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Friday, June 21, 2019

Religious Coercion

That's right,coercion. When someone harasses, forces or uses violence or threats to convert others to their religion this is coercion.  And history is filled with instances of this.  In the Christian religion, Constantine the Great can be held responsible for this gaining popularity and for becoming the mainstay of Christianity to gain converts.

As I have told you before the original followers of Jesus did not act like the Christians of what was to become and currently is Christianity.  That was created by Paul, and further expanded on by Constantine the Great and the resulting early Catholic Church and when that split, by the Roman Catholic Branches and later the Protestant sects.

The original followers of Jesus did not believe he was divine or the son of God.   To them he was an enlightened Rabbi who was trying to return them to the original tenets of the Jewish faith, meaning before it was tainted by Chaldean or Babylonian beliefs under Abraham, and later tainted by Egyptian Patriarchal beliefs under Moses. The original followers understood that it was a Jewish religion, and was to focus on a more equitable social structure and humane beliefs.  Then along came Paul who in his grandiose scheme of things and a desire to appear special and powerful and a way to get back at Popea and also at the Jewish religion whom he felt had spurned him, claimed to have been picked by the spirit of Jesus.  This led to tensions and quarrels between the original followers and Paul. And so it began, the battle for Christianity.  By the time Constantine came into the picture, there were a variety of sects of Christianity.  And like any good Sociopath, Constantine seized upon this to further consolidate his power.  At the first Council of Nicea, Constantine picked out certain Bishops to help him with his plans.  And the result was those who did not believe what was decided were to be forced into believing what was decided there.  It was at this Council that it was decided that Jesus was divine, born of a Virgin, the son of God, and was sacrificed on the cross to redeem human kind.  NONE of this was in the original belief system of the original followers of Christ.  Those who preached otherwise, were given the choice to either adhere to the new teachings or die. It was that simple. 

And as time moved forward the same tactics were used when new rulers or Popes came to power.  Heresy and Heretics were labeled on thousands and used to justify the murder of many.  When the schism in the Catholic Church occurred this scene was replayed.  Over and over and over.  It was used to justify the Holy Wars with the Muslims, the outright massacre of entire villages such as those who adhered to Catharism.  It was replayed during the Spanish Inquisitions when not only those of the Islamic and Jewish religions were attacked and killed, but also those of the Protestant Sects.  But make no mistake, the Protestant Branches were doing the same thing. Pagans, Witches, Jews and Muslims were fair game to both Churches.  And depending upon what country you lived in, you could be killed for being Catholic or Protestant.

When the United States began to be settled, first by the Pilgrims, and then came a flood of Puritans who are the base of the religious problems in the United States in current times.  The Puritans fought with the Pilgrims and the Quakers, the Native Americans, and the few Catholics that had arrived.  The Salem Witch Trials were the Puritans.  The Puritans screamed of heresy, heretics and Witchcraft.  And they used coercion to induce others to switch to their religion.

And it still goes on today worldwide.  Terrifying others with threats of eternal damnation, and actual force in some cases, these religions gain converts.  Convert or die is their slogan.  They gain positions of power in the governments and slowly force their views and visions into law. They are extremists and fanatics who care nothing for the rights of others.  They discourage education and learning, because they know that those who are exposed to both eventually realize they are being controlled by hateful Sociopaths and other Cluster B's.  Many besides being Cluster B's also suffer from various other mental illnesses. 

So if a religion, tells you that they and only they are favored by a particular version of deity and all others will suffer pain and go to a bad place, run. I don't care if it's Christian, Jewish, Islamic, or any other religion, including New Age ones or Pagan ones, run.  Any religion or spiritual path that encourages you to help others, seek knowledge, and helps you understand that taking care of the planet and it's lifeforms, and encourages you to love yourself and others, and helps you to understand that there is NO ONE just right way is to be embraced. Choose wisely, the health of your soul depends upon it.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Psychic attack, hexing and cursing.

Oh what a subject to discuss, but we shall give it a go and see if we can answer some of your questions.  Now mind you, these are my interpretations of the above and different Witches have different definitions. And they can share similar symptoms, for lack of a better word.

Psychic Attacks can either be a deliberate act, or an unconscious act.  When I say unconscious I mean that the jealousness and ill wishes of someone else can if the emotions are strong enough, or if the person who holds them has a degree of power.  Now these attacks can also be caused by an unsavory entity that you may have ran across, either knowingly or unknowingly. Psychic attacks for the most part hit on the mental level, but there can also be physical symptoms.  You can feel lackadaisical, low energy, fatigue, unwell with no specific illness, or have headaches.  Mentally you may feel your confidence drain, have strange thoughts and ideas go through your head, have nightmares and night terrors or feel that are losing your mind, or even feel suicidal.   So think mind games here.

Hexing is a deliberate act to cause harm or suffering to someone.  Things start to fall apart in your life.  Friendships and relationships are strained or broken, employment problems, financial issues crop up, things get lost or stolen, appliances, autos and electronics have problems or break down.  Illness of self, pets, or loved ones occur.  A perpetual cloud of bad luck and depression seems to hover around you.

Cursing is also a deliberate act to cause harm or suffering to someone.  Objects can be cursed, so can locations or land or even families.  Curses are meant to cause long term harm, and they will often result in death of the person or in the death of a loved one including animals. Severe financial losses occur, houses catch on fire, horrible accidents happen.  A curse is meant to destroy the person so that they either die, kill themselves or wish they were dead.  I have known 2 families that seem to have been cursed.  The first one people would commit suicide out of the blue, others would die in automobile accidents.  There were fires that destroyed property and harmed people.  Finally with the last person of the generation that died the curse seemed to end.  The second family people died in fires, committed suicide, lost children in tragic accidents, people would die horribly out of the blue by hemorrhage or other tragic ways and not be found for days, or die in horrible accidents in front of their loved ones.  Everyone eventually dies, but when tragedy seems to fill the atmosphere over and over, there might be something going on.

Yes there are ways to remove hexes and curses, and stop psychic attacks. You can do spells, cleansing baths, and even cleanse an object.  You can do banishing spells on land or locations.  And no you don't have to know who your attacker is to break the spell/curse/hex or psychic attack.  And I assure you that eventually your attacker will have karma bite them in the butt, and no doubt when they lest expect it.  If someone does not have a valid reason for what they are doing, the Universe will balance things out.  The Goddess doesn't like mean and nasty.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Cooking With The Garden Crone, available now!

And it is done!  The print copy that is.  I will get to the ebook of it soon.  It has been raining here and my fibro decided to kick in and my hands are still stiff and sore, so the ebook can wait a few days.  But meanwhile, the print book is ready!

Come meet some of the people that were in my childhood world, and read some of my adventures in cooking!  Try out Great Great Aunt Sarah's blackberry cake, or Great Grandma Cassie's Molasses cookies.  150 recipes including puppy treats and kitty treats.  I also included some pictures of family members whose recipes were used in the book. 

I am hoping you will enjoy the stories, the pictures and the recipes.  Here is the link  Cooking with the Garden Crone.

Well, I am off for a much deserved hot bath and some chamomile tea.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

The rule of Three and what does it really mean.

The rule of three, "Ever remember the rule of three, what you send out comes back to thee.", is a belief held by some Wiccan groups.  Not all Wiccans subscribe to this saying which was founded on the concept from a novel by Gerald Gardner who created the Wiccan Path and interpreted from Wiccan rituals and concepts by Monique Wilson and others, and further pushed by certain Wiccan Practitioners such as Raymond Buckland and other early practitioners.  Many people who are new to the various pagan paths and New Age religions mistakenly belief that this is a universal concept and go around chanting this right and left.

Not all Wiccans subscribe to this idea, and most certainly lots of non Wiccan Witches don't.  One must remember that Gardner created the Wiccan Path in the 1930's.  He combined elements from old pagan and traditional witchcraft and folk magic, along with Ceremonial Magick and ideas from paths from the eastern religions and from early writings done by those such as Margaret Murray.  And you must also remember that many early practitioners of Wicca were trying to appear non threatening to the Christian religion which had a long history of punishing witches who in their opinion were tools of Satan.

So to those who subscribe to this belief to them it can mean various things.  That the ideas and energy and mindset you have, cause you to receive in return what happens to you.  Now to a degree, there is some truth to this.  Meaning if you think life is depressing and horrible, you will only notice the bad things going on in life, or just the opposite, if you are a person who has never been poor, or sick, and had all your needs and wishes met, you will tend to believe that terrible things that happen to others are an exaggeration.  BUT what it does not mean is that just because you are feeling depressed, or angry at someone that you are going to draw all types of bad and horrible things to you.  THAT my friend is one of those Christian beliefs that gets banged around by the Evangelical groups who like to think that God gets even with those who hold naughty ideas.

Another way it is often interpreted as is if you do a hex, curse or jinx, you will get it back in spades.  And that to even think of doing a binding spell or a retribution spell is going to cause instant Karma to bite you  in the ass.  Again this is wrong.  IF you decide to go around wrecking havoc and causing harm to others just because you can, because you think it is fun, or you don't like someone and want them to suffer then by all means you can certainly expect to get either in this life, or another incarnation, your magical fingers slapped or have something nasty happen to you.  BUT if you are justified because you see an injustice that needs to be addressed or stop someone from harming you or others, let me assure you that nothing is going to happen to you.  And we know this from reading the folk stories of various cultures including the Celtic paths.  Remember to allow evil to exist and go unchecked harms everyone.  Again, this mistaken interpretation can be traced back to the Christian religions and their desire to punish.

We can also see those who interpret it to mean that if you send out loving energy you will get it back, and if you send out hateful energy you will get the same.  Meaning that if you are rich, and are popular it is because you are a good person.  If bad things happen to you it is your own fault.  Hogwash!  Again this can be tied to the faulty reasoning of some Christian groups.  How many times I have known flat out nasty people who go around doing nasty things to others and they have plenty of the good things in life.  Just as I know lots of good people who have lots of bad things happen to them. Is it Karma catching up from a previous life?  Maybe it's having jealous people who want to cause you problems, or perhaps there is a lesson in there that the person needs to learn, or it could just be a case of bad decisions made or just something that happened for no rhyme or reason.  But what it doesn't mean is that you are automatically a good or bad person.

I have seen over the years many people who just parrot sayings and so called laws having absolutely no idea what they mean.  I see wanna be Witch/Pagan/Wiccan/New Agers all the time spreading erroneous information.  They read a book or three, get their friends together and soon they pass themselves off as an expert.  Believe me I have been a witch for over 50 some years and I don't consider myself an expert, I learn new things all the time.  So remember not every pagan/witch/wiccan believe the same things, nor should they have too.  Yes there are basic tenets that all seem to subscribe too, but there are no automatic, worldwide Rules or Laws that everyone adheres to.  And remember if it doesn't sound right to you, you don't have to believe it.

Basically it should be interpreted to mean that your go to interaction with others should be with respect and kindness.  That you never deliberately and maliciously harm someone because you are jealous or to get ahead, or because you just don't like them.  That if you have a justifiable reason to bind someone, or do a retribution spell, or even have to hex or curse them, that you won't be punished.