?  I surely hope that you plan on getting one when it becomes available in your area.  I see a ton of misinformation and being pushed around by many such as a few I will cover.

1-NO it won't give you alien DNA.  Seriously folks?  If someone believes this they need to go see a therapist.  

2-It's the mark of the Devil.  That belief is your right wing religious nuts.  Trust me, there is no SATAN or Devil that is rubbing his hands waiting for you.  There are though many evil people out there, and I have found that they are usually so called religious folks.  Evil folks really are Sociopaths/Psychopaths/Narcissists and other assorted Cluster B folks who get off on drama, lies and harming other beings.

3-It's putting a chip in you.-No there is no chip being put in you.  Hell's Bell's people, all they have to do is check your cell phones if they want to find you.  Good grief, millions of folks have their cell phone glued to their bodies 24/7, why the hell would they need a chip?

4-Covid 19 isn't real. A favorite lie pushed by the right wing nuts.  Covid is very real.  I know many people who have had it, and many who have died from it.  If you believe this, I suggest you stop reading fake online news and stop listening to Breitbart, Alex Jones, Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, and all the rest of the right wing propaganda nonsense.  

5-It's just the flu. Another favorite lie pushed by the right wing.  It is way worse than the flu.  That is why people are dying from it.  And no, the numbers aren't being faked.  That is another right wing lie.  Seriously people, if ya'll believe this kind of junk, you really need to educate yourself and stop listening to and reading right wing propaganda.

6-Vaccines cause autism.  No they don't, many things cause autism including people with poor genes popping out kids like bunny rabbits.  Don't even get me started on that.

One thing this pandemic has done is shown  a-how many uneducated folks there are, b-how many unintelligent and uneducated people there are, and c-how many mentally ill people there are.

I hear I am crazy because I say I am a Witch, believe in the Goddess and believe in spells,  Eyeroll, I got nothing on these folks with their Q stupidity and conspiracy nonsense.  

So go get your damn vaccination so we can defeat this pandemic!!